C vs C++: Difference and Comparison

The user of a computer must be able to communicate with it. For any command and output, a medium of instruction is needed. A computer certainly cannot understand simple English or any other human language.

To solve this dilemma, computer languages like C and C++, amongst many more, were invented.

Key Takeaways

  1. C is a procedural programming language, while C++ supports procedural and object-oriented programming.
  2. C++ includes features like classes, objects, and inheritance, which are absent in C.
  3. Standard Template Library (STL) is available in C++, providing a range of predefined classes and functions for common tasks.

C vs C++

C is a general-purpose programming language that was originally developed in the 1970s. It is a low-level language used for system programming. C++ is an extension of the C language developed in the 1980s. It is designed to support object-oriented programming (OOP) and for general purposes.

C vs C

C is a procedural programming language that uses a series of steps for the program to solve a given problem.

It has a small fixed number of keywords (32) and a large number of operators that users can use to develop any program with low memory access and separated data and functions.

C++ is both a procedural and object-oriented programming language. It is a combination of both the variety. It has a comparatively more significant number of keywords (63) and is an object-oriented language.

It supports polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance. It has more extensive memory access and is more manipulative or user-friendly.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonCC++
Developed By C++ was developed in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist.C does not support OPP. This data encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance us not supported by C.
Type of Language
C is a procedure-oriented programming language.
C++ is a procedure-oriented programming language as well as an object-oriented programming language.
OOP Support

Data encapsulation enhances data security and ensures that data structures and functions are used only by the user and not any external code.C++, on the other hand, supports data encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.

As data is not encapsulated in C, it is open to access by other codes.C does not support features such as function operator, overloading, namespace feature, variable reference functionality, virtual and friend operations and exceptional handling.
Supported Features

The header file used by the C program is Studio.hC++ supports features such as function operator, overloading, namespace feature, the reference variable functionality, virtual and friend operations and exceptional handling.
Header file

The header file used by C++ is stream.hThe header file used by C++ is iostream.h

C programming language has 32 keywords.C++ program has 63 keywords.
Access modifiers

C lacks access modifiers.Access modifiers are present in C++.
Driven Type

Essentially C is focused on method or process rather than data. It is function-driven.C++ is focused on data rather than the method or process. In essence, it is object driven.

What is C?

C is a programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie, an American computer scientist between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C is a procedural programming language with a defined structure.

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The defined structure of a C program is as follows :

  1. Header ( #include <studio.h>)
  2. main()
  3. Variable Declaration
  4. Body
  5. Return

This language uses a small number of keywords and operators to solve any problem in a series of defined steps. This programming language is procedure or method oriented. It provides core concepts like strings, arrays, functions etc., and can be used for low-level programming.

It cannot be used for internet programming. As the C programming language provides essential functions and keywords, it is also called the mother of all programming languages, as most trace back their base to this language.

However, it does not support functions or operators overloading and data encapsulation, which makes data insecure as they exist as free files on the device that other codes can access.

They are not machine-dependent; however, they use pointer arithmetic, giving the language the dual nature of being both low-level and high-level, like a programming language.

However, the language is easy to understand and use and is the base of almost all programming languages that followed it.


What is C++?

C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, a Danish computer scientist, in 1979.C++ is essentially a superset of the C language. It used a similar syntax and code structure.

It, however, has a more significant number of keywords and operators. Its grammar is slightly extended. This language, however, supports procedure-oriented as well as object-oriented programming.

Object orientation programming (OPP) supports inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and data abstraction. This allows the programming to be more secure as data remains encapsulated.

It supports other features like variable and operator overloading, exceptional handling, various functions, and functions inside a structure. These added features make the programming language stand up a notch and more user-friendly.


