Sarcoma vs Carcinoma: Difference and Comparison

Human beings are affected by over a hundred types of cancers. Sarcoma and carcinoma are two different types of cancer. The cancer spreads like a virus inside the human body.

It destroys the active cells and works against the immune system. It has three different stages. The third stage is the final stage, where people lead to death.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sarcomas arise from connective tissues, such as bones, muscles, and fat, while carcinomas originate in the epithelial cells, which line the skin and internal organs.
  2. Sarcomas are less common than carcinomas, accounting for about 80-90% of all cancer cases.
  3. Treatment for sarcoma includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, while carcinoma treatment options may include targeted therapy and immunotherapy.

Sarcoma vs Carcinoma

Sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops from the body’s connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, cartilage, or fat. Carcinoma is a type of cancer that develops from epithelial cells that make up the skin, the lining of organs, and glands and are the most common type of cancer.

Sarcoma vs Carcinoma

From the Greek word “sarx”, the word sarcoma is derived. The word sarx means flesh. Sarcoma is a type of cancer caused by several factors. It is affected human beings.

A destructive tumour is sarcoma cancer which is dangerous to the next stages. Mesenchymal cells are where the sarcoma originates and spreads to other tissues.

Sarcoma develops in Tissues, bone cartilage, and other connective tissues. In simple, a small tumour that starts to grow up in the connective tissues is called sarcoma.

From the Greek word Karkinoma, the word carcinoma is derived. The word karkinoma means ulcer or cancer. The malignancy development in the cells is called carcinoma.

Carcinoma develops in the inner and outer surfaces of the human body. In epithelial cells, carcinoma gets originates.

During embryogenesis, the carcinoma also gets originates in the endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal layers.

Due to the damage in DNA or an alteration in DNA, carcinoma occurs in the human body. The cells are affected and grow in multiplies and finally become malignant.

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonSarcomaCarcinoma
OriginSarcoma originates in connective tissuesCarcinoma originates in internal organs.
TypesSarcoma has four typesCarcinoma has five types
Total percentSarcoma affects one percent of peopleCarcinoma affects 90 percent of people
Risk factorsSarcoma includes tubular sclerosis and retinoblastoma.Carcinoma includes smoking and lack of physical fitness.
Developing cellsSarcoma develops on mesenchymal cellsCarcinoma develops on epithelial cells

What is Sarcoma?

From the Greek word “sarx”, the word sarcoma is derived. The word sarx means flesh. Sarcoma is a type of cancer caused by several factors.

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It is affected human beings. A destructive tumour is sarcoma cancer which is dangerous to the next stages. Mesenchymal cells are where the sarcoma originates and spreads to other tissues.

Sarcoma develops in Tissues, bone cartilage, and other connective tissues. In simple, a small tumour that started to grow up in the connective tissues is called sarcoma.

Sarcoma is divided into many categories based on the connective tissues. They are undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma, LeiomyosarcomaOsteosarcoma, and Lipo-sarcoma.

The undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma affects the soft tissue and bone cells. Leiomyosarcoma affects the blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and uterus.

Osteosarcoma affects the bone cells. Lipo-sarcoma affects fat cells. Around seventy-five types of sarcomas affect human beings. Mostly they affect the arm and leg regions.

Until now, the reason for the bone sarcomas is unknown. Exposure to an alkaline agent may also increase the risk of cancer.

Continuous exposure to radiation is also the reason. Inherited genetic syndrome like Li-Fraumeni syndrome causes sarcoma. Several diseases may increase the risk for sarcoma.

HIV-affected people can easily be affected by cancer. Most of the soft tissue’s cancer is due to genetic mutations. 


What is Carcinoma?

From the Greek word Karkinoma, the word carcinoma is derived. The word karkinoma means ulcer or cancer. The malignancy development in the cells is called carcinoma.

Carcinoma develops in the inner and outer surfaces of the human body. In epithelial cells, carcinoma gets originates.

During embryogenesis, the carcinoma also gets originates in the endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal layers.

Due to the damage in DNA or an alteration in DNA, carcinoma occurs in the human body. The cells are affected and grow in multiplies and finally become malignant.

Carcinoma is subdivided into five types. They are adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and anaplastic carcinoma.

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Adenocarcinoma affects the mucous and fluids in the breast. Basal cell carcinoma affects the outer surface of the human body.

It is mainly called skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma affects the skin, which is the second most common skin cancer. Transitional cell carcinoma affects the bladder, kidneys, and ureter.

Anaplastic carcinoma affects the thyroid region, and it is called thyroid cancer.

The mutations and alterations in DNA are also responsible for the causes of cancers. It affects the biochemical structures, which results in a chemical imbalance.

Certain mutations directly affect the cancer stem cell, which causes severe cancer. The uncontrollable transmission of affected cells results in cancer.

The affected cells cause damage to several organs and lead to death. Cytological appearance, histological architecture, or molecular characteristics of epithelial cells cause carcinoma.


Main Differences Between Sarcoma and Carcinoma

  1. When compared to sarcoma, carcinoma is the most common type of cancer.
  2. In mesenchymal cells, the development of sarcoma occurs, and in epithelial cells, the development of carcinoma occurs.
  3. Diseases like sclerosis and retinoblastoma are the risk factors for sarcoma cancer, and lack of physical fitness is the risk factor for carcinoma cancer.
  4. Sarcoma cancer is subdivided into four types, and carcinoma is subdivided into five types.
  5. On comparing sarcoma with carcinoma, carcinoma affects around ninety percent of people who are affected by cancer.
Difference Between Sarcoma and Carcinoma

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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9 thoughts on “Sarcoma vs Carcinoma: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Thank you for drawing parallels between sarcoma and carcinoma. It’s quite enlightening to learn how these two types of cancer develop from different types of cells.

  2. The in-depth overview of the causes and classifications of sarcoma and carcinoma is imperative for raising awareness about the prevalence and severity of these cancers. It enhances our understanding of their complexity.

  3. The meticulous elucidation of the similarities and differences between sarcoma and carcinoma facilitates a deeper comprehension of their distinct pathological characteristics. It serves as a valuable resource for the medical community and the general public alike.

  4. The detailed explanation of the origin, types, risk factors, and developing cells for sarcoma and carcinoma is truly beneficial. It illustrates the intricate nature of cancer development.

  5. The comprehensive comparison table provides a succinct overview of the differences between sarcoma and carcinoma. This information helps in clearly understanding their distinctive characteristics.

  6. The insights shared regarding the different types of sarcoma and carcinoma, as well as their impact on the human body, are truly enlightening. It emphasizes the importance of early detection and treatment.

  7. The detailed explanation of the genetic and environmental risk factors contributing to the development of sarcoma and carcinoma underscores the multifaceted nature of cancer etiology. It provides valuable insights for preventive measures.

  8. I wholeheartedly agree, Arthur. It’s crucial to understand the fundamental distinctions between sarcoma and carcinoma to lay the groundwork for advanced research and treatments.

  9. The detailed description of sarcoma and carcinoma, along with the reasons and risk factors for their development, is instrumental in understanding cancer progression and its various manifestations.


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