Bambuser vs Periscope: Difference and Comparison

Bambuser and Periscope are live streaming platforms with key differences. Bambuser focuses on professional live video solutions for businesses, offering features like white-labeling and integration with existing workflows. In contrast, Periscope is a social media-oriented platform, tightly integrated with Twitter, catering to a broader user base with a focus on personal broadcasting and engagement.

Key Takeaways

  1. Bambuser and Periscope are two different live-streaming platforms used for different purposes.
  2. Bambuser is primarily used for enterprise-level live video solutions, such as remote training, virtual events, and customer support. On the other hand, Periscope is a social media platform allowing users to share live videos with their followers.
  3. While both platforms offer live streaming capabilities, Bambuser focuses on professional use cases, while Periscope caters to a more casual and social audience.

Bambuser vs Periscope 

Bambuser is a platform for interactive live video broadcasting, allowing users to live stream video from their mobile devices or desktop web browsers. Periscope was a live streaming app owned by Twitter, allowing users to share and view live video broadcasts from their mobile devices, but it has been discontinued as of March 2021.

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Bambuser, known as the Bambyser AB, is a country that traces its origin to Sweden. It was finally established in the year 2007. The company has its headquarters in the capital of its home country, Stockholm. It is a global organization that serves people of all regions irrespective of their locality.

Periscope traced its origin in America and was developed by the authorities and the offices of Twitter. However, the original authors of this app were Kayvon Beykpour, Joe Bernstein, Aaron Wasserman, Tyler Hansen, and Geraint Davies. It is compatible with both Android and ios platforms. Twitter acquired the rights and both the app from the original developers and made it theirs.

Comparison Table

StatusActiveDiscontinued (April 2021)
FocusLive video streaming platformWas primarily a live video streaming platform, now part of Twitter Live
Target audienceBusinesses, individuals, and professional broadcastersPrimarily individuals
Key features* Multi-camera streaming * Live chat with audience * Real-time analytics * Cloud recording and storage * Monetization options (subscriptions, virtual gifts)* Live video streaming with comments and hearts * Replay functionality * Integration with Twitter
Strengths* Robust features for professional live streaming * Advanced analytics and monetization options * Multi-platform compatibility* Was simple and easy to use * Integration with a large social media platform (Twitter)
Weaknesses* Steeper learning curve for beginners * Less user base compared to some other platforms* No longer available as a standalone platform * Limited features compared to Bambuser
PricingFreemium model with paid plans for advanced featuresWas free to use

What is Bambuser?

Bambuser is a live streaming platform that provides comprehensive solutions for professional live video broadcasting. It offers a range of features designed to meet the needs of businesses and organizations seeking high-quality, customizable live streaming capabilities.

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Key Features

  1. White-Label Solutions: Bambuser allows businesses to create a fully branded and customized live streaming experience. This white-label solution enables companies to maintain a consistent brand identity while engaging with their audience through live video.
  2. Integration with Existing Workflows: One of Bambuser’s strengths lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate with existing workflows and systems. This makes it a versatile choice for businesses looking to incorporate live streaming into their operations without disrupting established processes.
  3. Professional Broadcasting Tools: Bambuser provides a suite of professional broadcasting tools, empowering users to produce high-quality live content. These tools include features such as multi-camera support, real-time analytics, and adaptive streaming to ensure a smooth and engaging viewing experience.
  4. Scalability and Reliability: Designed to handle varying scales of live streaming events, Bambuser offers scalability to accommodate both small broadcasts and large-scale productions. The platform also emphasizes reliability, ensuring a stable and consistent streaming experience for both content creators and viewers.
  5. Monetization Options: Bambuser provides monetization features, allowing businesses to explore revenue-generating opportunities through their live streaming content. This includes options such as pay-per-view, subscription models, or ad integrations.

Use Cases

  • Corporate Events: Bambuser is well-suited for companies hosting corporate events, conferences, or product launches, providing a professional and branded live streaming experience for remote attendees.
  • E-Learning: Educational institutions and businesses in the e-learning space can leverage Bambuser for live online classes, workshops, and training sessions with its integration capabilities and professional tools.
  • Media and Entertainment: Media outlets, entertainment companies, and content creators can utilize Bambuser to broadcast live events, interviews, and exclusive content to a global audience.

