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Key Takeaways

  1. ExecuteQuery is a method used in JAVA to retrieve data from the database.
  2. ExecuteUpdate is used to modify SQL statements that modify the database, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and other data.
  3. The execute query optimization is more complex while execute update statements involve simpler operations.

What is ExecuteQuery?

An execute query is a fundamental operation that allows users to interact with and retrieve information from a database. The process of executing a query involves the process of communication between applications and databases. A query is formulated using a specific syntax and language the database management system (DBMS) understands. It instructs the database management system to perform operations like selecting, inserting, updating, or deleting data within the database.

The syntax of a query varies depending on the database system being used. It analyses the query, its syntax errors, or issues while forming a query. Whether you are building a web application, mobile app, or enterprise software, understanding how to execute queries efficiently is crucial for the application’s overall performance and the software’s overall success.

Executing queries is an essential aspect of database interaction in software development. Queries are fundamental in updating existing data or inserting new records into a database. 

What is ExecuteUpdate?

The execute update operation is a fundamental concept in the realm of databases and data management. It pertains specifically to updating existing records within a database table. In a database system, the execute update operation is a part of Structured Query Language (SQL), a powerful language used to interact with the database. Its primary purpose is to modify existing records within a table based on specified criteria.

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It is essential to make a database backup before performing any significant updates. This measure ensures you can revert to the original data if any issue arises during the update process. The update can simultaneously alter single or multiple fields within one or more rows, making it a versatile tool for data manipulation.

The execute update operation enables swift correction of incorrect or outdated information in the database. It also allows the periodic data update to reflect changes or additions, ensuring data accuracy.

Difference Between ExecuteQuery and ExecuteUpdate

  1. Execute query is used for executing read (SELECT) queries, while execute update is used for executing (write INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) queries,
  2. The execute query method returns a result set which contains the data from the SELECT statement, while the execute method returns an integer value indicating the number of rows affected.
  3. The execute query method is used for retrieving data from the database when you want to fetch information from one or more database tables. In contrast, the execute update method is used for any SQL statement that modifies the database data.
  4. When using execute query, the underlying database connection is set to a read-only mode, while, in contrast, execute update allows data modification.
  5. Execute query statements are more complex, involving sub-queries or complex filtering conditions. In contrast, execute update statements involve simpler operations that are more focused on specific data manipulation tasks.

Comparison Between ExecuteQuery and ExecuteUpdate

PurposeTo read SELECT queriesTo write INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries
Return typeA result set which contains the data from the SELECT statementReturns an integer value indicating the number of rows affected
UsageTo retrieve data from the database For any SQL statement that modifies data in the database
Data modificationDatabase connection set to read-only modeAllows data modification 
Query optimizationMore complex Simpler operations 
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.