HTC sense 2.0 vs HTC sense 3.0: Difference and Comparison

HTC developed software called Sense that is used in the company’s Android-based devices. There are several versions improved to enhance the experience for the user.

One of the versions is HTC Sense 2.0 and HTC Sense 3.0. They are vastly different from each other in their features to modifications. People do not tell them apart as they seem pretty similar to each other. 

Key Takeaways

  1. HTC Sense 3.0 is an updated version of HTC Sense 2.0, offering new features and improvements.
  2. HTC Sense 3.0 introduced a 3D home screen, enhancing the user interface.
  3. HTC Sense 3.0 implemented an updated lock screen, providing more customization options.

HTC sense 2.0 vs HTC sense 3.0

HTC Sense 2.0 is a software that allows its users to access alternative interfaces. It has a bleak lock screen and continuous scrolling. HTC Sense 3.0 is software that empowers users to experience alternative interfaces on HTC Android devices, with apps on the lock screen and page configuration.

HTC sense 2.0 vs HTC sense 3.0

HTC Sense 2.0 is software that enables users to experience alternative interfaces rather than windows mobile interfaces.

Coming to the specifications of HTC Sense 2.0 has a bleak lock screen with a lesser detailed Clock and weather app, and it doesn’t have a watch application.

However, the scrolling of HTC Sense 2.0 was far better than HTC sense 3.0 as it was continuous and smooth. Yet, there are minor adaptations required in general to enhance the experience. 

HTC Sense 3.0 is also software but is a successor of sense 2.0. As for the specifications are more enhanced and tweaked. The lock screen has more widgets and apps, thus, it is better and more interesting.

And the clock and weather app has more details and also integrates animation to represent weather conditions. Additionally, it has a new HTC watch application. However, the scrolling is interrupted due to the transition to a new full page per swipe.

Furthermore, it also incorporated some modifications, such as screen resolution optimization and optimization for the better use of dual-core processors. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison HTC sense 2.0HTC sense 3.0 
Lockscreen HTC Sense 2.0 has a bleak lock screen.HTC Sense 3.0 has apps and other bits on the lock screen. 
Clock and weather app HTC Sense 2.0 has a less detailed version of the Clock and weather app.HTC Sense 3.0 has a very detailed version of the Clock and weather app along with animated expected weather conditions. 
ScrollingHTC Sense 2.0 has continuous and smooth scrolling. HTC Sense 3.0 has a page configuration, so every swipe transits to a new full page. Thus, scrolling is interrupted.
Watch application HTC Sense 2.0 doesn’t have a watch application. HTC Sense 3.0 has an HTC watch application
ModificationsHTC Sense 2.0 is the older version. Therefore, there are no such modifications. HTC Sense 3.0 has minor modifications, such as screen resolution optimization and optimization for the better use of dual-core processors. 

What is HTC Sense 2.0? 

HTC Sense 2.0 is software that enables users to experience alternative interfaces rather than windows mobile interfaces. It has small and self-regulation applications. Besides, HTC Sense 2.0 is the predecessor of HTC Sense 3.0 with lesser functions. 

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As for specifications, it has a faster boot and enhanced camera application, including a full-screen viewfinder, touch focus, camera adjustment, and effects onscreen.

Additionally, other features include on-demand mapping and an integrated e-reader. Moreover, the integrated e-reader supports Wikipedia, google, youtube, and a dictionary.

Some of the unique features are magnifiers and quick loop-up. A quick look-up allows browsing a word on Wikipedia, Google search, youtube search, google translate, and google dictionary. 

Furthermore, the music player of Sense 2.0 is better than a standard android player. Besides all these specifications and features, there are some unnoticed small features as well, such as a flip phone to silence, preview drive, map with compass, etc. 

The lock screen is bleaker as it doesn’t contain many widgets and apps. With that, the clock and weather app has fewer details and information. Besides, it doesn’t have a watch application.

