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A migraine is a disease where a person suffering gets a headache that affects one side of the head and causes extremely sharp pain or worsening pain.

It’s commonly associated with nausea, diarrhoea, and excessive visual and auditory reactivity. Migraine outbreaks can last anywhere from minutes to weeks, and the suffering might be strong enough to prevent anyone from going about daily activities.

To get relief from it, Excedrin migraine and Extra Strength are there in the market,

Key Takeaways

  1. Excedrin Migraine targets migraine headaches specifically, while Excedrin Extra Strength is formulated to relieve various types of pain.
  2. Both medications contain acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine, but Excedrin Migraine has a different FDA-approved dosage for migraine relief.
  3. Users can take a higher dose of Excedrin Extra Strength for general pain relief but must follow the recommended dosage for Excedrin Migraine to avoid potential side effects.

Excedrin migraine vs Extra Strength

The difference between Excedrin Migraine and Extra Strength is that Excedrin Migraine contains ingredients in the formula which is not present in Extra Strength. The three ingredients are caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin. The three ingredients work incredibly in coping with Migraines, and thus, this differentiates the Excedrin Migraine from Extra Strength.

Excedrin migraine vs Extra Strength

The Excedrin Migraine is said to be very effective. A survey report from various Migraine patients revealed that Excedrin Migraine could eradicate 100% of the migraine effect after dosage.

With that being said, Excedrin reported has the side effects of pumping up the heart rate by a little.

The dosage of the Extra Strength is a little bit light. It can be consumed up to 4 meds in a single day. But that amount of dosage can make a person weak or even nauseating.

Even though Extra Strength is formulated with Multiple ingredients, it doesn’t contain 3 essential ingredients which have good anti-migraine properties.

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The three ingredients are caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin. Extra Strength works best to cope with light migraine pain.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonExcedrin MigraineExtra Strength
Date of Release in the market.It was released in the market in 1998.
It was released in the market in 1960
DosageThe maximum intake of this is 2 times a day.
The maximum intake of this is 4 times a day.
IngredientsCaffeine is present in the formula along with acetaminophen, aspirin.
Acetaminophen, Aspirin, and Caffeine are not present in the formula.
Types of MigraineIt is best suited for severe headaches as it is more powerful.
It is suited for light headaches.
Side EffectExcedrin has reported increased heart rate by a bit for some patients.
There are no side effects reported of increasing heart rate.

What is Excedrin Migraine?

Excedrin Migraine was launched in the Market in the year 1998 after the company Excedrin received a thumbs up from the Food and Drug Administration to release it as a commercial product.

The Excedrin Migraine is said to be very effective. A survey report from various Migraine patients revealed that Excedrin Migraine could eradicate 100% of the migraine effect after dosage.

With that being said, Excedrin reported has the side effects of pumping up the heart rate by a little, but over time and low consumption of the medicine has some other additional side effects like damage to the kidney and liver.

There are three different components of Excedrin Migraine, which work very well in coping with Migraines. The three components are acetaminophen, aspirin & caffeine.

Caffeine has a long reputation for dealing with Migraines, and thus Caffeine as a component of the Excedrin Migraine adds more efficiency to the product.

Nevertheless, very few users can also report stomach-turning problems after consuming Excedrin Migraine. The dosage of Excedrin is that only 2 of them can be consumed in a single day.

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Continued usage of the medicine for more than a week may start showing signs of side effects.

excedrin migraine

What is Extra Strength?

The Extra Strength is the first launch of Excedrin. It was launched into the market in the year 1960. It is one of the oldest in the market.

The Extra Strength was one of the oldest products to be formulated with multiple ingredients. The Extra Strength may cure more than 50% of the migraine pain, but it cannot eliminate 100% of the pain.

The dosage of the Extra Strength is a little bit light. It can be consumed up to 4 meds in a single day. But that amount of dosage can make a person weak or even nauseating.

Even though Extra Strength is formulated with Multiple ingredients, it doesn’t contain 3 essential ingredient which has good anti-migraine properties.

The three ingredients are caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin. Extra Strength works best to cope up with light migraine pain. There has been no reporting of immediate side effects from the Extra Strength, like a Racing heart rate.

The one and only possible explanation for the high dose limit would be that individuals with prolonged headaches will indeed take in medicines at any time and dosage, which minimizes the effect of the medicines.

extra strength

Main Differences Between Excedrin Migraine and Extra Strength

  1. Excedrin Migraine was released in the market in 1998, while Extra Strength was released in the market in 1960.
  2. The maximum intake of Excedrin Migraine is 2 times a day, whereas the maximum intake of Extra Strength is 4 times a day.
  3. Excedrin has reported increased heart rate by a bit for some patients, while no side effects are reported for increasing heart rate for Extra Strength.
  4. Excedrin Migraine is best suited for severe headaches as it is more powerful, while Extra Strength is suited for light headaches.
  5. Caffeine is present in the formula of Excedrin Migraine along with acetaminophen and aspirin, while Acetaminophen, Aspirin, and Caffeine are not present in the formula of Extra Strength.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.