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Both dough and batter have different importance in the food as both are essential ingredients for most dishes, whether a cake, cookies, doughnuts or anything. Even in India, dough or wheat is used daily in every kitchen. Both dough and batter are used for baking and making other dishes.

Key Takeaways

  1. The dough is a thick mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients that can be kneaded and molded, while the batter is a thin mixture that can be poured or dropped.
  2. The dough makes bread, pizza, and pastries, while the batter makes pancakes, waffles, and cakes.
  3. The dough requires kneading and rising, while batter can be mixed quickly and used immediately.

Dough vs Batter

The dough does not contain eggs and has a thick consistency and is dense, whereas Batter always includes eggs and has a thin texture and is not dense.

Dough vs Batter

The dough is made by mixing flour with liquid (mostly water) and other ingredients, such as salt until the mixture becomes dense enough to get moulded in any shape. It can be given bodies as its consistency is relatively thick.

The batter is similar to the dough, but when flour is mixed with liquid, an additional ingredient, the egg, is added and mixed until it becomes fragile. The batter doesn’t have its shape as it is not dense enough and has a tender consistency.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonDough Batter
Eggs inclusionIt doesn’t contain eggs. It must have eggs
CategoriesTypes of Dough are Stiff Dough and Soft Dough, Unleavened Dough and Leavened Dough etc. Types of Batter are: Drop Batter, pour batter, and coating batter.
ConsistencyIt has a very thick consistencyIt has a Comparatively fragile consistency. 
MixingIt is mixed and can be worked with hands as they are dense enough.It is mixed and works by whisking the ingredients.
UsageIt is used for Pastries and pasta.It is used for Muffins and cake doughnuts.

What is Dough?

The dough is flour which is mixed with some liquid. There are different types of sough:

  1. Soft Dough and Stiff Dough: Stiff Dough is the type of dough that is more compact but is not very difficult to knead, such as Scones, Pizza Crusts, and cookies. Soft Dough is the type that is very soft and easy to handle and knead, such as rolls, biscuits, and yeasted doughnuts.
  2. Unleavened Dough and Leavened Dough: Leavened Dough is the type of Dough that is made by using a Leavened Agent, which can be either natural or chemical.
  3. Laminated and Non-laminated Dough: Laminated is layered dough with many layers, which can be made by repeating the folding and rolling process. This type of dough has at least eight layers in it.

What is Batter?

A batter is a mixture of liquid, eggs, and flour with some additional ingredients. The most common dishes from Batter are Biscuits, Dosa, Cakes, Muffins, cornbread, etc.

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The type of Batter includes Drop Batter, pour batter, and coating batter:

  1. Drop Batter: Drop batter is a type of batter that is made with a ratio of 2:1 with one-part water and two-part flour. It is dropped quickly with the help of a spoon—for example, Muffins, Cakes, Dumplings, Cake Donuts, etc.
  2. Pour Batter: this type of batter is thinner in consistency than the dropped batter. It runs when poured with a spoon. Its ratio is 1:1 with equal liquid and flour—for example, Pancakes, waffles, Funnel Cakes, etc.
  3. Coating Batter: a type of batter used for coating and frying. More liquid and less flour are used in making this type of batter. It is used for shallow frying, deep-frying, and grilling.

All of the above types are based on how they are used and their consistency.


Main Differences Between Dough and Batter

  1. Dough and Batter have different ingredients: egg, Dough does not contain eggs, but eggs are a must to prepare eggs.
  2. The Dough is categorized under various headings such as stiff dough and soft dough, unleavened dough, and leavened dough, and Batter is classified as Drop Batter, Pour batter and Coating batter.
  3. The dough’s consistency is so thick that it can be moulded into any shape, but it is not the same as the batter; the consistency of the batter is fragile.
  4. Mixing of Dough is comparatively effortless as it can be mixed with hands, and for the batter, a blender or mixer is used to mix it with its ingredients.
  5. The dough is used to make pastries and pasta, and the batter is used to make muffins, cakes, and other dishes.
  6. The batter is also used for coating, but the dough is not used for any such purpose.
Difference Between Dough and Batter

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.