Main Differences Between C and C++

  1. C is a structure, method, or procedure-oriented programming language, while C++ is a culmination of object and procedure orientation.
  2. C language contains all the functions and keywords of the C++ language and hence is called its subset, while the latter is called its superset with its advanced and added features.
  3. Data encapsulation is missing in C as it is not object-oriented making information insecure. Data encapsulation allows information hiding to make the object-oriented C++ programming language more secure.
  4. The header file of C programs is the studio.h while that of C++ is a stream.h
  5. C has malloc() and calloc() functions for memory allocation, while C++ has a new operator. C also has a free() function for memory clearing, while C++ has a delete operator.
  6. C has scanf() and print () operators for input and output, while C++ uses cin and cout for the same action.
Difference Between C and C 2
  1. https://bhavikjoshi35.wordpress.com/2015/12/10/c-programming-language/
  2. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=q7fomH9lOU8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=c%2B%2B+programming+language&ots=8dTHyxB4MD&sig=qq8TkVn_4Aa1jvRRdelh4cfWiRA
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Last Updated : 17 July, 2023

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23 thoughts on “C vs C++: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article provides a clear explanation of C and C++ programming languages, covering their history, features, and usage. It is a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in delving deeper into programming language differences.

    • Absolutely, this article offers a detailed overview of C and C++, making it an excellent resource for programmers and computer science enthusiasts.

  2. The comparison of C and C++ in this article is enlightening, showcasing the evolution and distinct features of these programming languages in a comprehensive manner.

  3. The article effectively outlines the characteristics of C and C++ programming languages, along with their key features and differences. It is a valuable resource for those interested in mastering these languages.

    • I found the comparison between C and C++ to be very insightful, highlighting the strengths and capabilities of each language in a clear and concise manner.

    • The article’s emphasis on the procedural and object-oriented nature of C and C++ provides a solid foundation for understanding their usage and applicability in programming.

  4. The article’s comprehensive overview of C and C++ programming languages serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to delve into programming language disparities and similarities.

    • The well-rounded comparison between C and C++ programming languages provides a sound basis for comprehending their distinct attributes and practical applications.

  5. This article provides important information about the differences between C and C++ programming languages, and how they work. It is essential for anyone interested in programming to understand the characteristics of these languages.

    • I agree, understanding the differences between C and C++ is crucial for programmers and developers to make informed decisions about which language to use for various projects.

    • The detailed comparison table provided in the article is very informative and helpful for those looking to understand the distinctions between C and C++.

  6. The article’s thorough examination of C and C++ programming languages is beneficial for individuals seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of their procedural and object-oriented features.

    • The detailed comparison table in the article provides a structured overview of the characteristics and functionalities of C and C++, enhancing the understanding of their core principles.

    • The article’s insights into the unique attributes of C and C++ programming languages contribute to a deeper comprehension of their inherent capabilities and utilization in programming.

  7. The article’s detailed examination of C and C++ programming languages offers an insightful perspective on their strengths and weaknesses, making it an invaluable resource for developers and programmers.

    • The article’s emphasis on the features and capabilities of C and C++ languages enhances the understanding of their procedural and object-oriented characteristics.

  8. The detailed comparison between C and C++ programming languages in the article provides an enriching experience, offering valuable insights into their structural differences and usage scenarios.

    • The thorough analysis of C and C++ programming languages in the article facilitates a deep understanding of their procedural and object-oriented paradigms.

  9. The article presents a well-structured overview of C and C++ programming languages, offering valuable insights for both novice and experienced programmers looking to enhance their knowledge.

    • I appreciate the in-depth analysis of C and C++ programming languages, which sheds light on their unique functionalities and capabilities.

  10. The article’s detailed exploration of C and C++ provides a comprehensive understanding of their procedural and object-oriented aspects, which is essential for programming enthusiasts.

    • The article serves as a valuable reference for individuals seeking to grasp the fundamental disparities between C and C++ programming languages.

    • The comprehensive comparison table in the article effectively highlights the differences between C and C++, making it easier to grasp their unique functionalities.


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