What is Periscope?

Periscope is a live video streaming platform that gained prominence for its integration with Twitter, providing users with the ability to broadcast and view live video content seamlessly. Launched in March 2015, it quickly became a popular tool for sharing real-time experiences and engaging with audiences in a dynamic manner.

Key Features

1. Live Broadcasting

Periscope allows users to broadcast live video directly from their mobile devices. This feature facilitates instant sharing of events, news, or personal moments, fostering a sense of immediacy and connection.

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2. Twitter Integration

One of Periscope’s distinctive features is its tight integration with Twitter. Users can broadcast live video directly from the Periscope app, and the stream is automatically shared on their Twitter feed, maximizing visibility and audience reach.

3. Interactive Engagement

Periscope enhances user engagement through real-time interaction. Viewers can comment on live broadcasts, send hearts to express appreciation, and participate in discussions, creating an interactive and community-driven experience.

4. Replay and Highlights

Beyond live broadcasts, Periscope allows users to save their streams for replay, extending the lifespan of content. Additionally, the platform automatically generates highlight reels, showcasing the most engaging parts of a broadcast.

5. Global Reach

Periscope enables users to explore live broadcasts from around the world through its global map feature. This allows for the discovery of diverse content and provides a platform for users to share their perspectives globally.


Main Differences Between Bambuser and Periscope

  • Focus and Target Audience:
    • Bambuser: Primarily caters to businesses and professionals, offering professional live video solutions with features like white-labeling and workflow integration.
    • Periscope: Oriented towards a broader user base, emphasizing personal broadcasting and social media integration, especially with Twitter.
  • Integration with Social Media:
    • Bambuser: While it supports social sharing, it does not have the same level of tight integration with mainstream social media platforms as Periscope does with Twitter.
    • Periscope: Integrates seamlessly with Twitter, automatically sharing live broadcasts on users’ Twitter feeds, enhancing visibility and audience engagement.
  • Emphasis on Interactivity:
    • Bambuser: Focuses on professional live video solutions, with features that cater to business needs, but may not emphasize the same level of real-time interaction as Periscope.
    • Periscope: Stands out for its emphasis on interactive engagement, allowing viewers to comment, send hearts, and participate in discussions during live broadcasts, creating a more community-driven experience.
  • Content Discovery and Global Reach:
    • Bambuser: Primarily geared towards businesses, with a focus on delivering professional content, potentially limiting the variety of content available for global discovery.
    • Periscope: Facilitates content discovery globally through its global map feature, enabling users to explore live broadcasts from around the world, fostering a diverse range of perspectives.
  • Purpose and Use Cases:
    • Bambuser: Geared towards businesses looking for reliable and professional live video solutions for various purposes, such as corporate events, product launches, and customer engagement.
    • Periscope: Appeals to individuals and businesses seeking a platform for personal broadcasting, sharing spontaneous moments, and engaging with a broader audience through live video on a more casual level.

Last Updated : 25 February, 2024

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26 thoughts on “Bambuser vs Periscope: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed overview of Bambuser’s capabilities for professional live video broadcasting sheds light on its advanced features and applications. It’s evident that Bambuser’s focus on white-label solutions, integration, and monetization sets it apart in the market.

    • Absolutely, Bambuser’s comprehensive suite of professional broadcasting tools and monetization options makes it a compelling choice for businesses seeking high-quality live streaming solutions. The platform’s scalability and reliability further enhance its value.

  2. The comparison table is particularly helpful in understanding the key differences and strengths of each platform. It’s evident that Bambuser’s focus on professional broadcasting tools and monetization options sets it apart from Periscope.

    • I also appreciate the breakdown of the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. It’s clear that Bambuser’s robust features come with a steeper learning curve, while Periscope’s integration with Twitter was one of its main strengths.

