Aortic Sclerosis vs Aortic Stenosis: Difference and Comparison

Since it is related to abnormal heart conditions and valves, people mistakenly use these terms as synonyms. However, they have their unique features and differ in distinctive ways.

Knowing their differences and conditions is important because the treatment needs attention. In this article, we shall dive into some details.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aortic sclerosis involves thickening and calcifying the aortic valve without obstruction, whereas aortic stenosis causes narrowing and obstruction of the valve opening.
  2. Aortic sclerosis is asymptomatic and has a lower risk of complications, while aortic stenosis may lead to chest pain, syncope, and heart failure.
  3. Aortic sclerosis requires regular monitoring but no specific treatment, while aortic stenosis may necessitate medication, lifestyle changes, or valve replacement surgery.

Aortic Sclerosis vs Aortic Stenosis

The difference between Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis is their type of abnormality in the blood vessel. Aortic Sclerosis is referred to the thickening of the blood vessels. Whereas, Aortic Stenosis is referred to the narrowing of heart vessels. They are opposite of each other in terms of condition. However, they are sometimes diagnosed simultaneously.

Aortic Sclerosis vs Aortic Stenosis

Then, in the process of diagnosis, echocardiography is performed for confirmation. This condition is mainly common in older people.

It is common in people with congenital abnormalities. Their health needs proper attention since they are quite prone to heart failure.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of DifferencesAortic SclerosisAortic Stenosis
ConditionIt is a condition when the valves of the heart become thick.It is a condition when the valves of the heart become narrow.
Age GroupMostly aged people are affected.People of any age group can get affected.
DamageDoes not block the flow of blood from the heart to the organs.Interferes with the blowing of blood from the heart to organs.
LevelIt is not an emergency condition. Some people are not even aware of it. It is an emergency condition. Negligence can even cause death of the patient.
TreatmentTreatment includes following a healthy lifestyle. Treatment includes certain valve surgery if the condition is serious.
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What is Aortic Sclerosis?

As the name suggests, we can point out the fact that it is related to the aorta. They act as a barrier that prevents blood from flowing backwards while travelling from the heart to the body.

This particular condition is termed Aortic Sclerosis. It does not always restrict the flow of blood. However, it gives rise to other emergencies.

Sometimes it is even diagnosed while some other tests are being performed on the body. It is an asymptomatic disease and is most common in aged people.

They include diabetes, smoking, and kidney diseases. Males are more prone to Aortic Sclerosis. Also, high blood pressure and cholesterol add to the risk.

What is Aortic Stenosis?

It is a condition when the valves of the heart become narrow. It is again related to the aorta but more serious.

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It, however depends on the condition of the patients. It depends on the percentage of blockage in the valve that restricts the flow of blood from the heart.

Neglecting it might lead to severe conditions. It has a vast range of symptoms, However, with the narrowing of the passage, extreme situations might take place.

Chest pain or tightness is one of the alarming symptoms. It is to be considered as a red signal. Also, abnormal heartbeat in a stethoscope is a matter to be cautioned about.

Main Differences Between Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis

  1. Aortic Sclerosis does not block the flow of blood from the heart to the organs. Aortic Stenosis interferes with the blowing of blood from the heart to organs.
  2. Talking about the seriousness of the condition is essential. Aortic Stenosis is not an emergency condition. Some people are not even aware of it. However, Aortic Stenosis is an emergency condition. Negligence can even cause the death of the patient.

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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. I believe this article is highly informative and well written. The differences between Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis are clearly outlined.

  2. I think the explanation of the symptoms that patients might experience could have been more detailed.

  3. This article presents a comprehensive understanding of Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis, offering valuable insights into each condition’s treatments and symptoms.

  4. This article is very informative and provide a crucial understanding of the differences between Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis. Educating people on these issues is crucial.

  5. An insightful article, with a clear comparison between Aortic Sclerosis and Aortic Stenosis. I appreciate the references provided.

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