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Means of transportation are broadly divided into three types – air, water, and land. Nowadays, air and land have become the most commonly used modes.

The facilities provided vary based on location and weather. In the case of air and land transport, the latter can be a serious obstacle.

Key Takeaways

  1. Airports serve as transportation hubs for air travel, while railway stations facilitate train travel.
  2. Airports require extensive infrastructure, including runways and air traffic control systems, whereas railway stations need tracks, platforms, and signaling equipment.
  3. Air travel covers longer distances and is faster than train travel, but railway transport can be more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Airport vs Railway Station

The difference between Airport And Railway Station is that the former hosts airplanes while the latter hosts trains of different types. They are completely different in their built and capacity. On the other hand, a high footfall is a common notion regarding airports and railway stations. They have separate rules.

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The airport is referred to as a large area that houses airplanes at differently numbered terminals and there is a large area provided to flyers for waiting for their flight. Several big businesses also thrive at airports since people are bound to spend money while waiting for flights.

Railway Station is the other name for the train station. It is more common than an airport.

An astounding feature regarding these stations is that they can facilitate local travel as well as travel between different cities and countries. These places have platforms and regular announcements are made for travelers.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAirportRailway Station
DefinitionThe airport is defined as the large chunk of land dedicated to aircraft and their passengers. Railway Station can be defined as the waiting area for trains to be loaded.
Modes of Transport SupportedThe aerial mode of transport is offered thanks to aerial open space.The land mode of transport is supported through rail tracks.
Security Checks Applied CommonlyAirports check the weight of luggage, scan thoroughly and have strict regulations. Railway Station has checks like metal detectors and ticket checking.
Average Price CriteriaAirport facilities are highly-priced due to service taxes and other duties.The facilities at railway stations are made available at nominal rates.
TypesAirports can be classified into national airports and international airports. Railway Stations are mainly of types, that is, block stations and non-block stations.

What is Airport?

The airport serves as the apt ground for the landing of airplanes and their subsequent take-offs after passengers board the flight. Other acts are also taken care of, with regards to the functioning of such air carriers.

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The non-working parts are mended and the engine is rechecked here.

The airport has many other facilities in addition to the airplane terminals. Food and other resources are available from the top brands.

Not only this, but the airports also allow people to keep their luggage safe. Once the checkout process begins, queues are maintained and best attempts are made to avoid intermingling of people’s stuff.

It is advised to reach the airport early. In most cases, the terminals are far away and might cost a lot of time. International airports are built differently in comparison to national ones.

A counter is specially dedicated to the stamping of passports and important announcements can also be made from there, using a channelized microphone.

The airplane fare is divided based on first-class, economy class, and business class but the airports’ seating area is free from such divisions.

An airport is a place where a maximum number of smuggling acts are caught. This is done with the help of scanners.

airport 1

What is Railway Station?

Railway Station is a private or government-owned piece of land that allows trains to pause at a specific destination and then continue the journey. They may or may not be on the outskirts of a city, unlike airports.

In addition to this location factor, the placement is done in such a manner that the station runs along the side of a pre-laid railway track for easy access to train doors and vice versa.

Railway Stations are the same for passenger trains as well as freight carriers. The platforms might be different and timings vary based on the arrival.

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This allows for multiple shifts and thus, a railway station is known to have the highest footfall in any area.

Ample staff is employed for handling daily operations at a railway station. The train fare is divided based on sitting recliner chairs or berths and the same is mentioned around the platforms in most railway stations.

It is such an essential facility that the Indian railways have been announced to be the highest employer in the country. This is because of the wide range of services offered, ranging from driver to tea seller, coolie, etc.

Railway Stations have been centers of terrorist attacks and bombing as well. They have a dedicated group of personnel to check for such issues (including dogs).

These people follow the actions and take the help of the latest technology.

railway station

Main Differences Between Airport And Railway Station

  1. Airport is a place from where airplanes take-off and land. On the other hand, a railway station is a comparatively smaller place from where trians pass through after loading or unloading.
  2. Airports facilitate travel through air and the traffic is stimulated while railway stations work through the tracks laid down on land (even underground or on bridges).
  3. The checks applied at airports are stricter than those applied at railway stations.
  4. Commodities bought at an airport cost more than those bought at railway stations.
  5. Types of airports include national and international. Contrarily, types of railway stations include block and non-block.
Difference Between Airport And Railway Station
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.