    • Absolutely, Bambuser’s white-label solutions and integration capabilities make it a strong choice for businesses looking to leverage live video, while Periscope’s simple interface was more geared towards personal use.

  3. The comparison of Bambuser’s and Periscope’s strengths and weaknesses offers a balanced view of the platforms. It’s clear that each platform has its unique advantages and limitations, catering to different user needs and preferences.

    • I couldn’t agree more. Bambuser’s professional focus and robust features, as opposed to Periscope’s social media integration, showcase the varying approaches in the live streaming space. It’s enlightening to see how these differences shape user experiences.

    • Absolutely, the comparison highlights the distinct positioning of Bambuser and Periscope in the live streaming landscape. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses is crucial for users to make informed decisions based on their requirements.

  4. The detailed breakdown of Bambuser’s features, including white-label solutions, integration, and monetization options, showcases its comprehensive approach to professional live broadcasting. It’s evident that Bambuser caters to specific business needs.

    • Absolutely, Bambuser’s focus on corporate events, e-learning, and media content aligns with its advanced features. The platform seems tailor-made for businesses seeking professional live streaming solutions.

    • I couldn’t agree more. Bambuser’s scalability and reliability, combined with its monetization options, position it as a versatile platform for diverse business applications. It’s interesting to see the wide range of use cases it supports.

  5. Thank you for the detailed comparison between Bambuser and Periscope! It’s interesting to see how the two platforms cater to different audiences and purposes, with Bambuser focusing on professional broadcasting and Periscope on social media integration.

    • I agree, the distinction between the two platforms is quite clear. Bambuser seems to offer a more robust set of features for professional use, while Periscope’s integration with Twitter made it more accessible for personal broadcasting.

  6. The historical background of Bambuser and Periscope helps in understanding their origins and development. It’s intriguing to see how these platforms evolved and catered to different user needs.

    • I agree, understanding the origins and ownership of Bambuser and Periscope provides valuable context for their current functionalities and user bases. Their distinct backgrounds contribute to their unique strengths and weaknesses.

  7. The comparison of Bambuser and Periscope provides a deep understanding of the distinct approaches and target audiences of each platform. It’s fascinating to see how the platforms evolved to serve different user needs and preferences.

    • Absolutely, the comparison offers an insightful analysis of the functionalities and target audiences of Bambuser and Periscope. Understanding their unique features and use cases is crucial for users to make informed decisions.

  8. The comprehensive overview of Periscope’s live video streaming functionalities and its historical development provides valuable context for its role in the social media landscape. It’s interesting to see how its simplicity and integration with Twitter contributed to its popularity.

    • I agree, the comparison highlights the distinctive features and user bases of Bambuser and Periscope. It’s intriguing to see how their development paths and ownership influenced their functionalities and market positioning.

    • Absolutely, the historical context of Periscope’s development sheds light on its evolution as a social media-integrated live streaming platform. Its alignment with Twitter and user-friendly features played a significant role in shaping its identity.

  9. The comprehensive explanation of Periscope’s features and its historical development offers valuable insights into its journey as a social media-integrated live streaming platform. It’s intriguing to see how its simplicity and Twitter integration resonated with users.

    • I agree, Periscope’s strengths and limitations provide a clear understanding of its user-oriented approach. Its simplicity and integration with Twitter were key factors in shaping its identity as a personal live broadcasting platform.

    • Absolutely, the simplicity and ease of use of Periscope, along with its integration with a large social media platform like Twitter, made it accessible to a wide audience. It’s interesting to explore the impact of these features on its user base.

  10. The in-depth overview of Bambuser and Periscope’s features and use cases is enlightening. It’s fascinating to see the diverse applications of live streaming, from corporate events to e-learning and media content creation.

    • I couldn’t agree more. The versatility of Bambuser for corporate events and e-learning, in contrast to Periscope’s social media integration, highlights the distinct niches that each platform serves.

    • Absolutely, the use cases provide a clear understanding of the practical applications of both platforms. Bambuser’s focus on professional broadcasting aligns with its features, while Periscope’s social media integration was a key driver for personal content creation.


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