Although, the main advantage of HTC sense 2.0 is continuous and smooth scrolling. However, it still requires minor adaptations to enhance the experience even further. 

What is HTC Sense 3.0?

HTC Sense 3.0 is also software of HTC, primarily used in the company’s based android devices. It is the successor of HTC sense 2.0. This UI gave the interface a better look on the home screen and presented some minor tweaks. 

As for the features, the lock screen has several apps and widgets that make it more unique than HTC sense 2.0—with that instant capture camera, customized active lock screen, and 3D transition.

The instant capture camera allows users to capture photos without any hassle. And also, there’s no delay. 

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The lock screen has more widgets and apps, thus, it is better and more interesting. Additionally, the lock screen also has an active customizable live window.

And the clock and weather app has more details and also integrates animation to represent weather conditions. Additionally, it has a new HTC watch application. 

However, the scrolling is interrupted due to the transition to a new full page per swipe. Furthermore, it also incorporated some modifications, such as screen resolution optimization and optimization for the better use of dual-core processors. 

Users are more comfortable with scrolling in HTC Sense 2.0 as it is more continuous and smooth. So, the scrolling, in a sense 3.0, can result in an irked response. And what’s more disappointing is HTC doesn’t provide an option to deactivate this setting. 

Main Differences Between HTC Sense 2.0 and HTC Sense 3.0

HTC Sense is a software developed by HTC, an alternative interface rather than the windows mobile interface used in the company’s Android-based devices.

There are many versions of HTC sense, and one of the versions is HTC Sense 2.0 and HTC Sense 3.0. HTC Sense 3.0 is the successor of HTC sense 2.0.

It’s not easy to tell them apart, however, they’re very different from each other. Their specification and features vary a lot. 

  1. HTC Sense 2.0 has a bleak lock screen, while HTC sense 3.0 has apps and other bits on the lock screen. 
  2. HTC Sense 2.0 has a less detailed version of the Clock and weather app. Meanwhile, HTC sense 3.0 has a very detailed version of the Clock and weather app along with animated expected weather conditions. 
  3. HTC Sense 2.0 has continuous and smooth scrolling. In contrast, HTC sense 3.0 has a page configuration, so every swipe transits to a new full page. 
  4. HTC Sense 2.0 doesn’t have a watch application. While HTC Sense 3.0 has an HTC watch application. 
  5. HTC Sense 2.0 is the older version. Meanwhile, HTC Sense 3.0 has minor modifications, such as screen resolution optimization and optimization for the better use of dual-core processors. 



Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “HTC sense 2.0 vs HTC sense 3.0: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The enhanced clock and weather app, along with the introduction of an HTC watch application, are significant upgrades in HTC Sense 3.0 compared to its predecessor. Users will appreciate the attention to detail in these features.

  2. HTC Sense 3.0 seems to be a significant improvement from its predecessor, with added features and better overall interface. The differences in scrolling experiences and added applications are particularly noteworthy.

  3. The comparison table provides a clear overview of the differences between HTC Sense 2.0 and HTC Sense 3.0. It’s evident that each version has unique strengths and areas for improvement.

  4. HTC’s Sense 3.0 enhances user interface through the addition of a 3D home screen and an updated lock screen, resulting in a more visually appealing experience.

  5. HTC Sense 2.0 and HTC Sense 3.0 offer distinct user experiences, with each version catering to different preferences and needs. It’s interesting to see how the software has evolved over time.

  6. The improved camera application and advanced music player in HTC Sense 2.0 make it an attractive choice for those looking for enhanced media experiences.

  7. HTC Sense 3.0’s active lock screen, 3D transition, and instant capture camera truly elevate the user experience. However, the scrolling issue is something HTC should address in future updates.

  8. The integration of 3D elements and improved customization options in HTC Sense 3.0 demonstrates HTC’s commitment to providing a more dynamic and interactive user interface for their devices.


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