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Each concert or meeting has a person in charge of promoting the artists and participants while ensuring that the event is well-organized and runs well.

This person is known as the MC but is better known as the master of ceremonies—the usage of a master of ceremonies for a particular event or occasion dates back to religious times.

Key Takeaways

  1. An MC focuses on hosting and engaging the audience during an event or performance.
  2. A rapper creates and performs rap music, primarily emphasizing lyrical content.
  3. MC skills can enhance a rapper’s live performances, but the two roles are distinct.

MC vs Rapper

MC, which stands for “Master of Ceremonies,” is a term that originated in the early days of hip-hop, when DJs would play music and MCs would provide the vocal accompaniment. A rapper refers to the person who writes and performs the lyrics of a hip-hop song. Rappers are the focal point of a hip-hop song.

MC vs Rapper

The MC is the party or event’s, host. They’d introduce the event’s key figures and make any important announcements. Most of how MCs communicate with the crowd is through their language and delivery style.

The MC is responsible for making announcements and interacting with the audience. Both jobs are designed to keep the audience entertained.

Rap, on the other hand, might be considered a subgroup of the more giant hip-hop genre. Rap, unlike rock, emphasizes the spontaneity and repetition of words to create a continuous rhyme while remaining in tune with the beat.

Rap music was nearly always a reflection of rap culture or a hip-hop musician’s lifestyle through music, expressing complaints and difficulties, incredibly personal and social ones, with lyrics taking centre stage.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonMCRapper
OriginatedThe rituals of the Roman Catholic Church gave rise to masters of ceremonies.Rappers developed from the African custom of delivering stories while drummers and other instrumentation played in the background.
FunctionA master of ceremonies is the person in charge of ensuring that events move well during a religious rite or any private event.The master of ceremonies officiates more formal celebrations.
EventsMore formal celebrations are officiated by the master of ceremonies.Rap artists perform at more casual events such as concerts and gatherings.
InteractionInteracts with the audience.Interacts with the audience.
PracticeMasters of ceremonies do not use a beat and musical accompaniment to express their messages.Rappers use a beat and musical accompaniment to express their messages.

What is MC?

Master of Ceremony or Microphone Controller is the complete form of MC. Usually, an MC is responsible for hosting and continuing the event’s proceedings.

MCs are gifted communicators with a sharp, witty sense of humour. The MC gives a calm yet well-structured speech to keep the audience entertained. Compared to a DJ, the engagement and visibility of an MC with the audience are more significant.

An MC is in charge of several aspects of the event, including introducing significant guests to the audience, guiding the audience through a process, announcing the entrance of various dignitaries, assisting the audience in finding their seats and helping them with meal-serving procedures.

The purpose of a Master of Ceremony is to ensure that the event runs smoothly and without disruption as planned by the organizer.

Rappers are also referred to as MCs in hip-hop culture. They frequently work with the DJ to provide them with the needed beats. MC has a long and illustrious history.

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It all started in the Catholic Church, where MC would keep the proceedings running smoothly. The Pope and the sacred ritual would benefit from MC’s assistance. The ability to talk in public was a factor in selecting an MC.

master of ceremony

What is Rapper?

Rap is more of a vocal style than a sub-genre like hip-hop. The two terms should never be used together since rap is only a tiny part of hip-hop.

Afrika Bambaataa was a crucial figure in the development of hip-early hop years, articulating the four elements that made up the subgenre: DJing, dance, mural painting, and MCing, which is now known as rapping.

Rap music, which is considered a “Black” creative form, and hardcore music, which white Americans have appropriated, are sonically dissimilar, but they have a comparable intensity and aim.

Lil Wayne’s attempts may not produce catchy songs, but they do so in terms of aesthetics. Rap music began primarily among Black people in the Bronx neighbourhood of New York City.

On the other hand, rock music has always been associated with ‘white’ folk, originating from a mash-up of 1940s genres like country, southern, and grooves & blues.

Rap music was virtually always a mirror of hip-hop culture, a vehicle for expressing grievances and difficulties, mainly structural and personal ones, with lyrics taking centre stage.

Because of the predominance of sexist, racist, and misogynistic themes in rap music, a considerable portion of it is performed by men, which has raised questions about masculinity.

In the rap industry, gender disparity arises since women have rarely been able to sustain a long career rapping and composing.


Main Differences Between MC and Rapper

  1. A master of ceremonies supervises the smooth functioning of a religious rite or any personal event. In contrast, a rapper opens a show and is also known as an emcee or master of ceremonies.
  2. The master of ceremonies officiates more formal events, whereas rappers officiate more casual events like concerts and parties.
  3. Rappers descended from the African custom of delivering stories with drums and other instrumentation, while Roman Catholic Church traditions inspired masters of ceremonies.
  4. Rappers use a beat and music to accompany their delivery, whereas masters of ceremonies do not.
  5. A rapper’s form of interaction with the audience is through the music, but an MC’s is through how the speech is delivered.
Difference Between MC and Rapper
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.