ADSL vs VDSL: Difference and Comparison

Internet connectivity is a crucial criterion in the global economy. The speed of the internet plays a pivotal role, and most of us depend on it.

The emails, images, and multimedia depend on the speed of the internet. Even our entertainment units at home are dependent on network connectivity. Both ADSL and VDSL are two types of internet connections.

Key Takeaways

  1. ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) provides a stable, high-speed internet connection over copper telephone lines. At the same time, VDSL (Very-High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line) delivers faster speeds but with a shorter effective range.
  2. VDSL boasts significantly higher download and upload speeds than ADSL, making it a better choice for bandwidth-heavy tasks like video streaming and online gaming.
  3. ADSL maintains better performance over longer distances from the exchange, making it a more suitable option for rural or remote areas where VDSL’s speed advantage diminishes.


The difference between ADSL and VDSL is that ADSL works with copper lines and can transfer a large amount of data. It is a cost-effective connection for the internet at a faster pace. You can access the internet even while on call, and it has minimal installation and maintenance costs. The VDSL is a fast option to transfer data when compared to ADSL. The shorter the distance, the quicker the speed and VDSL provides High definition television and video on demand.


ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and is responsible for faster data transmission through copper wire. The ADSL connection is an uninterrupted broadband connection.

ADSL broadband is cost-effective and best suited for startups. ADSL covers a distance of 18000 feet, offers low data rates, and gets extensively utilized compared to VDSL.

VDSL stands for Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line, a new technology that offers a better internet signal transmission. VDSL provides high speed and runs SKYPE or YouTube smoothly without any lag.

VDSL has high internet speed, and uploading or downloading files happens smoothly. VDSL signal travels quicker when compared to ADSL.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonADSLVDSL
DistanceIt covers around 18,000 ft.It covers around 4,500 ft.
UsageIt is used extensively as a coverage area is more.Fibre optic or twisted cable.
Speed8 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream.55 Mbps downstream and 2.5 Mbps upstream.
ApplicationHigh-definition TV and video on demand.Internal Access.
MaterialTwisted Cable split into three bands.Fiber optic or twisted cable.

What is ADSL?

ADSL is a well-liked and aged type of broadband, and it functions with the assistance of copper wires. It uses subsisting phone lines. It gets used for property broadband and tiny businesses.

  • Ir runs through the BT phone line network
  • High-quality bandwidth connection
  • Allows quicker transfer of data via a single network
  • Internet access and phone calls simultaneously get connected
  • Minimal installation costs and maintenance charges
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Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is the distribution of bandwidth that is not uniform. It provides unequal data distribution rates upstream and downstream. The rate downstream is higher than upstream.

The twisted-pair cable bandwidth (1 Megahertz) gets split into three bandwidths by ADSL. 

  • The first bandwidth between 0-25 kHz gets utilized for telephone service(POTS). The service allows only 4KHz of the band, and the rest is the guard band which differentiates the sound channel from the figures channel. 
  • The second bandwidth from 20 to 200 kHz is used for upstream communication.
  • The third bandwidth ranges from 200 to 1MHz is for downstream communication.

The ADSL technology covers a distance of 18000 feet. ADSL broadband is the most cost-effective way for a mid-sized company or startup to access the internet.

With speeds of 24Mbps for downloads and 8 Mbps to upload, it is perfect for any company. ADSL gets accessed through an ethernet cable and router that enables WiFi.


What is VDSL?

Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line(VDSL) is a technology for DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). It provides faster data than ADSL AND ADSL2 technology.

An optical fibre or copper wire gets utilized to transport high-speed internet to your device. A modem is a device that connects a device to the internet.

VDSL requires a modem to maintain optimal internet speeds. VDSL allows the phone to be used even while connected to the internet. 

The data speed is around 13 to 55 Mbps over a short distance: the brief interval, the greater the momentum. VDSL enables the user to upload, download and mechanize the data swiftly. 

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VDSL gets considered next-generation DSL, transferring data at 52 Mbps downstream and 12 Mbps upstream. 

VDSL composition gets based on two technologies, Quarantine Amplitude Modulation(QAM) and Discrete Multitone Modulation(DMT). Both these technologies are not compatible with each other. 

DMT technology gets utilized by equipment manufacturers, and VDSL uses DMT, consisting of 247 virtual channels based on the available bandwidth.

VDSL caters to amenities such as video-on-demand(VOD), high-definition television(HDTV), and Internet access. VDSL gets combined with HDTV as a perfect combination in the marketplace.

The VDSL is limited to short distances but ensures maximum speed. VDSL is not widespread as the price is high and distance is limited.

vdsl scaled

Main Differences Between ADSL and VDSL

  1. The upstream speed is between 64Kbps to 1Mbps, and the downstream pace is 500Kbps to 8Mbps in ADSL. In VDSL, the upstream is 1.5-2.5 Mbps, and the downstream is 50-55Mbps.
  2. It covers a distance of 18000 feet in ADSL. In VDSL, it reaches feet of 4500 feet.
  3. In ADSL, Data and POTS lines get shared. In VDSL, Symmetic data and POTS lines get connected.
  4. We can access the internet and video on demand in ADSL. In VDSL, you can access the internet.
  5. ADSL is Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. VDSL indicates a Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber Line.
Difference Between ADSL and VDSL

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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9 thoughts on “ADSL vs VDSL: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides very detailed differences and benefits of both ADSL and VDSL, making it easier to understand. However, it would be valuable to know more about the compatibility of these technologies with future advancements and the impact of 5G on them.

    • I think it is also important to consider the environmental impact of each technology, to understand the long-term sustainability of them.

  2. The article doesn’t talk about the main disadvantages, such as susceptibility to interference, which is also key to understand all the aspects of these technologies.

    • If the article could include real-world examples of situations where each technology is best used, it would be a very beneficial resource for readers.

    • Costs and infrastructure limitations are also very important disadvantages that should be considered when choosing between ADSL or VDSL.

  3. Internet connectivity is the most important aspect in the global economy. Both ADSL and VDSL offers significant improvements over regular internet speeds, it’s great to know all these details.

  4. It’s incredible to see the evolution of internet speed technologies, and to recognize how they have advanced. The data speed offered by VDSL is quite impressive.

  5. In terms of speed, VDSL seems to be the better choice. However, the cost may be a factor when choosing between the two. It’s interesting to learn about these technologies.


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