C vs C#: Difference and Comparison

All the programming languages are converters and make the machine understand our needs. We write the programs in our language then the compiler converts the language.

So there are many programming languages. Two of them are C and C#. These are somewhat similar in some features but differ in some of the other factors.

So here are a few differences to understand the difference between C and C#.

Key Takeaways

  1. C is a procedural programming language, while C++ is an extension of C that supports both procedural and object-oriented programming.
  2. C++ includes additional features like classes, objects, and exception handling, allowing for more robust and versatile programming.
  3. C++ is better suited for large-scale software development, while C is used for low-level programming and system development.

C vs C#

C language supports procedural programming. C# language is a more object-oriented programming language. The C is basically on functions in contrast to the C# is more on design. The C# is mostly used for software development and networking works.

C vs C 2

The programming language C was discovered by the Bell research lab in the year 1972. Denis Ritchie designed this popular and important programming language.

Primary languages like ALGOL, BCPL, and B emerged long before that C. C uses many concepts from these primary languages and adds more ideas that make this language more versatile for the users.

The C# programming language is more based on the designs. There is a total of 86 keywords in this C# library. This language is commonly used for developing software and networking-related goals.

This language also gives the freedom to the developers to design the programmers per their own needs.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCC#
Type of programmingThis language supports procedural programming.This language is more about object-oriented programming.
ExecutionThis language is executed cross-platform.This language is executed in.NET framework platform.
Abstraction qualityA low level of abstraction can be done.High-level abstraction can be achieved using this.
Total keywords presentHere are 32 keywords in totalHere are 86 keywords in total
Base of workThis is more basically on functions.This is more basically based on design.

What is C? 

C is a basic programming language. It is well structured and machine-independent language.

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This is a high-level programming language and also allows the developer to be free of thinking about which hardware the program will work on.

This programming language was discovered by the Bell research lab in the year 1972. Denis Ritchie designed this popular and important programming language.

Primary languages like ALGOL, BCPL, and B emerged a long ago before that C. C uses many concepts from these primary languages and adds more ideas that make this language more versatile for the users.

As the UNIX operating system developed this language, it is highly attached to UNIX.

This UNIX operating system formed by the Bell laboratories was completely designed and coded in C, and this operating system is also the heart of the internet data.

This language supports procedural programming. A low level of abstraction can be done using this language. It has a total of 32 keywords in the C library.

The increasing popularity of C is due to its variety of uses. This can be used by beginners who are teaching the first machine language to professionals for coding complex programs.

c programming

What is C#?

This programming language is very similar to that of C. C sharp, an object-oriented programming language. It is for general-purpose usage. It was developed by Microsoft and designed by Anders Hejelbug and his team.

This language is very similar to that o Java and C, so it is very easy for users who are known to Java and C.

The compiling and execution of the programs written in C# are by the .NET frameworks. This is an object-oriented programming language with many features like classes, structures, etc.

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High-level abstraction may be achieved by using this language. In C#, the pointers in the library of this programming language are used in unsafe mode.

When we run a program like the processes of compiling and execution happens, a set of garbage is formed. The C# has a separate feature called Common Language Runtime (CLR) to store this garbage.

The programs and the designs formed in # gives standard range performance. 

The C# programming language is more based on the designs. There is a total of 86 keywords in this C# library. This language is commonly used for developing software and networking-related goals.

This language also gives the freedom to the developers to design the programmers per their own needs.


Main Differences Between C and C#

  1. The language C supports procedural programming. On the other hand, the language C# is more about object-oriented programming.
  2. The language C can be executed on the cross-platform, on the other hand, and the language C# is executed in the .NET framework platform.
  3. C programming language is more basically on functions, but in comparison to that, the C# programming language is more basically based on design.
  4. In C programming language low level of abstraction can be done. On the other hand, the C# language high-level abstraction can be achieved using this.
  5. In this C programming language, there are 32 keywords in total. On the other hand, in the C# programming language, there are 86 keywords in total.
Difference Between C and C
  1. https://www.bell-labs.com/usr/dmr/www/chist.pdf
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/sca.4950190101

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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