Advil vs Motrin: Difference and Comparison

For many generations, non-prescribed self-medications have been quite prevalent. These are medications that have already been legally allowed for sale to the general public, even without a medical prescription.

Additionally, many types of medicines are designed to treat common diseases and concerns. These, like other medications, aren’t safe to use on a routine basis for an extended length of time.

Advil and Motrin are some textbook examples of OTC medications used frequently by common people.

This article is focused on the differences and functionalities of both medicines side-by-side. Even though Advil and Motrin are trade names for Ibuprofen chemically, a popular NSAID, there have been some variations in their medicinal and therapeutic effects on human immunity and general health.

Key Takeaways

  1. Both Advil and Motrin contain the same active ingredient, ibuprofen.
  2. Advil comes in different forms, such as tablets, gel caps, and liquid gels, while Motrin is available in tablets and liquid suspension forms.
  3. Pfizer markets Advil, while Motrin is marketed by Johnson & Johnson.

Advil vs Motrin

Advil is manufactured by Pfizer. Motrin is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. Some people may prefer one brand over another due to differences in inactive ingredients, such as fillers or coatings, which can affect how the medication is absorbed and metabolized in the body.

Advil vs Motrin

As we know now, the medicinal properties of both Advil and Motrin are identically cent percent the same, so the comparison shifts towards their brands. Advil, which Pfizer owns, is a synthetic anti-inflammatory medication.

Ibuprofen helps lower the levels of hormones in the blood that produce irritation and discomfort.

Advil is being used to alleviate the pain triggered by a number of ailments, including headaches, toothaches, backache, osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, and minor injuries. Advil is prescribed for adults and kids over the age of two.

Consult a doctor if your child is under the age of two.

Motrin, on the other hand, Motrin is a younger version of ibuprofen that works in the same way as Advil. The main difference might be the time required for Motrin to provide a clinical utility, as it works faster.

Motrin is owned by the famous cosmetic and medical concern Johnson and Johnson.

It is used to treat fevers and mild muscle aches associated with cold and body aches caused by viral fevers. Motrin is an anti-inflammatory medication that is not a corticosteroid (NSAID). It works by preventing the development of certain natural chemicals that induce inflammation throughout the body.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAdvilMotrin
Manufactured ByPfizer manufactures advil.Motrin is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.
Launch DateAdvil was marketed in the early 1970s.Motrin sold its first batch in America in 1974.
PackagingAdvil has a blue cuboidal box with white shades over it, along with the medical features of the ibuprofen.Motrin sports an orange box with the illustration of its chewable tabs.
EffectAdvil is slow to react and takes time to take effect, although it is said that Advil can especially cure fevers in quite a few minutes.Motrin is more effective in less time, and it is found that it deals with pain and uneasiness quite quickly.
QuantityThe 200 mg packet contains 50 tablets.The 200 mg packet contains 80 chewable tablets.

What is Advil?

Advil belongs to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine family of medications (NSAIDs). Aspirin, diclofenac (Aleve), ibuprofen (Indocin), nabumetone (Relafen), and numerous more drugs belong to this family.

These medications are prescribed to treat conditions that pertain to pain, temperature, and irritation.

The production of molecules called prostaglandins in the body promotes pain, heat, and irritation. Advil inhibits the mechanism that produces prostaglandins (cyclooxygenase), lowering prostaglandin concentrations.

Friction, discomfort, and fever are decreased as a result. Ibuprofen was authorized by the FDA in 1974.

Advil is the first of the popular companies of Ibuprofen to be produced primarily by Pfizer. As a result, it takes longer to establish a therapeutic impact.

Because the length of time it takes for a medicine to take effect varies greatly depending on who is consuming it, there is no set range for its distributed practice. Even though they are both on the identical side of the comparison, Advil has been shown to lower fevers a little quicker, however, more evidence is needed to back up this claim.

Some of the ideal features that Advil 300 mg possess are as follows;

  1. It relieves discomfort and body aches and is also a good replacement for aspirin.
  2. Reduces edema by acting as an anti-inflammatory.
  3. Longer-acting than Motrin and accessible as a tablet, digestible pill, or liquid
  4. Must be consumed with meals or drinks.
  5. It should not be given to a child who is puking, exhausted, or who is not swallowing much since it may induce abnormalities if the child is on kidney-disrupting medicines.
advil 1

What is Motrin?

