Earth vs Venus: Difference and Comparison

What makes admiring the brightest star in the evening sky fascinating is that you are on one planet, and you get to gaze at another planet that appears like a star.

To ease the confusion, the planet that you are on is, of course, Earth, and the brightest star referred to is Venus. And, most than not, we end up getting confused between the two.

Key Takeaways

  1. Earth has a life-supporting atmosphere, while Venus has a toxic atmosphere consisting mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid clouds.
  2. Earth’s average temperature is 15°C (59°F), whereas Venus’ surface temperature reaches a scorching 467°C (872°F).
  3. Earth’s strong magnetic field protects it from solar radiation, while Venus lacks such a protective magnetic field.

Earth vs Venus

Earth is the third planet in the solar system and it supports life due to favorable human conditions present on this planet. Venus is the second planet in the solar system. It is close to the sun, which is very hot and life is not possible on that planet. One day on Venus is equal to 243 earth days.

Earth vs Venus

Earth sustains life. There is no need to talk about its beauty glowingly.

We have all witnessed it at some point in our lives. The surface is substantially covered with water, which is the key to sustaining life here.

Furthermore, it is the third planet from the Sun and is strategically placed to support life forms. On the other hand, Venus, though our planet’s twin, stands in complete contrast to it in almost every aspect, if not all aspects.

It is the brightest planet and the second planet from the Sun.

One factor that completely sets this planet apart from ours is that it rotates “clockwise.” Therefore, the east witnesses the sun setting instead of rising and vice versa.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEarthVenus
MassIt is heavier than Venus.It is lighter than Earth.
Atmospheric GasesThe gases that are present in the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen.The gases that shroud the atmosphere are carbon dioxide and even the clouds consist of sulfuric acid.
Mean densityIt is more in comparison to Venus.Less in comparison to Earth
Surface TemperatureApart from global warming, the temperature was perfect for supporting all life forms.It is very hot.
MoonIt has one moon.It does not have a satellite.

What is Earth?

There is no need to talk about its beauty glowingly. We have all witnessed it at some point in our lives.

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The surface is substantially covered with water, which is the key to sustaining life here. Furthermore, it is the third planet from the Sun and is strategically placed to support life forms.

Earth sustains life. What makes life possible here is the plentitude of nitrogen and oxygen that enriches our atmosphere.

Had it been some other gas, such as the ones floating in the atmospheres of other planets, it would have been a clear indication that no life could be sustained in such an atmosphere. And this is not the only thing that makes this planet unique.

Apart from global warming, the temperature is perfect for supporting all life forms. Thus, the culmination of a lot of factors makes this planet habitable, ineffably surprising, and mysterious.

It has a variety of elements that colour the otherwise mundane and vast stretches of land. The mountains, deserts, and so much more, every bit of nature is worth beholding.

Why stop at land? The satin bodies of water would have been nothing but just plain and boring if not for the lagoons, oceans, brooks, and so much more.


What is Venus?

One factor that completely sets this planet apart from ours is that it rotates “clockwise.” Therefore, the east witnesses the sun setting instead of rising and vice versa.

Not only that, the speed at which it rotates also differs greatly from ours’. Thank God for our planet’s speed.

At least our days and nights are relatively shorter. This planet has very long days due to its slower speed.

For starters, it is so hot out there that we would melt if we ever had the misfortune of settling in there. Yes, it is almost nine times hotter than ours!

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The surface temperature is not the only reason for concern. We also have the atmosphere’s gases- carbon dioxide and clouds of sulfuric acid.

If the heat doesn’t kill us, this most certainly will. These mentioned gases raise the surface temperature of this planet to a whole different level.

There is more to add to the list. It does not even have a satellite.

In other words, they do not have a moon revolving around them as our planet does. It differs from our planet in terms of volume, mass, and much more.

Even the tilt in the axis is different.


Main Differences Between Earth and Venus

  1. Earth is lighter. On the other hand, Venus is heavier. The latter is very close to the sun and is much hotter than our planet.
  2. How Earth revolves is described as clockwise. In contrast, Venus is anti-clockwise. One factor that completely sets this planet apart from ours is that it rotates “clockwise.” Therefore, the east witnesses the sun setting instead of rising and vice versa.
  3. On Earth, the gases that are present in the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen. On Venus, the gases that shroud the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, and even the clouds consist of sulfuric acid.
  4. The surface temperature of both planets also differs greatly. While Earth is much cooler, Venus happens to be hot enough to melt us completely even before we pervade its atmosphere.
  5. The number of satellites also differs on these planets. Where Earth has one of them, Venus has absolutely none.
Difference Between Earth and Venus

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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18 thoughts on “Earth vs Venus: Difference and Comparison”

  1. This comparison provides a deeply insightful exploration of Earth and Venus. The unique attributes of both planets are meticulously detailed, shedding light on the vast contrasts between them.

  2. The complexities and differences between these two planets are truly astounding. It’s a surreal thought to contemplate the harsh conditions on Venus compared to the life-sustaining nature of Earth.

  3. The comprehensive overview of Earth and Venus is an enlightening exploration of their distinct characteristics. The intricacies of these celestial bodies are indeed thought-provoking.

    • The examination of Earth and Venus offers an eye-opening perspective on the diversity within our solar system. The contrast between these two planets is truly compelling.

    • The detailed comparison between Earth and Venus provides a profound insight into the celestial wonders of our solar system. It’s truly awe-inspiring to contemplate the unique attributes of these two planets.

  4. The thorough exploration of Earth and Venus offers a captivating insight into the celestial wonders of our solar system. The profound contrasts between these two planets serve as a testament to the awe-inspiring diversity within our celestial environment.

  5. The meticulous examination of Earth and Venus underscores the intriguing dichotomy between these two celestial entities. The stark differences in their environmental conditions are both captivating and perplexing.

    • The detailed comparisons here are absolutely astounding. It’s remarkable to consider the stark contrasts between the habitability of Earth and the extreme conditions on Venus.

    • The in-depth analysis truly reveals the fascinating disparities between our home planet and Venus. The complexities of our solar system are truly awe-inspiring.

  6. The elucidation of Earth and Venus showcases the astonishing divergence between them. The detailed analysis serves to enhance our appreciation of the celestial marvels within our solar system.

    • The comprehensive comparison of Earth and Venus is a testament to the extraordinary diversity within our solar system. The complexities of these celestial entities are truly remarkable.

  7. An excellent and informative analysis of the differences between Earth and Venus. There’s no doubt that the uniqueness of these two planets is truly fascinating.

    • This comparison really highlights the extraordinary conditions on both Earth and Venus. It’s amazing to think about the diversity present in our solar system.

  8. The comprehensive analysis of Earth and Venus instigates profound contemplation of the splendid disparities between these celestial bodies. The exploration of their contrasting attributes is truly enlightening.

    • The in-depth examination of Earth and Venus provides a thought-provoking perspective on the celestial phenomena within our solar system. It’s truly remarkable to ponder the distinct characteristics of these celestial entities.

    • The detailed comparison between Earth and Venus offers an illuminating portrayal of the diverse nature of our solar system. The stark divergence between these two planets is a testament to the extraordinary complexity within our celestial surroundings.


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