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Back when JavaScript started, it was a Browser language and grew drastically in many fields, such as technology and business domains and has proved itself as the most dynamic language in programming.

More than half of the developers opted for this programming language, in which Microsoft Angular framework topped the list.

But due to rapid change in web development, developers couldn’t rely on JavaScript, and then Blazor came to the rescue; as the most powerful technology.

Key Takeaways

  1. Blazor uses C# and Razor syntax, while Angular relies on JavaScript or TypeScript for web development.
  2. Blazor allows for a single language across both client and server-side, whereas Angular requires separate languages for frontend and backend development.
  3. Blazor uses WebAssembly to run .NET code in the browser, whereas Angular uses a traditional JavaScript-based approach to render web pages.

Microsoft Blazor v/s Angular

Blazor is a new Microsoft framework that allows developers to create web applications in C# rather than JavaScript. Angular is a Google JavaScript-based framework that is widely used for building web applications.

Microsoft Blazor vs Angular

Microsoft introduced Blazor as a new web-based development framework that helps in developing browser-based apps with C# and razor syntax by HTML and CSS.

With Blazor, the developers can create an interactive web UI for the client’s application that can be reusable due to its implementation by WebAssembly. It also has the power to gather all the data on the client’s and server’s sides.

Angular is a framework that helps the backend developers to maintain the C# or Java languages, which other developers looked into earlier.

Angular also helps in broadening the target by reusing the codes and abilities required for applications. The angular web app development became even stronger with the emergence of SPAs and led to the rise of Blazor by Microsoft.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMicrosoft BlazorAngular
Based Blazor is C# language based.Angular is JavaScript-based.
SupportsBlazor supports SPA with PWA work in progress.Angular supports both SPA and PWA
Ratings9k on GitHub.63k on GitHub.
StateBlazor is still developing.Angular is production-ready.
CI/CD timeIt is 10-20 times faster.It is 10-20 times slower.I

What is Microsoft Blazor?

Blazer by Microsoft is a free-to-use open-source framework that lets developers create apps using C# language and HTML. It also allows the developers to write a single-page application for the web with NET.

Blazor lets the user build an interactive web UI for their client’s applications; that could be used again. It also can bring all of Microsoft’s framework power to the client’s and server’s sides.

It also allows the sharing of codes and libraries, which gives a platform for the Vibrant development and Single-Page contemporary Application(SPA).

On the Blazor server-side: also known as the server-side hosting model, Blazor is placed inside an ASP.NET core app on the server. SignalR connections handle the UI updates, JavaScript callings, and Event handling.

On the other side, which is the client’s side of the Blazer WebAssembly, Blazor dependencies and the NET programming time are downloaded in the browser, and then the Blazor app is implemented on the web UI thread directly.

Blazor uses the benefits of visual studio, and the whole experience is collected into its devices, because of which it is said to be quick in troubleshooting.

It also carries out the eminent live feature of reloading throughout the improvement, which can get set up quickly.

What is Angular?

Angular was also known as AngularJs earlier till 2016.

Angular was solely created for the frontend developers, for them to be able to interact with the frontend and backend both at the one time and was proven to be very helpful that time because the backend was created with languages such as C# or Java, which meant that other developers could also maintain it.

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Angular has been in the vision for a year now and is a production-ready framework that fully supports applications like MCV/MVVM, and many huge organizations use Angular.

It is way ahead of its competition when it comes to the tooling part and supports VS codes and development effortlessly.

For instance, Angular Material for the libraries might be the most popular option because Angular accepted Google’s Material Design, an extremely simple design language for Google products.

Apart from that, numerous other options of significant design libraries like Bootstrap or Prime Ng can get easily set up. Adding up to these features: Angular offers a few component library options.

Angular has grown a broad community by staying for decades, and it became even more famous with 63.7 k stars in GitHub reposition.

Main Differences Between Microsoft Blazor and Angular

  1. Microsoft Angular is a JavaScript-based framework, whereas, Blazor by Microsoft is C language-based.
  2. Angular provides smooth support for applications like MVC/MVVM, SPA, and PWA, whereas, Blazor only supports SPA with other applications in progress.
  3. Microsoft Angular is a complete production-ready framework, while Blazor is still under development.
  4. Angular also supports the VS codes and development, whereas, Blazor has just started implementing those codes.
  5. Angular allows the usage of scoped styles, which lets the developer apply a CSS style straightforwardly for a segment that is connected whereas, Blazor right now doesn’t have this feature.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.