Wattpad vs Pocketbook: Difference and Comparison

Books are one of the greatest creations of mankind and work as food for your brain. Whether they be fiction or nonfiction, books always hold meaning in them. They teach you about life and tell us how to live better. Nowadays, books can be read physically as well as digitally.

The advancement of technology has also influenced the book industry. Now all the books in the world can be contained in a single device.

E-books have a lot of advantages, including minimizing paper waste, being easily portable, being accessible everywhere, sharing text, etc. Two of the best platforms used for reading books are Wattpad and Pocketbook.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wattpad is a free online platform for writers to share their stories, while Pocketbook is an e-reader app that allows users to purchase and read e-books.
  2. Wattpad has a large and active community of writers and readers, while Pocketbook focuses on providing a personalized reading experience.
  3. Wattpad allows users to read and write stories across various genres, while Pocketbook offers a curated selection of e-books from various publishers.

Wattpad vs Pocketbook

The difference between Wattpad and Pocketbook is that Wattpad helps us read user stories. In contrast, Pocketbook helps us read books that are published conventionally after going through the process of editing and proofreading.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonWattpadPocketbook
Type of OrganisationWattpad is a website that connects writers (amateur and professional) to readers. It publishes new stories written by users.Pocketbook is a company that manufactures e-book readers based on E-Ink technology.
Founded InWattpad was founded in the year of 2006. It is a company based in Toronto, Canada.Pocketbook was founded in 2007, and its headquarters are in Lugano, Switzerland. 
IndustryWattpad comes under the social media and technology industry.Pocketbook comes under the wing of the electronics industry.
Number of EmployeesWattpad has 145 employees.Pocketbook has 230 employees.
Further VenturesWattpad has also expanded to Wattpad Studios, which produces movies and series based on Wattpad stories.Pocketbook has not expanded into any further ventures than manufacturing e-readers.

What is Wattpad?

Wattpad is a website allowing a user to write and read other writers’ stories. Amateurs, as well as professionals, use it. The app aims to create social communities among people who love reading and writing. Wattpad is also a site for a lot of fanfiction.

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Wattpad’s motto is “Where Stories Live,” which aptly represents what the site is about. It provides billions of selections to choose from, and thousands of stories are added every day. There are 90 million users of the app currently. 

The app used to be free of cost to use earlier, but now the app has added the feature of Wattpad Coins that can be used to access paid stories. Some stories, however, remain free of cost.

They can be accessed on the Wattpad site or the social media app. The stories can also be downloaded offline for uninterrupted reading. 

Wattpad statistics show that 90 million users spend almost 15 billion minutes using the application each month. In 2011, Wattpad was awarded the hottest Digital Media company in Canada.

In 2017, Wattpad introduced another app that allows users to make a chat story called ‘Tap.’

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What is Pocketbook?

Pocketbook is an e-reader manufacturing company that is spread across various countries. It is the third-largest producer of premium e-readers in the world. The company produces various variants with different features.

The e-readers are sold in 35 countries around the world. Some are in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, etc. The company also makes tablets. They have sold more than 2 million products. 

The e-readers made by Pocketbook support all formats of books like .pdf, .epub, .mobi, etc. Your library can be synchronized across various devices, and you can download all your books.

The e-reader also allows you to highlight text and add comments to it. It is very user-friendly and allows you to add books from various platforms like Google Books, iBooks, etc.

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The Pocketbook app supports mp3 and mp4 formats of books. This allows you to listen to audiobooks at any time you want. You can also use the text-to-speech function to read your books. You can also read e-books in foreign languages due to the integrated dictionaries.


Main Differences Between Wattpad and Pocketbook

  1. Wattpad is an online reading and writing platform. It provides user-created stories for people to read. Pocketbook, on the other hand, makes e-readers.
  2. Wattpad is an online website and an application, but Pocketbook is a company.
  3. Wattpad was started in 2006, while Pocketbook was started one year later, in 2007.
  4. Wattpad has its headquarters in Canada, but Pocketbook is a Swiss-based company.
  5. Wattpad employs fewer people than Pocketbook at just 145 workers, as opposed to Pocketbook’s 230.
  6. Wattpad also makes movies and series, but Pocketbook only makes e-readers with regular updations.
  1. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhammad_Nurtanto/publication/330713069_Mobile_pocketbook_of_the_4Cs_skills-oriented_inform_of_Quick_Response_Code/links/5c56723692851c22a3a4baf4/Mobile-pocketbook-of-the-4Cs-skills-oriented-inform-of-Quick-Response-Code.pdf
  2. http://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/IJELS/article/view/4439
  3. http://ejournal.karinosseff.org/index.php/jadila/article/view/59 

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Wattpad vs Pocketbook: Difference and Comparison”

    • Indeed, Morris. As literature adapts to digital platforms, it’s critical to consider the implications on creativity, distribution, and readership.

  1. Pocketbook’s support for multiple book formats and integrated dictionaries makes it a versatile reading companion. It’s a great choice for avid readers.

  2. The rise of e-books has certainly revolutionized the way we consume literature. It’s interesting to see how it impacts traditional publishing and storytelling.

  3. I believe Wattpad’s approach to social community and user-generated stories brings a fresh perspective to the literary world.

    • I’m not convinced. I think Pocketbook’s focus on e-readers as dedicated reading devices aligns with the traditional reading experience, which has its own merits.

  4. I find Wattpad’s integration of fanfiction particularly intriguing. It opens up a new realm of literary engagement and creativity.

    • Absolutely! Fanfiction has become a significant part of modern literature, and Wattpad provides an ideal platform for its development.

  5. I appreciate the comprehensive comparison between Wattpad and Pocketbook. It offers valuable insights to readers and enthusiasts alike.

    • Indeed, Hcampbell. Understanding the distinct attributes of these platforms enriches our literary engagement and encourages exploration of new reading experiences.

  6. I think Pocketbook is a gamechanger in the e-reader market. Their products are innovative and user-friendly.

    • I see potential in both Wattpad and Pocketbook. Each serves a different purpose but adds great value to literature enthusiasts.

  7. I think both platforms have a lot to offer to the literary community. It’s great to see how technology is helping us access literature in new ways.

    • I completely agree with you, Cooper. It’s fascinating to witness the evolution of literature and how it’s becoming more accessible through these platforms.

  8. The expansion of Wattpad into Wattpad Studios reflects an interesting convergence of literature and visual media. It’s a bold move.

    • I share your sentiment, Louis. It’s a testament to the evolving nature of storytelling and the intersection of different forms of artistic expression.

  9. The integration of audiobook support and text-to-speech function in Pocketbook highlights the adaptability of e-readers to changing reading habits.

    • I think traditionalists might contest the influence of technology on reading, but Pocketbook’s features demonstrate the complementary relationship between innovation and literary tradition.

    • Absolutely, Paul. It’s remarkable to see how technology enhances the reading experience, making literature more accessible and versatile.


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