WiFi vs 3G Kindle: Difference and Comparison

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 06 23T124657.829

Reading is the best stress buster. Along with enhancing our horizons, it is our best friend. The smell of paper and ink as we go through our books is nostalgic.

Key Takeaways

  1. Wi-Fi Kindle requires a Wi-Fi connection, whereas 3G Kindle uses cellular networks for internet access.
  2. 3G Kindles offer more flexibility for users who need internet access on the go, while Wi-Fi Kindles are suitable for users with reliable Wi-Fi connections.
  3. 3G Kindles costs more than Wi-Fi Kindles due to the added convenience and connectivity.

WiFi vs 3G Kindle

WiFi and 3g Kindle are different because WiFi requires a wireless connection to download from Amazon or other websites. The 3G Kindle gets connected to Amazon’s Whispernet (A wireless plan to browse the Amazon store to browse downloads in a single click) without WiFi. The only requirement is it needs to be in a cellular range.

Quiche vs Souffle 2023 06 23T124657.829

WiFi Kindle has a high-resolution display and gives the feel of paper reading. The screen has no glare, even during the bright sunlight. The adjustable light makes reading possible 24 by 7.

If your phone can access the internet, the 3G Kindle connects to Whispernet, and the storage options are a click away. It is slightly heavier than the WiFi Kindle, which is not noticeable.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonWiFi Kindle3G Kindle
ModemDoes not have a modem.It has a modem.
Battery lifeIt is long-lasting.Not as good as WiFi Kindle.
WeightIt is light in weight.It is heavy as compared to other models.
RateIt is pocket-friendly.It is expensive as compared to other models.
AccessIt cannot access 3G automatically.It can access 3G as long as it is within range.
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What is a WiFi Kindle?

It is a light, compact Kindle and weighs about 3,5 ounces. The 6-inch screen has a high-contrast e-ink touchscreen. This screening effect ensures the pleasure of reading from the paper book and has no glare. 

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Turning pages, searching, and taking notes while reading gets uncomplicated. The long-lasting battery life of about two months ensures pleasant reading options. 

The Kindle is ready to use right outside the box. There is no need to install any software or any additional setup before usage. 

There are new book releases in the library to choose either a novel or a comic series. There are reading materials available other than English to suit the local requirements.

There is an option for adjustable text sizes to suit the comfort level, and eight different sizes and three font styles are available.

wifi kindle

What is a 3G Kindle?

The bold black option has WiFi and 3G connectivity, making it suitable for avid readers. The high-resolution display with 300 ppi (pixel per inch) makes the image sharp and crisp.

The in-built adjustment of light won’t tire the eyes even when there is a situation of reading in the dark. The battery life gives an uninterrupted option of reading for weeks. T

You can access definitions, characters, and much more through SmartLookup, and it helps in researching while reading or working on the document. It integrates The Oxford Dictionary with information from X-Ray and Wikipedia.

There is the option to purchase books without leaving Goodreads. Goodreads help you find books and even track the books you wish to read in the future

There are over three million book options to choose from, and it even has a collection of the latest books. An exclusive collection from the local language adds to the book choice’s variety.

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There is no limitation on how many books you can read at a given time. You can read anytime or anywhere.

3g kindle

Main Differences Between WiFi and 3G Kindle

  1. The WiFi Kindle costs less. The 3G Kindle is expensive as compared to the other options.
  2. The WiFi Kindle cannot access the 3G connection. The 3G Kindle connects to Whispernet without a link.
Difference Between WiFi and 3G Kindle
  1. https://www.bmj.com/content/341/bmj.c5689
  2. https://search.proquest.com/openview/080d0a916721c766e9564c509e45605c/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=4877103

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.