Chicken Tenders vs Chicken Fingers: Difference and Comparison

One of the types of favourite food is chicken which can be made in different versions. It can be roasted, fried, and even boiled to prepare different varieties.

Further, it can be turned into fritters, tenders, fingers, nuggets, etc., to make it enjoyable. Its main ingredient is chicken meat, prepared in various ways to enhance its flavour and taste. 

Key Takeaways

  1. Chicken tenders are lean, white meat strips from the inner breast of the chicken.
  2. Chicken fingers consist of various parts of the chicken, mixed and formed into a finger-like shape.
  3. Both are popular in fast food and casual dining, but chicken tenders offer a more authentic and uniform meat experience.

Chicken Tenders vs Chicken Fingers 

Tenders are strips of meat, chicken, that are cut from the breast or tenderloin and have no bones. They are a popular menu item at fast food restaurants and are served with dipping sauces. Chicken fingers are also strips of chicken meat that are breaded or battered and deep-fried.

Chicken Tenders vs Chicken Fingers

Chicken tenders are made from the tender part of the chicken. Usually, it is obtained from pectoralis minor, and this part is underneath the chicken breast.

These are more tender as they are obtained from the tender part. It is also known as chicken fillets, chicken goujons, and trendies. Further, it can be fried, baked, and boiled. 

Chicken fingers are made from chicken strips. Usually, it is obtained from chicken breast or the inner breast muscle part. These are less tender as they are in strip form.

It is also known as chicken strips. Further, it can be fried or baked. As it is obtained from strips attached underside of each breast, thus only two can be obtained from a chicken. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonChicken TendersChicken Fingers
PartChicken tenders are made from the tender part of the chicken.Chicken fingers are made from chicken strips. 
Obtained Chicken tender is also known as chicken fillets, goujons, and tendies. The chicken breast or inner breast muscle part is used for chicken fingers.
TendernessChicken tenders are more tender as they are obtained from more tender parts.Usually, chicken fingers are not tender. 
Other namesChicken tender is also known as chicken fillets, goujons, and trendies. The chicken finger is also known as chicken strips.
Method of cooking Chicken tenders can be fried, baked, and boiled.Chicken fingers can be fried or baked. 

What are Chicken Tenders?

Chicken is famous among all types of meats available as it can be made through different methods. And it also produces a lot of varieties, such as chicken nuggets, fillets, chicken fritters, etc.

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So, many chicken delicacies are made by boiling, frying, or baking. 

Chicken tender is also a part of chicken delicacies. It is obtained from pectoralis minor, and this part is underneath the chicken breast, thereby used as chicken tenders.

Indeed, it is a very tender part as it is considered to be obtained from the most tender portion of a chicken. 

It is a part of chicken as meat is attached to the underside of each breast. Thus, only two parts can be obtained from a chicken. Additionally, it is 1 ½ inches wide and 5 inches long. The same part is cut off from pork and beef tenders. 

Further, the meat derived from tenders from chicken is white meat. It is derived from breast, so it tastes like chicken breast meat, tender and moist.

Moreover, it can be baked, boiled, or fried to cook it. However, the taste will vary with the variation of the cooking method. Lastly, it is known as chicken fillets, goujons, and trendies.

chicken tenders

What is Chicken Fingers?

The chicken finger is the most famous among all the varieties of chicken delicacies. As it is deep-fried, and who doesn’t love fried foods? It is the most popular snack in probably most of the world. 

The chicken finger is also a part of chicken delicacies. 

It is obtained from the chicken breast or inner breast muscle part, thereby used for making chicken fingers. Indeed, it is not a very tender part, although it is also obtained from the chicken breast, which is considered moist and tender.  

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It is derived from a part of chicken as meat is obtained from chicken breast, specifically the inner breast muscle part. Additionally, it is 1 ½ inches wide and 5 inches long. 

Further, the meat derived for fingers from chicken is also white meat. It is derived from breast, so it tastes like chicken breast meat, tender and moist.

Moreover, it is baked or fried to cook it. However, the taste will vary with the variation of the cooking method. Lastly, it is also known as chicken strips, 

Moreover, chicken fingers, as its name suggest, it shaped like human fingers and can be eaten easily. It is served with a choice of dip. 

chicken fingers

Main Differences between Chicken Tenders and Chicken Fingers 

Chicken is famous meat among all types of meat. Thereby chicken fingers are also a famous fast food among all types of chicken delicacies. Chicken tenders and fingers are considered the same type, but they are very different. Both are obtained from different parts of the chicken.

  • Chicken tenders are made from the tender part of the chicken, while chicken fingers are made from chicken strips. 
  • The pectoralis minor (part underneath the chicken breast) is used for chicken tenders. Meanwhile, the chicken breast or inner breast muscle part is used for chicken fingers. 
  • Chicken tenders are more tender than chicken fingers because they are made from more tender chicken portions.
  • Chicken tender is also known as chicken fillets, goujons, and trendies. Meanwhile, the chicken finger is also known as chicken strips.
  • Chicken tenders can be fried, baked, and boiled. Meanwhile, chicken fingers can be fried or baked. 
Difference Chicken Tenders and Chicken Fingers



Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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8 thoughts on “Chicken Tenders vs Chicken Fingers: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The topic discussed in the post is significant and worth discussing in detail. The post does a great job at dissecting the minute differences between these two types of chicken.

  2. I have to question the necessity of such a lengthy analysis of such a trivial topic. Couldn’t the energy be invested in something more crucial?

  3. Incredible post! I’m fascinated about the delicate differences and the history of these foods. Looking forward to trying a recipe soon.

    • I’m really glad that you find the discussion about tender and fingers interesting. Sometimes, it’s important to discuss trivial matters in depth to understand them better. Good job.

    • I’m so glad about this post. I was also seeking information about the differences between these two types of chicken. Now I can make a more informed decision when ordering.

  4. I have always wondered about the differences between tenders and fingers. I can’t believe there is so much to say about it. Very enriching information.

  5. The amount of details and historical background in this post are overwhelming. I’m in awe with the depth of knowledge and research provided.

  6. The matter discussed in the post seems insignificant to me. I can’t understand why so much intellectual energy was spent. Not a fan.


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