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In today’s world, videography has gained very huge popularity, and everybody wants to learn it. Several websites offer collaborations with big celebrities and videography learning tutorials for people all over the world.

People can also create their portfolios or professional profile on these websites with the help of which they may get connected to known videographers.

Artgrid and Motion Array are websites that offer unlimited video downloads and royalty-free music, which other people can use in their videos or any of their platforms. They offer people a subscription plan to buy and enjoy full access to their websites.

Key Takeaways

  1. Artgrid and Motion Array are popular stock media websites offering high-quality video footage, music, and sound effects.
  2. While Artgrid is known for its cinematic footage and curated collections, Motion Array offers various media types, including Premiere Pro templates and plugins.
  3. Both sites offer subscription-based models for accessing their content, but Artgrid has higher pricing tiers and more limited license options.

Artgrid vs Motion Array

ArtGrid is a website that provides a subscription with which you can download various videos and royalty-free music. The content downloaded from ArtGrid is only for personal use. Motion Array offers projects you can use for your portfolio, video templates, and unlimited downloads.

Artgrid vs Motion Array

Artgrid was created in 2016 for people who want to pursue filmmaking as their career. With the help of videos available on this website, people can make similar kinds of videos for starting their careers.

They can also use the music available on their platform as they provide royal-free music that can be used anywhere without fearing any copyright claim.

Motion Array is a website that helps videographers upgrade their career as it provides all video editing tools, portfolio-making tools, collaboration options, etc. They also provide tutorial videos where people can learn about video editing software, filmmaking, motion design, etc.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonArtgridMotion Array
DefinitionArtgrid is a platform where you can download videos and music without any limit. They provide various categories from which you can choose and can create your own library.Motion array offers video templates, royalty-free music, footage, etc without any limit and it also provides you a guidance facility.
TutorialArtgrid does not provide any type of tutorial facility. It only offers you the content that you can download for your use.Motion array provides guidance or tutorial facilities for its users. They provide video tutorials for their users who are beginners.
Subscription planIt only offers annual subscription plans which are divided into three categories.It offers two types of subscription plans one is monthly and another is annual.
Free trialThere is a one-month free trial that people can take, and people can fully access the website during that trial period.It also provides you a free trial period but the website removes some of the facilities like full customer support and some tool access.
Plugins availabilityPlugins cannot be used.Plugins options are available.
Foundation dateArtgrid was launched in 2016 worldwide.Motion array was founded in 2013.

What is Artgrid?

Artgrid’s website was started in 2016, but later a company named Artlist owned it. From this website, you can download lots of videos and music which are royalty-free.

The term royal free is referred to that music and videos which can be used by anyone in the world without getting any type of copyright claim.

Artgrid’s website is well organized and has several types of tools, with the help of which you can add effects to your videos and can make them more attractive. This website offers a free trial period.

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During that period, you can access the website fully, and complete customer support is also provided.

Artgrid has three subscription plans, and all the plans are billed annually. It does not have any monthly subscription plan.

This website also provides you with its universal license, which can be used anywhere in the world.


What is Motion Array?

Motion Array is a website that acts as both a tutorial and a professional platform for videographers or filmmakers. It was launched in 2013 by Artlist, the same company that owned Artgrid.

This website contains several video tutorials for beginners who want to start their careers as filmmakers.

Motion Array offers two types of subscription plans one is monthly, and another is annual. You can also avail of their trial offer in which you will get 1GB of upload storage for one month.

But during the trial period, some of the facilities will be removed, like limited customer support and shifter plugins only.

People can also make their portfolios or professional profile using Motion Array. In their paid subscription plans, you will get full access to their website with all plugins included.

motion array

Main Differences Between Artgrid and Motion Array

  1. Artgrid is a platform where you can download videos and music without any limits. They provide various categories from which you can choose and can create your own library. On the other hand, Motion Array offers video templates, royalty-free music, footage, etc., without any limit, and it also provides you with a guidance facility.
  2. Motion array provides guidance or tutorial facilities for its users. They provide video tutorials for their users who are beginners. In contrast, Artgrid does not provide any type of tutorial facilities. It only offers you content that you can download for your use.
  3. Artgrid provides you with a trial facility in which you can use the website for one month for free. Whereas Motion array also has a trial facility, but some of the tools or functions will be removed.
  4. Motion array was launched in 2013 by the organization called Artlist. Whereas Artgrid was launched in 2016, but it was later owned by Artlist in 2019.
  5. Artgrid does not provide an option for adding plugins while accessing the website. While Motion array provides you the options with the help of which you can add plugins for making things more attractive.

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.