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The American Kennel Club (AKC) and the National Kennel Club (NKC) are both organizations that register purebred dogs, but they differ in their focus and policies. AKC, founded in 1884, is larger and more widely recognized, emphasizing breed standards and hosting prestigious events like the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. NKC, established in 1964, is smaller and known for its flexibility in accepting new breeds and promoting canine sports like agility and obedience trials.

Key Takeaways

  1. AKC and NKC are both dog registry organizations in the United States.
  2. AKC is older and more well-known, with stricter breed standards and more events.
  3. NKC is a newer organization that preserves rare breeds and offers more inclusive events.


AKC is a registered and credible organization serving to list and sport the thoroughbred of dogs. It aims to enlighten the dog lovers and general people about the pureblooded dogs and the importance of the human and dog relationship. NKC is another dig registry in the United States which index downs the dogs of all breeds. It keeps dogs of any pedigree which isn’t genuine.


The American Kennel Club is strict in registering the pure breed of dogs, whereas the National Kennel Club is not that strict and particular in the case of registering the dogs under it.

Comparison Table

FeatureAKC (American Kennel Club)NKC (National Kennel Club)
Number of Recognized BreedsOver 200Over 500
FocusPurebred dogs with strict breed standardsPurebred and mixed breed dogs, with a focus on preserving rare breeds
Registration processMore stringent, requiring lineage verification and pedigreeLess stringent, allowing registration based on parentage affidavits or DNA testing
Show eventsMore prestigious and competitive, with stricter conformation standardsMore welcoming and relaxed, with a wider variety of events
CostGenerally more expensive for registration and participation in eventsGenerally less expensive for registration and participation in events
International recognitionWidely recognized globallyPrimarily recognized in North America

What is AKC?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is a prominent organization dedicated to promoting and preserving purebred dogs in the United States. Established in 1884, the AKC serves as a registry for purebred dogs, maintains breed standards, and hosts various events and competitions.

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The AKC’s mission is to advance the study, breeding, exhibiting, and welfare of purebred dogs, as well as to encourage responsible dog ownership. They aim to promote the well-being and versatility of all dogs, whether they are purebred or mixed breed.

Activities and Services

  1. Dog Registration: The AKC registers purebred dogs, maintaining a comprehensive database of pedigrees.
  2. Breed Standards: It establishes and maintains breed standards, detailing the ideal characteristics for each recognized breed.
  3. Events and Competitions: The AKC organizes various events and competitions, including conformation shows, obedience trials, agility competitions, and field trials. The most notable event is the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
  4. Canine Health and Research: The AKC supports research initiatives and provides resources for canine health, including funding studies, maintaining health databases, and offering educational materials.
  5. Breeder Education: It offers resources and programs to educate breeders about responsible breeding practices, genetics, and canine care.
  6. Dog Advocacy: The AKC advocates for legislation and policies that promote the well-being of dogs and protect the rights of dog owners.

What is NKC?

The National Kennel Club (NKC) is an organization focused on promoting purebred dogs and canine sports in the United States. Established in 1964, the NKC provides registration services for purebred dogs and facilitates various events and competitions.


The NKC’s mission centers around celebrating the diversity of purebred dogs and fostering a community of responsible dog owners. It aims to provide opportunities for dog enthusiasts to showcase their dogs’ talents and skills while promoting the well-being of all dogs, regardless of pedigree.

Activities and Services

  1. Dog Registration: Similar to the AKC, the NKC registers purebred dogs and maintains pedigrees. However, the NKC is known for its flexibility in recognizing new breeds and promoting rare or lesser-known breeds.
  2. Events and Competitions: The NKC organizes a range of events and competitions, including conformation shows, obedience trials, agility competitions, and hunting tests. These events provide opportunities for dog owners to showcase their dogs’ abilities and compete for titles and awards.
  3. Canine Sports: The NKC actively promotes various canine sports and activities, such as agility, obedience, rally, and field trials. These activities encourage physical fitness, mental stimulation, and the development of strong bonds between dogs and their owners.
  4. Breeder Support: The NKC offers resources and support for responsible dog breeding, emphasizing the importance of health testing, proper care, and ethical breeding practices.
  5. Community Engagement: Through its events and programs, the NKC fosters a sense of community among dog enthusiasts, providing opportunities for networking, education, and camaraderie.

Main Differences Between AKC and NKC

  • Establishment and History:
    • AKC: Established in 1884, making it one of the oldest and most established kennel clubs globally.
    • NKC: Established in 1964, relatively younger compared to AKC, with a focus on modern approaches to dog registration and events.
  • Focus on Breed Standards:
    • AKC: Emphasizes strict adherence to breed standards, with a comprehensive registry and stringent guidelines for conformation shows.
    • NKC: Known for its flexibility in recognizing new breeds and promoting diversity within the purebred dog community.
  • Event and Competition Emphasis:
    • AKC: Hosts prestigious events like the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and emphasizes conformation shows alongside obedience, agility, and field trials.
    • NKC: Offers a range of events and competitions similar to AKC but may have a broader focus on promoting various canine sports and activities, including lesser-known sports.
  • Community and Inclusivity:
    • AKC: Recognized nationally and internationally, with a large community of breeders, exhibitors, and dog enthusiasts adhering to its standards.
    • NKC: May have a more localized or regional presence but prides itself on inclusivity, welcoming new breeds and encouraging participation from a diverse range of dog owners.
  • Breeder Support and Education:
    • AKC: Provides extensive resources and programs for breeder education, focusing on responsible breeding practices, health testing, and genetic diversity.
    • NKC: Offers support for responsible breeding but may have a slightly different emphasis, potentially catering to breeders seeking alternatives to traditional kennel club practices.
  • Recognition and Influence:
    • AKC: Widely recognized as the primary authority on purebred dogs in the United States and holds considerable influence globally.
    • NKC: While not as globally renowned as the AKC, it plays a significant role in promoting purebred dogs and canine sports, particularly in regions where it has a strong presence, and may appeal to those seeking alternative approaches to dog registration and events.
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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.