ANOVA vs MANOVA: Difference and Comparison

ANOVA and MANOVA are two different statistical methods used to calculate the mean for a given data.

The ANOVA method used for calculating the mean includes only one dependent variable, while the MANOVA method used for calculating the mean includes multiple dependent variables.

Key Takeaways

  1. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) compares means between two or more groups. MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) compares means between groups on two or more dependent variables.
  2. ANOVA is used when the dependent variable is continuous and normally distributed, while MANOVA is used when there are multiple dependent variables.
  3. ANOVA provides information about whether there is a significant difference between groups, while MANOVA provides information about which dependent variables are significantly different.


ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) is a statistical test that compares the means of two or more groups to determine if there is a significant difference between them. MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) is an extension of ANOVA that is used to analyze data with multiple dependent variables.


They are both used as a statistical methods for calculating the mean but in different ways, as ANOVA is used when only one dependent variant is present. Still, MANOVA is used when there is more than one dependent variant.

The MANOVA method, a multivariate analysis variant, as the name says, is used when there are multiple dependent variables.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonANOVA  MANOVA
Abbreviation Analysis of variant Multivariate analysis of variants. 
Uses When there is only one dependent variable for calculating the mean. When there are multiple variables for the calculation of the mean. 
Number of Models ANOVA uses three different models for the calculation.  There is no such number of models used in MANOVA for calculating the mean.  
Determination  In ANOVA, the F-test is used to determine the significance of the factor. In MANOVA, the multivariate F-test is used, which is called Wilk’s Lambda.  
Value of F Comparing the factor variance to the error variance decides the value of F in the ANOVA.  The factor variance-covariance matrix is compared to the error variance-covariance matrix to obtain Wilk’s Lambda.  

What is ANOVA? 

ANOVA stands for analysis variant. When studying statistics, when there are two or more two means that are compared to one another simultaneously, the method used to find the mean is called ANOVA, which is an analysis of variants.

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The name ANOVA has been given for the comparison of means because, to determine or establish a relationship between means, those variances are being compared to set the establishment.  

ANOVA has three different models used in other aspects to calculate the mean. A fixed-effect model is applied when the object has one or more than one treatments.


What is MANOVA? 

MANOVA stands for multivariate analysis variance. The method of MANOVA in statistics is used when there are two or more two variables for calculating the mean.

The MANOVA method, a multivariate analysis variant, as the name says, is used when there are multiple dependent variables.


Main Differences Between ANOVA and MANOVA 

  1. In ANOVA, the F-test is used to determine the significance of the factor, but in MANOVA, the multivariate F-test is used, called Wilk’s Lambda.
  2. There is only one dependent variable in ANOVA, but in MANOVA, there are two or even more than two dependent variables.

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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26 thoughts on “ANOVA vs MANOVA: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed explanations of ANOVA and MANOVA provide invaluable information and an enhanced understanding of these statistical techniques.

    • Absolutely, the detailed insights into ANOVA and MANOVA contribute significantly to the knowledge base of statistical analysts and researchers.

  2. ANOVA and MANOVA have distinct requirements and statistical tests, as ANOVA employs the F-test while MANOVA uses the multivariate F-test (Wilk’s Lambda) which adds another layer of complexity in statistical analysis.

    • You’ve rightly pointed out the specific statistical tests utilized by ANOVA and MANOVA, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of these methods.

    • The differentiation in statistical testing becomes apparent when comparing ANOVA and MANOVA, making it clear that each method serves a distinct analytical purpose.

  3. The comprehensive coverage of ANOVA and MANOVA offers a well-rounded understanding of these statistical methods, enriching the analytical toolkit of researchers and analysts.

    • Indeed, the detailed elucidation of ANOVA and MANOVA provides a robust foundation for statistical comprehension in various research domains.

  4. To summarize, the main difference between ANOVA and MANOVA is that ANOVA is used when only one dependent variable exists and determines differences between groups, whereas MANOVA is utilized when there are multiple dependent variables and seeks to identify differences between groups with respect to multiple dependent variables.

  5. Understanding the nuances of statistical analyses like ANOVA and MANOVA is incredibly valuable for researchers and analysts, particularly in multidimensional data investigations.

    • The applications of ANOVA and MANOVA in multidimensional data settings are elucidated clearly, accentuating their significance in statistical analyses.

    • Indeed, the depth of comprehension in ANOVA and MANOVA significantly enhances the analytical capabilities of researchers dealing with multidimensional data.

  6. The comparisons between ANOVA and MANOVA are enlightening, revealing the intricate differences in their applications and statistical methodologies.

    • Absolutely, the detailed comparisons emphasize the unique attributes of ANOVA and MANOVA, enabling better decision-making in research analyses.

  7. It’s interesting to know that analysis of variance (ANOVA) method is only used for analyzing data with one dependent variable, and the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) method is used for analyzing data containing multiple dependent variables.

  8. The comparison of ANOVA and MANOVA is instrumental in broadening the statistical knowledge base, allowing deeper insights into their respective use cases and methodologies.

    • Definitely, the comparisons significantly contribute to the comprehension of statistical analyses, empowering researchers and analysts in their investigative pursuits.

  9. The comparison table effectively differentiates ANOVA from MANOVA, outlining their distinctive characteristics and applications in statistical analysis.

    • I completely agree. The direct comparison helps to comprehend when to prefer ANOVA over MANOVA and vice versa in statistical investigations.

  10. The detailed discussion of the differences between ANOVA and MANOVA enriches the understanding of statistical analyses and their specific domains of application.

    • Absolutely, the elucidation of ANOVA and MANOVA nuances is highly beneficial for researchers and analysts aiming to master diverse statistical methods.

    • The clarity offered in distinguishing ANOVA from MANOVA is instrumental in improving statistical literacy across various research domains.


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