Warm vs Cool Mist Humidifiers: Difference and Comparison

Warm and Cool Mist humidifiers are used to relieve people suffering from allergies or asthma. Consequently, humidifiers can ease symptoms associated with dry skin, allergies, and asthma.

A stuffy nose by increasing the moisture content in the air. Even though both warm and cool mist humidifiers serve the same purpose, they differ significantly in many ways. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Warm mist humidifiers use a heating element to create steam, while cool mist humidifiers use a fan or ultrasonic vibrations to create mist.
  2. Warm mist humidifiers relieve cold and flu symptoms, while cool mist humidifiers are better for allergies and asthma.
  3. Warm mist humidifiers require more maintenance and cleaning, as the heating element can build up mineral deposits, while cool mist humidifiers can grow mold and bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

Warm vs Cool Mist Humidifiers 

Warm mist humidifiers are humidifiers used to relieve people suffering from allergies. Warm mist humidifiers also relieve cold and flu symptoms. Cool mist humidifiers are humidifiers that use a fan or ultrasonic vibrations to create mist. They are better for allergies and asthma.

Warm vs Cool Mist Humidifiers

A warm mist humidifier is used to alleviate allergies, asthma, or sinuses. A heating element inside them boils water before it is dispersed into the environment as an invisible mist.

Compared to cool mist humidifiers, they are costly. And the proper cleaning of these warm mist humidifiers is notably difficult.  

A cool-mist humidifier is also a type of humidifier used to alleviate allergies or asthma and sinuses. They absorb water through an internal wick filter, while air is blown through the filter by a fan.

As a result, a fine, invisible mist spreads throughout one’s room. Compared to warm mist humidifiers, they are cheaper, and the proper cleaning of these cool mist humidifiers is also easier. 

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Comparison Table

  Parameters of Comparison   Warm Mist Humidifiers  Cool Mist Humidifiers
 Cost   Comparatively costlier because of the energy required by the heating element.   Comparatively cheaper. 
 Cleaning  Remarkably difficult.  Somewhat easier. 
 Noise made  Operates silently. Operates making noise. 
 Energy used  An excessive amount of energy is required by the heating element.  The energy requirement is comparatively less than warm mist humidifiers. 
 Hazards  It is quite risky around children as it causes scalding.   Impellers and ultrasonic humidifiers diffuse suspended materials in water, such as microorganisms and minerals, into the air.  
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What are Warm Mist Humidifiers? 

A warm mist humidifier is a type of humidifier used to alleviate allergies, asthma, or sinuses. They humidify the air by heating water to produce steam.

However, unlike cool mist humidifiers, the water and minerals are not diffused along with the steam. Maintaining a water mist humidifier is nonetheless remarkably difficult.  

Someone who can breathe well in saunas would significantly profit from a warm mist humidifier. They are comparatively costlier than cool mist humidifiers because of the amount of energy.

Cconsumed by the heating element, however, they are not safe around children as they can cause scalding. They operate silently without making much noise.  

Cleaning a warm mist humidifier is notably difficult because of the mineral deposits from hard water. However, warm water is conducive to the growth of bacteria, so they need to be cleaned frequently.

Therefore, distilled or demineralized water has to be used in these humidifiers. The area around the warm mist humidifier also has to be kept dry. 

warm mist humidifiers

What are Cool Mist Humidifiers? 

A cool-mist humidifier is also a type of humidifier used to alleviate allergies or asthma and sinuses. They emit tiny droplets of water into the air.

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They absorb water through an internal wick filter, while air is blown through the filter by a fan. As a result, a fine, invisible mist spreads throughout one’s room.

Compared to warm mist humidifiers, they are easier to clean and maintain. In a cool-mist humidifier, impellers and ultrasonic humidifiers diffuse suspended materials in water, such as microorganisms.

Someone who has trouble breathing in a sauna would significantly profit from a cool-mist humidifier. These humidifiers are comparatively cheaper than warm mist humidifiers.

Because of the lower requirement of energy, additionally, with no hot water or heating element, there is no risk of injury for children.

Cool mist humidifiers operate, making a lot of noise because the fan is designed to dissipate the mist into the room. They also emit dust and microorganisms into the air.

That can supposedly worsen asthma or allergy. Therefore, distilled or purified water should be used to eliminate this risk.  

cool mist humidifiers

Main Differences Between Warm and Cool Mist Humidifiers 

  1. Warm mist humidifiers are comparatively costlier than cool mist humidifiers because of the amount of energy consumed by the heating element.
  2. Cool mist humidifiers are comparatively less pricey than warm mist humidifiers because of the lower requirement of energy. 
  3. Warm mist humidifiers consume excessive energy because of the heating element, whereas, Cool mist humidifiers require less energy than warm mist humidifiers. 
  4. Cleaning a warm mist humidifier is remarkably difficult because of the mineral deposits from hard water, whereas, Cool mist humidifiers are easier to clean and maintain. 
  5. Someone who can breathe well in saunas would significantly profit from a warm mist humidifier. On the other hand, someone who has trouble breathing in a sauna would significantly profit from a cool-mist humidifier.
  6. Warm mist humidifiers are not safe around children as they can cause scalding. On the other hand, cool mist humidifiers do not use hot water or heating elements, so they are harmless around children. 
Difference Between Warm and Cool Mist Humidifiers


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1600-0668.1995.t01-1-00003.x 
  2. https://www.proquest.com/openview/1baf232f341b54a22329b6de9a9b71f7/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y 
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.