Mac 10 vs Mac 11: Difference and Comparison

In the world, there are several weapons, and every weapon has its features and qualities. One is a gun.

Guns are modern weapons, and the first gun was invented in 1364. Then automatic handguns were introduced by the end of the 19th century.

To date, there have been updated versions with technologically stronger weapons. Weapons are used in several arenas. Any manufacturer of weapons predominantly wants to offer their weapons in their country’s respective military.

There would be nothing more achievement than using their weapons by their military.

Key Takeaways

  1. The MAC-10 is a compact, American-made submachine gun known for its high rate of fire and affordability.
  2. The MAC-11 is a smaller, lighter version of the MAC-10, which fires a smaller caliber round and has an even higher rate of fire.
  3. The MAC-10 and MAC-11 are designed for close-range combat, but they differ in size, weight, and firing capabilities, with the MAC-11 being more compact and having a higher rate of fire.

Mac 10 vs Mac 11

Mac 10 is a machine pistol or a submachine gun made by the Military Armament Corporation in America and was first designed in the early 1970s. Mac 11 is a compact and handy machine gun designed by Gordon Bailey and made by the Military Armament Corporation. It has a feed system of 16 to 32-round box magazines.

Mac 10 vs Mac 11


Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMac10Mac11
Length with stock extended2.69 millimetres53 centimetres
Barrel length146 millimetres12.9 centimetres
Firing capacity RPM (round per minute)1090 RPM1200 RPM
Feed system30 magazine box16 to 32-round box magazine
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What is Mac 10?

Mac 10 is a machine pistol, called a submachine gun. It was designed by Gordon B in the early 1970s.  It is manufactured by the Military Armament corporation in America.

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Mac 10 was first registered in America when John Wayne wielded one lethal prowess in 1974. Later it became in Hollywood, and some producers preferred its use in action sequences.

After great endorsements of the mac 10 in the market through Hollywood, manufacturers thought they could make military use of the mac 10, but professional operators did not use it.

Although some agencies used it due to performance issues, mac 10 did not catch professional use.

Mac 10 is 2.69 millimetres in length with wire stock collapsed. It is relatively compact in size and handy, combat grip is at the centre of the gun’s body to give desired balance.

Mac has a capacity of 30 or 32 round magazines; there are two calibres, 45 ACP and nine -by-19 millimetres, present in mac 10.

Mac 10 has a barrel length of 146 millimetres, works effectively in a range of 50 metres, and has a 1090 rounds per minute capacity. Mac 10 weighs approximately 2.84 kg. But it has a slower muzzle velocity.

mac 10

What is Mac 11?

Mac11 is a subcompact version of mac10. It is a machine gun having more capacity than a mac10. It was designed by Gordon Bailey Ingram and manufactured by the Military Armament corporation.

Mac 11 is compact and handy; its charging handle is placed just above the receiver, which can be rotated 90 degrees to lock it in place, which prevents it from being charged.

Mac11 safety is allocated in forward of the trigger pushed forward to lock it up, which also prevents it from undesired firing.

The availability of guns is a mere thing which makes their price value even higher, mac11 is available in markets relatively easily, and there are even copies of its model in the market.

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Mac11  has a length of 53 cm with stock extended and 24.8 centimetres with stock folded. Its barrel length is 12.9 centimetres.

Mac 11 works effectively in a range of 50 meters (160 feet), sometimes making it undesirable for military or police use; it was even mentioned by the association of police chief weapons in America.

Mac 11 weighs 1.6 kg and has a cyclic rate of 1200 rounds per minute with a feed system of 16 to 32 rounds of magazines.

Its high cyclic rate sounds desirable, but it’s not as such. A high cyclic rate would make the shooter refill in mere two seconds, and this absurdly high firing rate leads to poor accuracy.

mac 11

Main Differences Between Mac 10 and Mac 11

  1. Mac10 was produced in 1970, whereas mac11 was produced in 1972. That’s why mac11 is sometimes considered the heir of mac10.
  2. Mac10 is 2.69 millimetres, whereas mac11 is 53 centimetres.
  3. Mac10 has a barrel length of 146 millimetres. On the contrary, the mac11 has a barrel length of 12.9 centimetres.
  4. Mac10 has a capacity of 30 magazines, whereas mac11 has a capacity ranging from 16 to 32 round box magazines.
  5. Mac10 weighs 2.84 kg (empty). On the contrary, the mac11 weighs 1.6kf (empty), making it more compact and lighter to carry with the shooter.
  6. The most distinct feature of the guns was the firing rate; the mac10 has a cyclic rate of 1090 rounds per minute, whereas the mac11 has a cyclic rate of 1200 rounds per minute.
Difference Between Mac 10 and Mac 11
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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.