Yellowfin vs Bluefin Tuna: Difference and Comparison

Among all the seafood, fish is the most consumed dish in the world. It is the richest source of protein. And in fish also, tuna is above the rest.

Among them are Yellowfin and Bluefin Tuna. Both of them are quite difficult to differentiate due to all their similarities. Still, they can be differentiated if looked at closely and briefly.

Key Takeaways

  1. Yellowfin tuna is smaller and lighter than Bluefin tuna.
  2. Yellowfin tuna has a milder flavor and is used in sushi, while Bluefin tuna has a richer flavor and is used in high-end sushi restaurants.
  3. Bluefin tuna is more expensive than Yellowfin tuna.

Yellowfin vs Bluefin Tuna

The difference between Yellowfin and Bluefin Tuna is in their appearance and their meat type. Both of them are different in color, Yellowfin being yellow and Bluefin blue. Except for this, they are also different in size of their body and their pectoral fin. They live in different types of weather and, due to that, are caught in different areas. Except for all of the above differences, they are also different in terms of their affordability.

Yellowfin vs Bluefin Tuna

Yellowfin tuna is smaller in size but has a longer pectoral fin and is mainly found in pelagic waters of both tropical and subtropical oceans.

Bluefin tuna is the type of tuna that is originally blue and is bigger. This type of tuna is likely to be found in open ocean areas and lives in a hot or warmer wheatear.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonYellowfin TunaBluefin Tuna
Pectoral finLongerShorter
Lives inCold weatherWarm weather
Type of meatLean meatDelicious fat in meat
AffordableMore affordableLess affordable
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What is Yellowfin Tuna?

They are shaped like a torpedo and have a long anal. They are yellow and grey. They live around 6 or 7 years. They migrate very often.

Following are some interesting facts:

  1. They migrate all around the world.
  2. They weigh around 180 kg.
  3. They can swim up to 50 miles an hour.
  4. They can be microscopic.

It is a member of true tuna fish. This is rich in nutrition content. It is mostly used in raw dishes rather than cooked dishes.

Daily consumption of this can lead to all the harmful diseases tuna causes due to the presence of mercury and high calories.

yellowfin tuna

What is Bluefin Tuna?

It is the largest tuna that lives a life of 40 years. They have the sharpest vision and can easily hunt. There are three different types of Bluefin Tuna:

  1. Pacific: scientific name of this tuna is Thunnus Orientalis
  2. Atlantic: scientific name of this tuna is Thunnus thynnus
  3. Southern: scientific name of this tuna is Thunnus maccoyii

Following are some interesting facts about Bluefin Tuna:

  1. They can dive deeper.
  2. They migrate vast distances.
  3. They have silver, metallic grey, and blue body.
  4. They are among the top predators in an open ocean.
  5. They release millions of sperm and reproduce every spawning season.

The health benefits of Bluefin tuna include the following:

  1. It is low in sodium, making it a better choice for a healthy heart.
  2. It has omega-3 fatty acids, which are very helpful in brain functioning, reducing any heart-related risk, or even preventing several other diseases.
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Although Bluefin tuna has all the above-mentioned and some extra benefits, consuming an excess of it can be dangerous and unhealthy for the body. It is also high in calories and fat content.

bluefin tuna

Main Differences Between Yellowfin and Bluefin Tuna

  1. Both of them have a different kind and texture of meat. Bluefin has meat with a delicious and large amount of fat in it, whereas Yellowfin Tuna has very lean meat.
  2. In terms of affordability, Bluefin tuna is less affordable due to its expensive nature, whereas Yellowfin tuna is much more affordable in comparison due to lower prices.
Difference Between Yellowfin and Bluefin Tuna

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.