Aleve vs Motrin: Difference and Comparison

There are an immense amount of drugs in the world that are taken for healing motives. Drugs help our body to relax by relaxing our muscles and taking away our stress. The ingredient in drugs or medicines initiates our sleep which produces relaxation and decades the pain. Therefore most painkillers drive us to intense sleep after taking them.

Aleve and Motrin both are brands that produce painkillers or tablets that reduce pain. These include tablets, gel, ointments, liquid syrup, etc., taken during pain. The normal doses of these painkillers will treat pain like headaches, stomachache, dental pain, etc., for some time. But for chronic pain, one should take doses as recommended by the doctor.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aleve is a brand name for naproxen, while Motrin is a brand name for ibuprofen.
  2. Aleve provides longer-lasting pain relief than Motrin.
  3. Motrin is available over the counter, while Aleve is available in prescription and over-the-counter strengths.

Aleve vs Motrin

Aleve is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that works by reducing inflammation in the body, providing longer-lasting pain relief. Motrin is an NSAID that works by reducing inflammation in the body, commonly used to relieve mild to moderate pain, fever, and inflammation. Its effects  last for four to six hours.

Aleve vs Motrin

Aleve is a trading name for the drug ibuprofen. This drug is normally used for reducing pain, and it is mostly recommended by doctors as a painkiller for acute or chronic pain. It is also known as naproxen because naproxen acts as its main ingredient. Heavy doses or abnormal doses of this drug may lead to heart diseases, stomach ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.

Motrin comes under the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug category mainly used for decreasing pain, treating fever, etc. This medicinal drug is also used for children under ten years old as it is less dangerous. The doses of this drug depend on the level of pain and the body type of a person. And also, if a person is suffering from other diseases, he or she should not take these types of medications without a doctor’s prescription.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAleveMotrin
Active ingredients Aleve is a product brand name or the company name under which medicines are sold, and their vital ingredient is naproxen sodium. Motrin is a common name for ibuprofen medicine, and the main ingredient in it is ibuprofen, called propionic acid.
DosesNormally people are recommended to take the pills, liquid, etc., every seven to twelve hours while the pain lasts. But for serious pain, one should go to the doctor. Generally, it is taken after four to six hours till the pain lasts. Limited to 200 to 400 mg.
Side effects This includes side effects like headache, stomach pain, itching in some parts of the body and fatigue, etc. The side effects may include anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and constipation, etc.
Used forThis medication is used to treat normal pain to acute pain like menstrual pain, headache, etc. It is also used for minor pains like a headache, toothache, arthritis, etc. But can also be used for pain during fever.
Longlasting Aleve is very effective in reducing pain, and its effect lasts for about twelve hours.Motrin takes about 20 to 30 minutes to reduce the pain. And its result lasts for about three to six hours.

What is Aleve?

Aleve solds durg named naproxen under its brand name. It reduces pain within one hour and can last up to 12 to 13 hours. Mostly it comes in the form of a tablet which is taken through the mouth. It is mainly used to treat inflammatory pain caused by irritation in body parts but can also be used for treating chronic muscular pain and back pain.

Aleve can be taken without a doctor’s recommendation but at a low level and not regularly. If the pain persists, one should reach a doctor for proper medication. This drug may become harmful to the body if taken abnormally and can cause heart attack and other stomach-related problems. The woman mostly uses this medication when they have period cramps.

Aleve is of two types one is immediate release, and another is extended-release, where immediate release is used for ordinary pain as it acts immediately and reduces the pain, while extended-release does not show immediate results, but for chronic pain, it is the best option.


What is Motrin?

Motrin is the most popular drug which is sold without a prescription. It acts immediately within twenty to thirty minutes, and it is less dangerous for kids than Aleve. Normally it is taken as a tablet, but it can also be injected or taken through veins. The main ingredient of this drug is ibuprofen, also known as isobutyl-phenyl-propionic acid or simply propionic acid.

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Motrin should be taken in limited quantities as this drug’s side effects persist, including headache, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. The side effect of this drug is mostly seen in the functioning of a kidney as it imbalances the generation of prostaglandins, and this may lead to high blood pressure. Motrin is easily digested and is excreted through urine within 24 hours.

Ibuprofen was created in 1961; earlier, it was known as Brufen. Stewart Adams and john Nicholson founded this formula of medication. It is sold by different brands in the market, like Nurofen and Motrin etc.


Main Differences Between Aleve and Motrin

  1. Aleve is a product company name under which medicines are sold, and their vital ingredient is naproxen sodium. On the other hand, Motrin is a common name for ibuprofen medicine, and its main ingredient is ibuprofen, called propionic acid.
  2. Motrin takes about 20 to 30 minutes to reduce the pain. And its impact stays for about four to six hours. Whereas Aleve is very effective in reducing pain, and its effect lasts for about twelve hours.
  3. Aleve includes side effects like headache, stomach pain, itching in some parts of the body, fatigue, etc. In comparison, the side effects of Motrin may include anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and constipation, etc.
  4. Motrin is taken after four to six hours till the pain lasts, and the quantity is limited to 200 to 400 mg. Whereas Normally, people are recommended to take Aleve every seven to twelve hours while the pain lasts. But for serious pain, one should go to the doctor.
  5. Aleve is used in treating normal pain to acute pain like menstrual pain, headache, etc. In comparison, Motrin is used for minor pains like a headache, toothache, arthritis, etc. But can also be used for pain during fever.

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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16 thoughts on “Aleve vs Motrin: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I didn’t realize the potential side effects of Aleve and Motrin are so extensive. It’s quite alarming to know that heart diseases and gastrointestinal bleeding can be caused by heavy doses of these medications.

  2. The article offers an intriguing account of the histories and compositions of Aleve and Motrin, shedding light on their origins and how they work in the body.

    • Indeed, learning about the founders and development of these medications gives a deeper understanding of their impact on human health.

    • It’s fascinating to consider the advancements in pharmaceuticals through the creation of drugs like Aleve and Motrin. The scientific progress is remarkable.

  3. The article presents a clear comparison between Aleve and Motrin, offering valuable insights into their active ingredients, doses, and side effects.

    • The information provided is indeed comprehensive. I had no idea that Motrin can cause constipation and restlessness as side effects.

    • The comparison table is particularly helpful in understanding the key differences between Aleve and Motrin. Well-researched content.

  4. The information about the differences in the effectiveness and uses of Aleve and Motrin provides valuable knowledge for those seeking relief from pain and fever.

    • Absolutely! Understanding the specific benefits and risks of these drugs is essential for making well-informed choices in managing health conditions.

  5. The detailed descriptions of the uses and side effects are incredibly informative. It’s crucial for people to be aware of the potential risks associated with these drugs.

  6. The breakdown of Aleve and Motrin’s long-lasting effects is eye-opening. It’s essential to be cautious with the dosage and frequency of these medicines, especially considering their potential side effects.

    • Definitely! The information about the differences in their pain relief durations provides valuable insights for consumers to use these medications responsibly.

  7. Great article! I really learned a lot about the differences between Aleve and Motrin. It’s interesting how they both have similar uses but different lasting effects.

    • I agree! It’s impressive that these drugs work by reducing inflammation in the body. They’re both essential in treating pain and fever.

  8. I appreciate the details about the uses of Aleve and Motrin. It’s good to know how these medications can treat different types of pain effectively.

    • Absolutely, understanding the long-lasting effects and primary uses of these drugs can help individuals make informed decisions about managing pain and fever.


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