a Gecko vs a Lizard: Difference and Comparison

Geckos and lizards are reptiles belonging to the order Squamata. These reptiles are found in hot and warm climates and are abundant worldwide.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gecko is a type of lizard with adhesive toe pads, while a lizard refers to a group of reptiles characterized by their scaly skin and ability to shed their tails.
  2. Gecko is primarily nocturnal and can climb smooth surfaces, while lizard can be diurnal or nocturnal and has various physical features depending on the species.
  3. Gecko is kept as a pet due to their unique appearance, while lizard is less commonly kept than a pet.

Gecko vs Lizard

Geckos possess a unique characteristic of making chirping sounds and are known for vocalizations, but lizards lack this unique feature or element. Geckos keep broad toes, but lizards are known to possess clawed feet.

Gecko vs Lizard

Geckos are known to be originated from North Africa and later on spread to the Canary Islands, southern France, and South Pacific islands. The types of geckos which are kept as pets are Leopard Geckos and Crested Geckos.

Lizards‘ origin can be traced back to 200 million years when they evolved with reptiles. The types of lizards kept as pets include iguanas, monitor lizards and bearded dragons.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonGeckoLizard
Order and ClassOrder Squamata and class Reptilia. Order Squamata and class Sauropsida.
Species Count1196 variety of species of geckos is found globally. Around 3800 arrays of species of lizards are found on earth.
LifespanThe lifespan of the geckos is 5 to 7 years. The lifespan of the lizards is 1 to 3 years.
VenomousGeckos are not venomous. But recently, some varieties of geckos have been found which are venomous. Until now, only two out of all the existing varieties of lizards are venomous.
FoodGeckos feed on butterflies, cockroaches, crickets, beetles and millipedes, Caledonian geckos, mice, young lizards, and small birds. Lizards sustain themselves by eating various foods, like insects, carrion, fruits and vegetation, etc.
OriginGeckos are known to be originated from North Africa and later on spread to the Canary Islands, southern France, and South Pacific islands. Lizards’ origin can be traced back to 200 million years when they evolved with reptiles.
PetsThe types of geckos that are kept as pets are Leopard Geckos and Crested Geckos. The types of lizards kept as pets include tegus, iguanas, monitor lizards and bearded dragons.
VocalizationGeckos possess the unique characteristic of making chirping sounds.Lizards lack this characteristic.
AppearanceGeckos possess broad toes. Lizards possess clawed feet.
Skin TextureGeckos are known for having thin skin with small bumps-like features on the skin. The majority of lizards have scaly and dry skin.

What is a Gecko?

Geckos belong to the order Squamata and class Reptilia. Geckos can be seen in hot climates globally and are short to average-sized lizards.

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Between May to August, the gecko in the female house lays four to five pairs of eggs. The lifespan of the geckos is 5 to 7 years.

Geckos are not venomous. But recently, some varieties of geckos have been found which are venomous.


What is a Lizard?

Lizards belong to the order Squamata and class Sauropsida. Lizards are reptiles with movable eyelids, four legs and ear openings that are externally visible. Lizards are cold-blooded and possess scaly skin, four legs and movable eyelids.

A minority of lizards lay their eggs inside a nest. While other lizards give birth to young lizards, and the eggs hatch inside their body.

The lifespan of the lizards is 1 to 3 years. In the case of lizards, until now, only two out of all the existing varieties of lizards are venomous.


Main Differences Between a Gecko and a Lizard

  1. Geckos belong to the order Squamata and class Reptilia. At the same time, lizards belong to the order Squamata and class Sauropsida.
  2. Geckos can be seen in hot climates globally and are short to average-sized lizards. In contrast, lizards are reptiles having movable eyelids, four legs and ear openings that are externally visible.
  3. Geckos possess broad toes, scaly skin, and vast eye pupils. Lizards are cold-blooded and possess scaly skin, four legs and movable eyelids.
Difference Between a Gecko and a Lizard
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349505727284
  2. https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/115320

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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19 thoughts on “a Gecko vs a Lizard: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The post is very informative, but I disagree with the statement about lizards being less commonly kept than a pet.

  2. I’m sorry, but this post seems overly simplistic and not well-researched. The differences between Geckos and lizards are much more complex than this.


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