Motrin is another newly famous trademarked name for ibuprofen which is launched and manufactured by the infamous Johnson & Johnson concern. If a product includes ibuprofen, it will be stated on the box at a drugstore.

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Motrin is an NSAID or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with painkilling, anti-migraine agitating, and anti-inflammatory effects in larger dosages.

Motrin and other ibuprofens are now on the World Health Organization’s recognized list of required medications. The list identifies the absolute necessities of medical requirements for a rudimentary healthcare service.

Corticosteroids and narcotics, or opiates, are two other forms of pain medications. Long-term steroid usage will have significant side effects which cannot be reverted or treated easily, therefore NSAIDs are a better alternative, and the window period, as well as the effective stage of Motrin especially, is miraculously fast in around 15 – 20 minutes the pain can be relieved.

News and findings of the long tenure of Motrin did cause Johnson & Johnson to withdraw their Motrin sub-brands for a phase of time due to some crisis that was not dealt with carefully by the PRO of J&J.

The recall of Motrin Newborn Drops in September 2013, as well as the Recall of Motrin Infant, Drops in the mid-2010s, was surely a setback for the Motrin-branded ibuprofens produced by the company. Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Motrin, was also penalized $25 million and pleaded no contest to “delivering for reintroduction into interstate or foreign commerce contaminated babies’ and kid’s over-the-counter (OTC) oral medications.”


Main Differences Between Advil and Motrin

  1. Advil is slow to react and takes time to take effect, whereas Motrin is more effective in less time.
  2. The effects and therapeutic aspects of Advil are stronger and more durable than Motrin and its sub-brands.
  3. Advil is produced by Pfizer, whereas Motrin is manufactured by Johnson & Johnson.
  4. Advil is an older product, whereas Motrin has launched in the late 2009s therefore a new product when compared to Advil.
  5. Advil has blue and white packaging with 50 tablets of 200 mg, whereas Motrin has orange-yellow packaging with 80 tablets of 200 mg.
Difference Between Advil and Motrin

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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15 thoughts on “Advil vs Motrin: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Advil and Motrin are both manufactured by reputable companies like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, and while they contain the same active ingredient, ibuprofen, their packaging, effect, and reaction time differ.

    • The choice between Advil and Motrin may depend on individual preferences and factors such as the speed of effect, quantity, and form of the medication.

  2. Advil is a synthetic anti-inflammatory medication that helps alleviate pain caused by various ailments, while Motrin, which is a younger version of ibuprofen, is more effective in a shorter time, especially in dealing with pain and discomfort.

  3. The mechanism of action, dosage, packaging, and potential interactions of Advil and Motrin are essential considerations for healthcare professionals and patients in choosing the most suitable medication for pain management and anti-inflammatory therapy.

    • The availability, affordability, and safety profiles of Advil and Motrin can influence prescribing practices and patient adherence to treatment regimens.

    • Understanding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Advil and Motrin is crucial for optimizing their therapeutic benefits and minimizing the risk of adverse effects in clinical practice.

  4. The composition, efficacy, and ideal features of Advil and Motrin are significant factors in understanding their therapeutic applications and potential side effects for different age groups and health conditions.

    • Factors such as dosage forms, administration guidelines, and contraindications should be considered when comparing Advil and Motrin for specific medical conditions and age groups.

    • The pharmacological actions of Advil and Motrin in reducing inflammation, pain, and fever provide valuable insights into their clinical utility and safety for diverse patient populations.

  5. The differences in the manufacturing companies, as well as the chemical properties of Advil and Motrin, contribute to the varying therapeutic effects and consumer preferences for these over-the-counter medications.

    • The price, convenience, and potential side effects of Advil and Motrin also play a role in determining which medication is more suitable for individual users.

  6. The FDA approval, manufacturer, therapeutic effects, and clinical applications of Advil and Motrin provide valuable insights into their pharmacological properties and potential benefits for individuals with pain and inflammation.

  7. The comparison between Advil and Motrin highlights their differences in launch date, packaging, effect, and quantity, which can influence consumers’ choices based on their specific needs and preferences.

  8. Ibuprofen has been used as a non-prescribed self-medication for generations to treat common diseases, and Advil and Motrin are popular examples of over-the-counter medication with similar active ingredients.

    • Ibuprofen, the active ingredient in both Advil and Motrin, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is widely used to relieve pain, fever, and inflammation.


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