Ruby vs Python: Difference and Comparison

Everything is digitalized now, purchasing, selling, education, etc. To make sure the online process of these works smoothly, certain apps, applications, etc, have to be made.

Every website, application, or game requires certain programming languages, and innovative new programming languages are also introduced.

Key Takeaways

  1. Ruby is a programming language that is object-oriented and dynamic.
  2. Python is a programming language that is object-oriented and interpreted.
  3. Ruby focuses on simplicity and elegance, while Python focuses on readability and simplicity.

Ruby vs Python

Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language, prized for its simplicity and productivity, used for web development. Python is a high-level, interpreted language known for its readability and broad application in scientific computing, data analysis, AI, and web development.

Ruby vs Python

Ruby is used for general purposes, especially for web development and application development, and was developed in 1995. Mixins can be used under this programming language.

Python is a high-level programming language used by many big companies. Mixins cannot be used in this language but have larger libraries. It uses natural language elements.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonRubyPython
DefinitionsIts general-purpose programming language.It is a high-level programming language.
MixinsCan be usedCannot be used
LibrariesSmaller librariesLarger libraries
Developed in19951991
UsageGoogle, Instagram, YouTube, etc.Apple, Twitter, Urban Dictionary, etc.

What is Ruby?

It is a high-level programming language that is dynamic in nature. It was introduced after the need for more scripting and object-oriented languages was felt.

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It supports both multiple paradigms of programming and functional programming, making it a unique language. Its interpreter can also be used as a calculator.


  1. Object-oriented: it is an object-oriented programming language.
  2. Mixins: it has both classes and modules both.
  3. Method Name: a question mark of the exclamation mark is used at the end of the methods.

Except for the above, there are also some other features such as visual features, garbage collector, Case Sensitive, etc.


  1. Time Efficiency: the software can be developed by using this language quickly. It is among the most time-efficient languages.
  2. Tools and libraries: it provides the best features and tools that can help develop several websites and applications.
  3. Safety: it offers the best level of safety.
ruby programming language

What is Python?

It is believed that Python was developed as its developer was looking for a project to write a new programming language for a hobby and ultimately developed a new programming language, Python.

Many big and popular companies have used and still using Python Programming language, including NASA, Google, Nokia, etc.

Advantages of Python

  1. Easy to read and learn: it has English-like syntax. Therefore, it is an easier language to write and learn for a beginner for coding.
  2. Improved Productivity: it is a simple and productive language and mainly focuses on solving math problems.
  3. Interpreted Language: it directly executes code and reports if any error arrives after stopping the further execution.
  4. Free and Open Source: it is free to use and distribute as it is OSI approved.
  5. Vast Libraries: it supports a larger library. Even Ruby has a smaller library in comparison.
python programming language

Main Differences Between Ruby and Python

  1. Built-in classes can be changed by modifying them in Ruby, whereas they cannot be modified in the case of Python.
  2. Ruby only supports single inheritance, while Python supports multiple inheritances. Also, python supports tuples, while Ruby does not support tuples.
Difference Between Ruby and Python
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Last Updated : 20 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Ruby vs Python: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article is very informative and well-explained. It provides a great comparison between Ruby and Python, making it easier to understand the differences and use cases for each language.

  2. The detailed comparison and explanation of the key takeaways and advantages of Ruby and Python are impressive. It’s a great resource for developers and programmers.

  3. The discussion on the advantages and features of both Ruby and Python is very interesting and informative. This article has provided a clear understanding of these languages.

  4. The article provides a clear and concise overview of Ruby and Python programming languages. It’s an excellent reference for developers and learners alike.

  5. The article provides a comprehensive overview and a detailed description of Ruby and Python programming languages. It’s quite enlightening.

  6. The article provides a thorough understanding of Ruby and Python and their respective features. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about these programming languages.

  7. The article offers a wealth of knowledge about the similarities and differences between Ruby and Python. It’s a great resource for understanding these programming languages.

  8. The detailed analysis of the key takeaways, features, and advantages of Ruby and Python is impressive. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in programming languages.

  9. The article did an excellent job of highlighting the key features, advantages, and differences between Ruby and Python. It’s a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about these programming languages.


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