Angular 1 vs Angular 2: Difference and Comparison

Angular is a JavaScript-based front-end framework with a large growth in the past few years.

It allows developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently through concise code and reusable components.

The most current version of Angular is Angular 2, which was released in September 2016.

Angular 2 is the latest version of Angular, a popular JavaScript framework for building single-page applications. Angular 1 was delivered in September 2010, and Angular 2 was delivered in September 2016.

With Angular 2, developers can now build apps that use an asynchronous and reactive programming paradigm, including hot-reload REPL (read-eval-print loop) and more.

Some new features in Angular 1, like the HttpClientModule, ensure you get HTTP responses asynchronously.

This is important because it allows your app to be hot-loaded without any browser refresh, which is necessary for performance but harder with Angular 1.

Plus, there are many benefits to using Angular 2 instead of Angular 1.

Key Takeaways

  1. Angular 1 is an older version of the Angular framework, while Angular 2 is the newer version.
  2. Angular 2 has improved performance, simplified syntax, and modularity than Angular 1.
  3. Angular 1 is still used in some legacy systems, while Angular 2 is widely used in modern web development.

Angular 1 vs Angular 2

Angular 1 is an open-source JavaScript framework that follows the Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and makes use of directives. Angular 2 is an open-source JavaScript framework that came with changes, including improved performance, better support for mobile devices, etc.

Angular 1 vs Angular 2

Angular 1 is a framework that was created using the traditional MVC pattern. It is also known for its performance and Test-Driven Development (TDD). Angular 1 is more traditional and focuses on performance. Also, most popular JavaScript frameworks.

Angular 2 is a more modernized version that uses promises and higher-order functions. This makes it easier to create LERP (LeveragedEnderpriseReduction) applications. Angular 2 was first released in 2015, but it has quickly become one of the most popular frameworks on the web.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAngular 1Angular 2
Meaning The more traditional framework focuses on performance and building applications with less complexity A more modernized framework that uses promises and higher-order functions makes it easier to create LERP (LeveragedEnderpriseReduction) applications.
FeaturesIt uses ES6/ES7 features like arrow functions, classes, and modules. Uses a more modern JavaScript syntax
How to use Someone would have to write {{message}} to show the text of an element on your page Someone would type a message, which would give you the same result
Uses Uses modules Component-based architecture
Built with JavaScript TypeScript

What is Angular 1?

Angular 1 was the AngularJS framework before AngularJS was rewritten to be Angular 2. It’s a framework for building user interfaces in JavaScript.

It’s a complete package for building single-page web applications and comes with support for routing, dependency injection, and directives.

Angular is a front-end framework that developers use. It allows them to build single-page applications with ease.

Angular 1 was released in 2009, but it has been updated since then to include features like directives, pipes, and more. Angular 1 was released in September 2010.

What is Angular 2?

Angular 2 is a JavaScript framework that allows you to create single-page applications. It features a component-based architecture and the ability to use modern practices in your code.

This new Angular offers performance improvements over the traditional Angular 1, and it is easier to maintain with promises.

It’s important to note that Angular 2 is not backward compatible with Angular 1.

If you want to move from an old website to a new one, you will need to utilize the migration CLI tool or change your project’s codebase yourself.

If you’re looking for a framework that supports modern practices in your code, uses component-based architecture, and supports high performance without sacrificing developer experience, then Angular 2 is right for you!

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Main Differences Between Angular 1 and Angular 2

  1. Angular 2 has a smaller dependency footprint than Angular 1. This makes it easier to use with frameworks such as React or VueJS.The major change in Angular 2 is that it uses TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
  2. Angular 2 no longer relies on jQuery and instead uses a library called “RxJS,” whereas Angular 1 uses ES6/ES7 features like arrow functions, classes, and modules.
  3. Angular 2 uses a component-based architecture, while Angular 1 uses modules.
  4. Angular 1 uses WebPack for bundling and bundling, which is essentially a fancy new name for minification (that’s what .min.js files are). Angular 1 has been out there for quite some time, while Angular 2 began in 2015. Both have pros and cons but are great choices for building apps.
  5. Angular 2 is built with TypeScript rather than JavaScript.
  6. Angular 2 has a completely rewritten template syntax that makes it easier to learn, easier to write, and much more maintainable, whereas Angular 1 has features that allow it to scale with the modern web while also providing a simpler learning curve.
  7. The most important difference between Angular 1 and Angular 2 is the change in how they handle data; Angular 2 uses TypeScript, while Angular 1 uses JavaScript. Other changes include the change of how they handle user interface, the addition of support for modules, and the removal of deprecated features.

Last Updated : 27 June, 2023

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6 thoughts on “Angular 1 vs Angular 2: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The performance improvements in Angular 2 over Angular 1 are significant. It’s interesting to see the advancements.

  2. Thanks for sharing this information about Angular! It’s good to know about the difference between Angular 1 and Angular 2.

  3. The enhancements in Angular 2 make it a compelling choice for modern web development. I enjoyed reading about the main differences between the versions.


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