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It is all known to us that the era, as of now, is data-driven. Software and devices house as much information as our fingerprints.

Starting from the color of our hair to the weight of our accounts, everything is digital and known to everyone. Thus the factor of keeping this information safe comes at a risk.

It is here when the All-state identity protector and the LifeLock come into action. To Keep our throats away from the grasp of hackers, we have these elements from the software world.

Key Takeaways

  1. Allstate Identity Protection offers credit monitoring and identity theft insurance, while Lifelock offers credit monitoring, identity theft insurance, and alerts for potential fraud.
  2. Allstate Identity Protection offers a 30-day free trial, while Lifelock offers a 60-day one.
  3. Allstate Identity Protection offers a mobile app for easy access, while Lifelock offers a feature that notifies you of sex offender activity in your area.

Allstate Identity Protection vs Lifelock

All state identity protection uses only a single barrier security, while life lock uses a complex three-barrier security. The former can secure your social media accounts and activities, whereas Lifelock lacks security in the same sphere as it doesn’t secure your social media account.

Allstate Identity Protection vs Lifelock

A highly aggressive anti-data breach program that makes sure your data have an undisturbed sleep.

An uninvadable monitoring procedure that keeps a record of all your accounts of social media, bank accounts, and credits.

Along with that, it has a readymade team that is at work 24×7 to retrieve any data that leaves the system without your peer knowledge. 

When it comes to LifeLock, it safeguards your identity profile. Letting you know if there’s any threat to it via email or app.

It makes your data hackproof, and your online activity is private with the shield of a VPN. In case of any leak of your data, one of their agents is always set to launch at its recovery. 

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Comparison Table

Parameters of comparisonAllstate Identity ProtectionLifeLock
Advanced approachUses an updated digital footprint feature for safeguarding.Prefers traditional methods to serve security to its users.
Depth of securitySingle barrier security is all that it has.Uses complex three-barrier security hard to breach.
Private safeDoesn’t promote the access to lock the private credentials separately.Allows the users to add an extra lock to their credentials data.
Access to social mediaCan secure your social media accounts and activities.Lacks a hand on social media accounts thereby lacking security in the same.
Subscription valueLags behind in serving advanced security when it comes to cutting down the pocket.Provides acceptable service at a pocket-friendly price.

What is Allstate Identity Protection?

The Allstate identity protector is, ironically, a safe meant to keep your online data away from the threat of being invaded. From signup, it is best taken up by the software.

It gives you the knowledge of your online activities. How and to what extent is it ethical? After pushing the list of what is to be taken care of, you can rest on your couch.

And with simple swipes, you can have a look at all your accounts. Also, you will get an alert warning whenever your data is tampered with.

It would be possible because your profile data would be undergoing full-proof analysis. 

Be it the social media platforms or the credit-related information. Everything would be recorded with complete seriousness to avoid any trouble.

The details of your account transactions, credit card bills, the time, and the amount of withdrawal are safe. They seal every loophole with high security and time-to-time updates.

In case there is any theft of your balance, you will get a refund.

So, any activity that involves the internet will have to pass through the monitoring analysis of this identity protection, not giving your internet experience a layer of extra security.

allstate identity protection

What is LifeLock?

When it comes to LifeLock, it has an advanced level of services where it automatically takes care of your accounts without letting you bear any headaches.

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A one-ick subscription button would do a lot of good to your online threats. With the data access on, it gets to work immediately.

Make sure that your device, with your accounts, is far away from any possible breach. With its VPN, it lays an extra cover over your bank details and passwords.

They Ensure that you freely execute your transaction without the slightest fear.

The very sensitive alarm, which lets you know if anybody uses your personal information without your knowledge, is always at work.

It’s not only restricted to you but your family member’s and kids’ safety. Keeping it confined to what they expose over the web.

With LifeLock, there’s no concern about remembering or saving passwords or credentials. With the minimum dilemma, you can easily save your passwords and credentials with a hackproof layer. 

The subscription also brings you backup storage. In case there’s any damage. You won’t have to sit with your hand on the forehead. Your data would be stored involuntarily in a 100GB cloud backup.

For suppose you are a reserved person. You can restrict your exposure by checking where your personal information is present more than it is needed.


Main Differences Between Allstate Identity Protection and Lifelock

1. The first difference coming up is the advanced approach of an Allstate identity protector, which uses the digital footprint feature to get you down with your safety. Whereas LifeLock uses traditional plans to execute the same purpose.

2. Next difference pops up regarding credentials safety. Allstate takes up single-layered protection when it comes to credentials. Whereas LifeLock has unbreakable triple-layered protection. 

3. In LifeLock, a step ahead allows the subscribers to zip their credit information. On the other hand, Allstate fails to provide its users with this touch.

4. With an equalizer comes all-state with its ability to safeguard social media accounts. It controls the activities and exposure of your account, blocking out any unwanted bugs. LifeLock fails to meet this perk of all-state.

5. Coming down to the subscription. LifeLock has an advantage as it provides a refined plan for its users at a pocket-friendly price. But all-state lacks behind in this aspect as it fails to meet the services when the price rate is cut down.


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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.