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Key Takeaways

  1. Yoghurt is a dairy product made from fermenting milk with specific bacteria cultures.
  2. Curd is a thick, creamy diary product formed by curdling milk.
  3. Yoghurt can be prepared using specific strains of bacteria while curd can be made using natural bacteria present in milk.

What is Yoghurt?

Yoghurt has a long history dating back thousands of years to different cultures in Central Asia. It is believed that the discovery of yoghurt was an accident by nomadic tribes who stored milk in animal skin bags, leading to natural fermentation.

Yoghurt is considered a healthy food due to its nutritional composition. Various kinds of yoghurt range from plain, flavoured, Greek, and pro-biotic enriched yoghurt. It is renowned as an excellent source of high-quality protein, consisting of essential amino acids needed for the maintenance of body tissues. The probiotic present in yoghurt promote a healthy gut microbiome. 

Consumption of yoghurt on a regular basis is added to various health benefits such as boosting the immune system, improving digestive health and reducing the risk of certain gastrointestinal conditions. It is important to keep yoghurt in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness and sweetness.

Yoghurt is also enjoyed on its own but is also a versatile ingredient in baking and cooking. It is used as a base for smoothies, added to breakfast bowls or used as an ingredient in various recipes such as dips, dressings, marinades and baked goods.


What is Curd?

Curd has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It is said to originate in ancient Mesopotamia around 5000BCE and spread to ancient Greeks, Romans and Indians. Traditionally, the curd was prepared by adding some previously prepared curd to lukewarm milk.

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Curd is a creamy dairy product that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is prepared by the process of curdling milk, which results in the separation of solid curds from liquid whey. An alternative to this method is using acidic agents like lemon juice or vinegar, which aid the acidity of milk curdling. Curd has certain health benefits as it is a rich source of protein, calcium, and essential vitamins like B12 and riboflavin.

One of the distinguishing characteristics of curd is its versatility. It can be consumed as a standalone dessert or flavoured with additions like fruits, honey, or nuts.

Curd is also used as an ingredient in cooking and baking. Its creamy and slightly sour taste adds richness to a wide range of dishes. Its natural acidity can also tenderize meats and act as a flavour enhancer in marinades. In baking, curd can be used to add moisture and acidity to bread and cakes.


Difference Between Yoghurt and Curd

  1. Yoghurt is prepared using specific bacteria like Lactobacillus, while Curd uses any natural bacteria in milk.
  2. Yoghurt has a creamy and smooth texture, while Curd has a grainy and lumpy texture.
  3. Yoghurt has a tangy and slightly acidic taste, while Curd has a slightly sour taste.
  4. Yoghurt is widely available in different flavours in commercial settings, while Curd is available as a plain component at local vendors.
  5. The fermentation process of yoghurt is shorter as compared to that of curd.

Comparison Between Yoghurt and Curd

Parameters of ComparisonYoghurtCurd
PreparationUsing specific bacteriaUsing natural bacteria present in milk
TextureCreamy and smoothGrainy and lumpy
TasteTangy and slightly acidicSlightly sour
AvailabilityAt commercial settings At local vendors
Fermentation processShorterLonger
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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.