KDE vs GNOME: Difference and Comparison

Linux has progressed from a basic host machine architecture to becoming utilized in the creation of desktop software throughout time.

Linux adheres to its established principles and expands on the notion of everyone being free and open-source, making it an excellent, dependable, and safe choice to consider, especially in light of the recent privacy concerns.

Some of the most widely used computer interfaces for Linux include GNOME and KDE. The majority of users use the standard graphical installer that comes with their Linux system.

However, advanced users favour one over another for reasons of convenience, efficiency, design, or personalization. And, hence this article focuses on differentiating both sides of the desktop by the side to help you choose the best one!

Key Takeaways

  1. KDE and GNOME are two popular desktop environments for Linux operating systems.
  2. KDE is known for its customization options and visual appeal, while GNOME is known for its simplicity and ease of use.
  3. The main difference between KDE and GNOME is the user interface and the level of customization available.


KDE means K Desktop Environment and is a workspace system that does not require a Command Line Interface but can run with Windows, Droid, and other platforms. GNOME means GNU Network Object Model Environment and is a desktop application available on Linux. It is a free and open-source desktop environment.


The K Desktop Environment refers to the KDE acronym. It is a workspace environment for operating systems based on Linux.

It is a global freeware ecosystem that develops a comprehensive range of bridge programs for current Unix-like and Os Windows computers.

It’s most known for its OLED and Plasma Desktop, a desktop atmosphere that comes pre-installed on many Linux distros, including openSUSE and Kubuntu, as the standard workplace environment.

This is also the standard desktop interface on PC-BSD, a BSD software platform.

GNOME, on the other hand (GNU Network Object Model Environment, pronouncing gah-NOHM), is a user interface graphic base and a collection of computing desktop programs for Linux distributions.

The UI of GNOME may be customized to seem more like Windows 10 or Chrome OS as an example. GNOME is a totally free (as in freedom) and accessible operating system.

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It’s clearly intended for Linux computers, although it may also be used with BSD. Fedora is indeed the “flagship” Linux-based operating system that includes (and produces) GNOME.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKDEGNOME
Full FormStands for K Desktop Environment.GNU Network Object Model Environment.
UI POVIt is feature rich and is pretty complex for new users and the general community.The interface is clean and simplified with many tweaks and features as well as very user-friendly.
Introduced InReleased in October 1996Launched in August 1997
DesignA free open-source environment built from the ground up for ease of use, accessibility, and internationalisation and adaptation.The build-up is concise and simple, unlike KDE.
Toolkits Operates using QT toolkit.GTK+ toolkit is used here.

What is KDE?

KDE is a workspace system that eliminates the need for Command Line Interface to do daily chores. Plasma Workspace and KDE frames are some of KDE’s most successful brands.

They’re made to run with Windows, Droid, Unix Desktop computers, and other platforms. It supplies programmers with tools and materials to help them create apps.

KDE is known for its customizability and appealing user interface. Those objectives make this one of the most incredibly attractive, uniform, and comprehensive Linux desktops available, with great user customization.

It provides software developers with resources and information for building stand-alone apps for a platform.

KDE serves as a location-specific hub for several apps, including Krita and Calligra Packages. On PCs, netbooks, cellphones, and tablets, KDE Plasma provides a unified interface for executing and controlling apps.

KDE foundations are used to build KDE apps like KTorrent as well as KDE Partition Explorer. KDE apps are cross-platform and cross-platform.

The QT foundation is used in KDE applications. KDE programs are based on KDE techniques, but a variety of small and midsize initiatives use KDE technologies.

KDE programs are executed using a variety of frameworks and functions. KDE is a system written mostly in C++, with strong interfaces for information in a later language like python, Ruby, C#, as well as Perl.


 What is GNOME?

GNOME is among the many different desktop applications available on Linux. This is in opposition to Windows and macOS, which both have just one.

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You don’t specify whether you’re utilizing the Windows pc interface or the Windows core. Matters aren’t so straightforward, though, because Linux comprises components that many different individuals contribute.

Miguel de Icaza, with Federico Mena, invented GNOME in the mid-1990s as a freeware traditional desktop and accompanying apps.

The freeware initiative originated as a replacement for the commercial QT widget engine used by the K Desktop Ecosystem. However, GNOME uses the GTK+ framework.

The GNOME core is indeed the standard UI for the GNOME desktop ecosystem. It has an activity icon, a program menu, a calendar, and an integrated solution status menu, among other things. The title of the program is displayed in the program menu.

It has the ability to view the software’s options, close the app, and open up a new software session.

The system’s state indications, shortcuts to system settings and session actions including signing out, changing users, and stopping the machine, are all found under the current menu.


Main Differences Between KDE and GNOME

  1. KDE is a solid operating system that isn’t overly showy, whereas GNOME is much more concerned with aesthetics and user interaction.
  2. KDE has better applications and updated facilities, while GNOME has an array of developmental options and direct coding options.
  3. KDE is complicated, whereas GNOME is famous for its simple and clean UI.
  4. KDE was released in October 1996, whereas GNOME was launched in August 1997.
  5. KDE stands for K Desktop Environment, whereas GNOME stands for GNU Network Object Model Environment.
  1. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/gnome-explained-look-one-linuxs-popular-desktops/
  2. https://kde.org/

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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8 thoughts on “KDE vs GNOME: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The comprehensive comparison between KDE and GNOME is extremely helpful for individuals entering the Linux environment and trying to understand the distinctive features of these desktop environments.

  2. Thank you for this comparison between KDE and GNOME. It’s always helpful to know the differences between the two popular desktop environments for Linux operating systems.

  3. The detailed analysis and comparison of KDE and GNOME in this article is highly informative and helpful for users who want to understand the differences in these popular desktop environments. A good read!

  4. The detailed comparison has provided a clear understanding of the similarities and differences between KDE and GNOME. The article has successfully highlighted the varying capabilities and offerings of each desktop environment.

  5. The comparison between KDE and GNOME is well-explained and gives a clear understanding of the user interface, customization options, and visual appeal of both desktop environments.

  6. The comparison of KDE and GNOME is insightful and well-detailed. It’s an excellent guide to help users navigate through the choice of the best Linux desktop environment based on their preferences and needs.

  7. The review provided a very insightful and detailed comparison of KDE and GNOME. It’s good to know the features and benefits of both so that one can make an informed choice according to personal requirements.

  8. This article provides a thorough understanding of the key features and differences between KDE and GNOME. It’s impressive to see a comprehensive examination to help users choose the best desktop environment for their requirements.


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