Beer Pong vs Beirut: Difference and Comparison

Beer Pong and Beirut are two popular drinking games played almost all over the world. The popularity gained by these games leads to a tournament in many bars.

Key Takeaways

  1. Beer pong uses paddles to hit the ball, whereas Beirut players throw the ball directly into cups without paddles.
  2. Beer pong has a larger playing area due to the inclusion of paddles, while Beirut requires a smaller space.
  3. Beirut is more popular in American college settings, while beer pong is played worldwide with regional variations.

Beer Pong vs Beirut

Beer pong is a game which includes throwing balls successfully in beer cups arranged in a triangular shape. Beirut is a game which involves successfully landing balls in beer cups arranged in diamond shape.

Beer Pong vs Beirut

Beer Pong is a popular drinking game played in bars. Some people used to call the Beer Pong a Beirut game. Beer Pong is a simple game. The player who throws a ball to hit the beer cup is the winner of the game.

Beirut is also a popular drinking game played in bars. Two to four people are involved in this game. When you hear the word Beirut, the capital of Lebanon will come to your mind.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBeer PongBeirut
Playing methodBeer Pong is played by using the paddlesBeirut is played by throwing balls from hand.
Number of rulesBeer Pong has fewer rulesBeirut has More rules
Number of playersBeer Pong has two to four people in teams.Beirut has three to six people.
TableBeer Pong was played at a larger table.Beirut played at a smaller table.
Number of cupsBeer Pong has more than ten cups.Beirut has a maximum of ten cups.
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What is Beer Pong?

Beer Pong originated in 1960 at Dartmouth College. The original Beer Pong evolved at that time. The game became the social culture of the campus when it originated.

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To play this game, some properties are required. They are ping-pong or banquet tables, and some enthusiastic players use the office table to play with friends.

The rules must be discussed before starting the game. Both the team players have a single chance to play the game. The team which wins may take the content from the cups.

beer pong

What is Beirut?

Beirut is a game played in the bar. The game was first played in Bucknell or Lehigh in 1980. There are ten cups arranged in a pyramid shape on both sides of the table.

The properties used in beer pong are used in Beirut. The cups used to play the game will be in plastic. Approximately the cups contain three to four ounces.

During the game, the arrangement of the pyramid shape not be altered. If you find that any cup is not fit to the arrangement, then you need to replace the up, not the shape.

beirut game

Main Differences Between Beer Pong and Beirut

  1. Beer Pong was played at a larger table, and Beirut played at a smaller table.
  2. Beer Pong has more than ten cups, and Beirut has a maximum of ten cups.
Difference Between Beer Pong and Beirut
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.