Behavioral vs Mental: Difference and Comparison

There are various differentiated science and studies related to each aspect. The two major aspects and elements are behavioural and mental.

Key Takeaways

  1. Behavioral and mental are two terms used to describe different aspects of human psychology.
  2. Behavioral psychology focuses on observable behaviors and how they are learned, while mental psychology focuses on internal mental processes such as emotions, thoughts, and perceptions.
  3. While both behavioral and mental psychology can be used to understand and treat mental health disorders, behavioral psychology focuses more on changing specific behaviors through reinforcement and conditioning. In contrast, mental psychology focuses more on understanding the underlying causes of mental health issues.

Behavioral vs Mental

Behavioral is an English term describing an aspect of an individual, system, organism, or entity that deals with actions or mannerisms. Mental is an English term describing aspects of an individual, system, organism, or entity that deal with the cognitive and emotional sphere.

Behavioral vs Mental

Behavioural acts are an indication of mental stability. There are also various disorders related to the behavioural aspect of an individual.

While mental involves the functioning and processing of the mind, mental is the basis of behavioural patterns and responses towards a particular stimulus. Mental is used as slang in the United Kingdom to denote somebody or some process as insane and crazy. There are also several disorders related to the mental aspect of an individual.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBehavioralMental
Definition A clear, precise, unambiguous, and objective description of the behavior of the target or any competing behavior A clear, precise, unambiguous, and objective description of the mind and its functioning and processing
Origin Derived from a French and Latin word “havior” and “habēre” Derived from a Latin word called “mentum”
Professionals Experts in the field of behavioral are social workers, counselors, physicians and nursesExperts in the field of mental are psychiatrists, neurologists, therapists, clinical psychologists
Disorders Disorders in eating habits, reactions to situations, drinking and exercising habits Depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, trauma-related disorders, substance abuse disorders, eating disorders
Synonyms Demeanour, observable activity, response, manners Psychology, cognitive, cerebral

What is Behavioral?

Behavioural refers to the behaviour of an individual, system, organism, or entity. Behaviour can be actions or mannerisms concerning the surrounding environment.

Behaviour in the form of response is different from the other biochemical and psychological changes, as it develops and changes over a long period.

Behavioural learning theory is referred to as behaviourism. Behaviourism focuses on behaviours learned from the environment, and a popular example would be positive reinforcement.

There can be several behavioural traits in the organism that have evolved through the species. Behavioural traits like good character can not only be inherited but also developed.


What is Mental?

The term mental refers to the cognitive and emotional aspects of any individual or organism. It consists of how the organism thinks and feels and it ultimately affects the behavioral response.

Mental aspects can be affected by socioeconomic conditions, education, occupation, level of social involvement, and quality of housing. Even genetics has a role to play in mental aspects.

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The term mental has certain myths, like children do not experience mental problems, people with some mental disorders are violent, there is no recovery from mental health issues or therapies, and self-help is not beneficial.

The causes of these mental health issues could be varied and diverse, but some common causes are abuse, isolation, loneliness, trauma, neglect, discrimination, or even stigma. Mental is also used as slang in the UK.


Main Differences Between Behavioral and Mental

  1. Behavioural health concerns the impact of behaviour on well-being, while mental health concerns the state of being of an individual.
  2. Behavioral is the basis of physical response, while mental is the basis of behavioural response.
Difference Between Behavioral and Mental

Last Updated : 27 August, 2023

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16 thoughts on “Behavioral vs Mental: Difference and Comparison”

    • Absolutely, the comprehensive comparison table is particularly helpful in highlighting the key differences between the two aspects.

  1. The depiction of the origins and professionals associated with behavioral and mental aspects is intellectually stimulating.

  2. The thorough dissection of causes and myths related to mental aspects is commendable and enhances the quality of the post.

    • Absolutely, this is where the post really excels – in debunking common misconceptions associated with mental health.

    • Indeed, the breakdown provided in the post is very insightful. It helps in understanding the distinction between behavioral and mental aspects.

  3. The post fails to do justice to the complexity of behavioral and mental aspects. It barely scratches the surface of these intricacies.


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