Osteopath vs Chiropractor: Difference and Comparison

Normal joint pain can be treated and healed with the help of medicines and ointment. However, if the pain gets chronic, then people prefer to see an osteopath or a chiropractor.

Although, both are different professions as different titles suggest. Yet, people tend to misunderstand them as one profession.

Thus, consider your situation before seeking an osteopath or a chiropractor for better treatment and recovery.

Key Takeaways

  1. Osteopaths treat the whole body through musculoskeletal manipulation; chiropractors concentrate on the spine and joint adjustments.
  2. Chiropractors primarily treat neuromusculoskeletal issues; osteopaths address various health concerns, including respiratory and digestive problems.
  3. Both professions use hands-on techniques, but osteopaths also employ a broader range of treatment methods.

Osteopath vs Chiropractor

Osteopaths use a holistic approach to treat the whole body. Chiropractors focus on the spine and nervous system, using spinal adjustments to improve function. Osteopaths uses hands-on techniques and offer dietary and lifestyle advice. Chiropractors use spinal manipulations.

Osteopath vs Chiropractor

Osteopaths focus on the whole body including tissues, muscles, and bones. It even considers associated problems as well.

Thus, it takes a holistic approach to treatment. Moreover, an osteopath holds a medical degree along with the medical rights of M.D.

Thus, they can prescribe medications. As for the treatment, they treat by manipulating soft tissues by massaging and stretching.

Additionally, the duration of sessions of an osteopath may take a longer time. 

A chiropractor focuses on the proper alignment of the spine and other joints. Moreover, a chiropractor holds a doctorate, therefore they are not able to prescribe.

As for the treatment, they treat by adjusting misalignments of the joints. Additionally, the duration of sessions of a chiropractor may take a shorter time than an osteopath. 

Comparison Table

Parameters of comparison Osteopath Chiropractor
Focus An osteopath focuses on the whole body including tissues, muscles, and bones.A chiropractor focuses on proper alignment of the spine and other joints. 
DegreeAn osteopath holds a medical degree along with the rights of an M.D.A chiropractor holds a doctorate. 
Prescription An osteopath can prescribe medications.A chiropractor cannot prescribe medications. 
Method An osteopath treats by manipulating soft tissues through massages and stretching.A chiropractor treats by adjusting misalignments of the joints. 
Treatment An osteopath treats by manipulating soft tissues through massages and stretching.Chiropractor treats by adjusting misalignments of the joints. 
Duration Osteopath takes a longer duration of sessions.A chiropractor may take a shorter duration of sessions than an osteopath.

What is an Osteopath? 

Different types of doctors and medical professionals work and help the patient to recover and heal as soon as possible. One of them is Osteopath who focuses on the whole body including tissues, muscles, and bones. It even considers associated problems as well.

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Although, it takes a holistic approach to treatment. The significant difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor is that an osteopath doesn’t focus only on a specific part, but considers every associated part and problem well. 

An osteopath also studies exactly like a general physician, although rather than becoming an M.D. They become a doctor of osteopaths.

Additionally, they have rights similar to M.D. as well as they can prescribe medicines for the treatment as well. 

It is also considered an alternative medicine as it prefers the conditioning musculoskeletal system to traditional medicine. The other difference than the degree is the path of treatment is the manipulation of soft tissues through stretching and massages. 

However, osteopaths and chiropractors have similarities as well. As they both hold a holistic approach rather than a traditional medicinal path.

And even, their studies are quite similar and they both had to undergo training for a while. Lastly, they both believe on bodies ability to heal itself. 


What is a Chiropractor?

Another medical professional, a Chiropractor treat patient in a way, but little different from an osteopath. A chiropractor focuses on the proper alignment of the spine and other joints. 

Although, it also takes a holistic approach to treatment. The significant difference between an osteopath and a chiropractor is that a chiropractor focuses on the alignment more than anything else.

Additionally, it also affects nerves, muscles, and other areas, therefore, it helps in treating a variety of conditions. 

A chiropractor doesn’t study exactly like a general physician. Therefore, they don’t have medical rights similar to M.D. and can’t prescribe.

Yet, they undergo extensive training as it takes almost seven years to become a chiropractor. 

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Although, the major difference between a chiropractor and an osteopath is a chiropractor adjusts alignment to treat a variety of conditions. 

Moreover, a chiropractor treats by adjusting alignments only. They don’t rely on prescription medicines and surgeries.

And sometimes, an osteopath and chiropractor work together to bring out the best results. 

However, there are some parallels between osteopaths and chiropractors. They both take a holistic approach to medicine rather than the traditional medical method.

Even yet, their courses are relatively comparable, and they both had to go through some training. Finally, they both believe in the ability of the human body to cure itself.


Main Differences between an Osteopath and Chiropractor 

Major joint pain is treated through different methods, such as an osteopath or a chiropractor can help relieve pain and treat it accordingly. But, both have different approaches to treatment as well as medications.

An osteopath and a chiropractor are two different professions with different titles as suggested. Although, people tend to misunderstand them due to the shared similarities between them.

However, they are very different from each other. 

  1. An osteopath focuses on the whole body including tissues, muscles, and bones. Meanwhile, a chiropractor focuses on proper alignment of the spine and other joints. 
  2. An osteopath holds a medical degree along with the rights of an M.D. Meanwhile, a chiropractor holds a doctorate. 
  3. An osteopath can prescribe medications, while a chiropractor cannot prescribe medications. 
  4. An osteopath treats by manipulating soft tissues through massages and stretching, while a chiropractor treats by adjusting misalignments of the joints. 
  5. Osteopath takes a longer duration of sessions, while a chiropractor may take a shorter duration of sessions than an osteopath. 
Difference Between an Osteopath And a Chiropractor


  1. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2524.2004.00497.x
  2. https://www.bmj.com/content/319/7218/1176.short

Last Updated : 13 July, 2023

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