Aphrodite vs Venus: Difference and Comparison

Aphrodite and Venus are Goddesses of love, beauty, pleasure, and fertility. Aphrodite is a Greek Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality.

Venus, regarded as the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite, is the Goddess of vegetation and fertility and patroness of prostitutes. Both the Goddesses were praised for their glorious beauty and sexual pleasure.

Key Takeaways

  1. Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
  2. Venus is the Roman counterpart to Aphrodite, sharing similar attributes and mythology.
  3. Both deities symbolize love and beauty but belong to different pantheons and cultural traditions.

Aphrodite Vs Venus

The difference between Aphrodite and Venus is that Aphrodite is a Greek mythological goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality, they were regarded to come first as Greek gods and goddesses are believed to have come into existence first in our historical literature before Roman gods and goddesses.

Aphrodite Vs Venus 1

Aphrodite is believed to have the ability to control men’s innermost feelings, such as love or passion. She was also known to be responsible for the Trojan war.

Aphrodite’s festival is known as Aphrodisiac, celebrated in Athens and Corinth. Aphrodite means ‘from the sea foam.’ She was loved by gods and mortals alike.

Venus is regarded to be the Roman name for the Greek Aphrodite. The name was because the Romans have a great affinity for naming their gods and goddess with the names of planets and stars.

Venus is almost equal to Aphrodite and has most of her aspects. Venus is also known for her jealousy, beauty, and love by Gods and Mortals.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonAphroditeVenus
OriginAphrodite is a Greek Goddess representing love, beauty, and sexuality in greek mythology.Venus is a Roman version of Aphrodite, representing fertility, vegetation, and the patroness of prostitutes.
Who came firstAccording to our Historical literature, Aphrodite is regarded to come into existence first as Greek mythology has come first into existence.According to Historical literature, Venus came later into existence as the Roman gods and goddesses came after the Greeks.
Who represents whoAphrodite represents a unique goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality.Venus is an identical representation of Aphrodite in terms of beauty and seductive women.
LiteratureAphrodite has not borrowed from any previous counterparts.Venus is believed to be the borrower of the greek mythology from Aphrodite.
MythologiesAphrodite Greek mythology lies in how a person sees and believes in it.Venus is a Roman Mythology that is very much identical to the Aphrodite Greek mythology, and it lies in their perspective of the study.
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What is Aphrodite?

Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and romance in Mythology. She has her origin that was when Cronus was believed to serve the genitals of his Father according to Greek mythology.

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To capture the throne of his Father Uranus, Cronus and his mother castrated his father and threw his genitals into the sea through which Aphrodite has believed to be stepped out as a fully grown woman from Uranus’ blood.

Aphrodite was known as the Lady of Cyprus and the Lady of Cythera because she was carried by sea to Cyprus and Cythera.

She is also the goddess of sexual and pleasurable love of numerous affairs.

She is willing to help both the gods and mortals find the love they sought, and women worshiped Aphrodite to gain the sexual power to ensnare a man forever, as per the mythology.

Aphrodite was loved by gods and mortals alike. She had the power to control the men’s innermost feelings for love and passion.

She had various mortal lovers, among them, the Trojan Shepherd named Anchises was the most important of all, as he fathered her son Aeneas. Hence Aphrodite was also responsible for the Trojan War.

Aphrodite’s festival is called A[phrodisiac, which was celebrated in Greece in the areas of Athens and Corinth. Women who represented the Goddess were the priestesses of Aphrodite.

One of the methods of worship with them is considered to be sexual intercourse with them. The priestesses are not prostitutes as they worship and devote themselves to Aphrodite.


What is Venus?

Venus is the Roman version of the Greek mythological goddess named Aphrodite. The Romans are very intuitive towards naming their gods and goddess after the names of stars or planets, and hence the name Venus has arrived.

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They are similar to Aphrodite as they are also the goddess of love and beauty.

Venus is the goddess of vegetation and patroness of vineyards and gardens. Venus was always associated with Aphrodite and had most of her aspects.

They are known for their jealousy, beauty, and affairs with both gods and mortals to help them find the love they seek. Venus is a mother goddess full of pure love.

Venus assumed the responsibility for domestic bliss, procreation, and beauty. She is believed to be the daughter of the god Jupiter and the goddess Dione.

Vulcan is the Greek god of fire and the husband of Venus. Venus is the mother of two children, one with her husband and the other with her mortal lover. Her Mortal son is Aeneas, who founded the Nation of Italy.

Venus is regarded as the divine ancestor of the Roman empire. The Roman dictator Sulla made Venus his patroness. Venus is associated with the goddess of love and fertility.

She is the patron goddess of prostitutes and protector against vice. Julius Ceasar worshiped her as Mother Venus and erected a temple in 46 BCE.

Main Differences Between Aphrodite And Venus

  1. Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love, beauty, and sexual pleasure, whereas Venus is the Roman version of Aphrodite, representing vegetation, patron of prostitutes, and protecting against vice.
  2. Aphrodite being, the Greek goddess, is believed to have come into existence first when compared to Venus, who is the Roman goddess identically the same as that of Aphrodite.
  3. Aphrodite has her Greek literature not borrowed from any similar counterparts as they are the first ones to come into existence, whereas Venus has her Roman literature borrowed from the Greeks as they as believed to have come after Greek according to the historical literature.
  4. Aphrodite is a Greek goddess, whereas Venus is the Roman goddess daughter of the god Jupiter and goddess Dione.
  5. Aphrodite is responsible for the Trojan war as per the historical literature, whereas Venus traces its aspects much similar to Aphrodite.
Difference Between Aphrodite And Venus
  1. https://brill.com/view/journals/nu/51/2/article-p95_1.xml
  2. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1179/exm.1997.9.1.7
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Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Her goal is to simplify finance-related topics. She has worked in finance for about 25 years. She has held multiple finance and banking classes for business schools and communities. Read more at her bio page.