Angiogram vs Angioplasty: Difference and Comparison

Angiogram and angioplasty are two distinct operations that are identified with the veins. While an angiogram is utilized to explore or look at your veins for a potential heart condition, angioplasty includes enlarging the limited supply routes to treat the condition.

Key Takeaways

  1. Angiogram is a diagnostic test that uses dye and X-rays to visualize the blood vessels. At the same time, angioplasty is a treatment that involves inflating a balloon to widen a narrowed or blocked blood vessel.
  2. Angiogram is done before angioplasty to locate the blockage, while angioplasty is done to treat the blockage.
  3. Angiogram is a minimally invasive procedure that involves inserting a thin tube into the blood vessel. At the same time, angioplasty is a more invasive procedure that involves inserting a balloon catheter into the blood vessel.

Angiogram vs Angioplasty

An angiogram is a procedure where a contrast dye is injected into the bloodstream, and X-ray images of the heart and vessels are taken to identify abnormalities. Angioplasty is a procedure using a balloon catheter to inflate a narrowed or blocked blood vessel in the heart, allowing improved blood flow.

Angiogram vs Angioplasty

An angiogram is an analytic strategy that takes photos of your veins. It takes a progression of x-beams utilizing an iodine color — called contrast — that assists with uncovering blood course through vessels and any blockages they might have.

In this negligibly obtrusive strategy, a specialist embeds a catheter into a fundamental supply route, the femoral conduit in your leg, so they can infuse the color.

An angioplasty is a strategy that opens or unblocks an influenced vein to further develop the bloodstream. This less-obtrusive system is otherwise called percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) because of the procedures utilized.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonAngiogramAngioplasty
Considered WhenAt the point when you have angina or chest torment brought about by decreased bloodstream to the heart.After the doctor suggests depending on the angiogram results.
AimTo recognize atherosclerosis or narrowing of the veins that can prompt a stroke or a coronary episode. To treat seriously limited section that is difficult to move regardless of many efforts to expand the inflatable.
ObjectiveTo design obtrusive strategies for enlarging impeded or slender veins. To re-narrowing or restenosis of the conduit when a stent isn’t utilized.
SymptomsDouble vision, chest pain, severe headache, shortness of breath, severe dizziness.Does not have separate symptoms. It depends on the angiogram.
RecoveryAfter an angiogram, you might feel touchiness at the cut site for one to two days. After angioplasty, you will be released from the clinic 12 to 24 hours after your strategy, as long as you are reacting great to the treatment.

What is Angiogram?

The most common way of analyzing blood vessel veins to check for blockages in blood course is called an angiogram.

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During an angiogram, an exceptional color called a ‘contrast medium’ is infused through a fine cylinder or catheter into the corridor of the crotch or arm.

This features any expected issues in the veins, and X-beams are promptly taken to decide a further strategy by the specialists. 

An angiogram system is, by and large, a protected and easy technique that can require around 30 minutes to two hours. There are not many dangers related to the cycle.

While it is normal to see some swelling or touchiness for possibly 14 days after the angiography, uncommon confusions like a serious hypersensitivity to the color, dazedness or windedness, stroke, or kidney harm because of interior dying can likewise happen.

Notwithstanding, these incidental effects are brief and can be dealt with.

Angiograms likewise assist specialists with diagnosing a scope of cardiovascular infections, including coronary atherosclerosis, vascular stenosis, and aneurysms.

To play out a customary angiogram, a specialist embeds a long, tight cylinder called a catheter into a corridor situated in the arm, upper thigh, or crotch.

They will infuse contrast color into the catheter and take X-beams of the veins. The difference in color makes veins more apparent in X-beam pictures.

Not all angiograms include X-beam machines, in any case. Specialists can likewise perform angiograms utilizing CT outputs, and MRI examinations.

What is Angioplasty?

In case of a blockage in your supply route, your PCP might propose an angioplasty method to keep away from a significant medical procedure.

Here, once more, the catheter or minuscule cylinder is embedded through the blood vessel blockage.

A unique inflatable on the catheter is swelled at the site utilizing water pressure that is higher than the pulse, subsequently soothing the blockage and permitting more blood to course through.

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The inflatable is then collapsed and removed. This is regularly known as inflatable angioplasty. 

The specialist or radiologist might need to rehash this interaction a few times until the blockage in your supply route is clear.

If, at this stage, the blockage is as yet not cleared, the specialist might put a stent inside the conduit to hold the supply route dividers separated and further develop the bloodstream.

These stents are made of wire-network metal that is at times covered with medicine to keep the conduit open. 

If you experience the ill effects of numerous blood vessel blockages or have other ailments like diabetes, you might be encouraged to go for a coronary course to sidestep a medical procedure, where a vein from one more piece of your body is utilized to sidestep the obstructed site of your supply route.

Main Differences Between Angiogram and Angioplasty

  1. An angiogram is done when you have angina or chest torture achieved by a diminished circulation system to the heart, as Angioplasty is done only with an angiogram. The specialist analyses the report of the angiogram, relying upon the results of angioplasty.
  2. After an angiogram, you may feel trickiness at the slice site for one to two days. After angioplasty, you will be delivered from the facility 12 to 24 hours after your procedure, as long as you are responding incredibly to the treatment.
  3. Angiogram is to perceive atherosclerosis or narrowing of the veins that can provoke a stroke or a coronary scene, while Angioplasty is to treat genuinely restricted areas that are hard to move to pay little heed to numerous endeavours to grow the inflatable.
  4. The possible symptoms of an Angiogram are twofold vision, chest torment, cut-off cerebral pain, windedness, and cut-off unsteadiness, as that of Angioplasty depends on the angiogram.
  5. Angiogram is to plan prominent systems for growing obstructed or slim veins, whereas Angioplasty is to re-narrowing or restenosis of the conductor when a stent isn’t used.
Difference Between Angiogram and Angioplasty

Last Updated : 25 August, 2023

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15 thoughts on “Angiogram vs Angioplasty: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article’s comprehensive coverage of angiogram and angioplasty makes it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to educate themselves about these procedures.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The detailed explanations and comparison table offer an insightful overview of angiogram and angioplasty.

  2. The article lacks in-depth analysis and could benefit from more detailed medical explanations to truly convey the complexity of these procedures.

  3. This article is an excellent resource for those wanting to learn about angiogram and angioplasty. The information is presented clearly and concisely.

    • The informative comparison table is particularly useful in summarizing the key differences between angiogram and angioplasty.

    • I completely agree. The article’s detailed yet accessible style makes it a great reference for medical professionals and patients alike.

  4. The article effectively outlines the key differences between angiogram and angioplasty, providing a solid foundation for understanding these medical interventions.

  5. This article provides a detailed and well-explained comparison between angiogram and angioplasty. Very informative and useful for those wanting to understand these procedures.

  6. I appreciate the clear distinction between angiogram and angioplasty. It is very helpful for understanding the purpose and process of each procedure.

  7. While the article provides basic information, it lacks a critical analysis and does not fully convey the potential complexities of angiogram and angioplasty procedures.

    • I respectfully disagree. The article offers a comprehensive overview of angiogram and angioplasty, addressing their procedural differences in a clear and concise manner.

    • The comparison between angiogram and angioplasty is well-articulated and provides valuable insights into these vascular procedures.

  8. The content is enlightening and clarifies the role and significance of angiogram and angioplasty in diagnosing and treating vascular conditions. Well-presented and helpful.

    • Absolutely, the clear comparison table is a great way to summarize the key differences. The article is a valuable resource for anyone seeking information about these procedures.


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