Boy vs Girl Cats: Difference and Comparison

Cats are distinct animals that are domesticated by several pet parents to rear on their premises. However, in a litter spotting the gender of the kitten requires more knowledge about cat behaviour and bodily structure.

The genitals are different from each other, and they also have characteristic differences in behaviour.

Key Takeaways

  1. Male cats, or toms, tend to be larger and more muscular than female cats or queens.
  2. Toms have a reputation for being more aggressive and territorial, while queens are considered more nurturing and reserved.
  3. Both genders exhibit individual personalities, and factors like breed, upbringing, and spaying/neutering can influence behavior more than sex.

Boy Cats vs Girl Cats

In boy cats, the distance between the anus and the penis is longer, while in female cats, the distance between the anus and the vulva is shorter. Boy, cats have large, wide cheeks and a more rounded face, while female cats are smaller and lighter. Boy cats are more sociable, while female cats prefer to be alone.

Boy Cats vs Girl Cats

Boy cats or males are heavy-sized and possess a larger body structure when compared to males. Males are also friendly in nature when compared to female cats.

Male cats possess testicles that are distinct and nearer to their anus. These testicles lie beneath the anus region of the male cat.

Girl cats are also regarded as female cats. These females are not very affectionate as compared to those of a male. Females are mostly in search of a male cat.

They aren’t much aggressive, but at times, they are considered to be a little more aggressive than male cats.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonBoy CatsGirl Cats
Size of the catIt is larger than female cats.It comparatively compacts in size.
Childbearing potentialBoy cats are not capable of bearing a child.Girl cats are capable of producing litter.
Pre-neuter periodMales are only highly prone to urinate on the floor before the neuter period.Females search for their male counterparts during the heat.
BehaviorFriendly and extremely socialized characteristics can be found in males.They are comparatively less friendly to males.
GenitalsThe genitals are relatively larger in males.Females have genitals that are compact. The opening is found under the tails.
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What are Boy Cats?

Boy cats are those species that have a larger bodily structure and a strong sense to oppose any other male cat from entering its premises. Unlike females, Male cats are considered to be quite friendly in nature to humans.

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But there are not any other significant differences observed when compared to females, but there are certain characteristic behaviours that have to be closely monitored.

Male cats are always more territorial, and they always have this sense of being dominant and more territorial to their peer group of cats.

Males are also in search of female cats that are undergoing its heat by sensing the smell in the air. They also have a sense of hunting. As they find any prey in their locality, cats are keen to hunt and eat their prey.

Males are wanderers, but most pet care experts suggest not allowing cats outside to wander since there is a greater risk of cats getting an infection.

Adding to this, there is also a higher risk of overpopulation of pets due to random mating, so most pet care experts and vets advise pet parents to neuter their pets to combat these struggles.

Certainly, there are also other parameters that have to be taken into consideration to raise the pet in the right way. Cats, specifical males, engage in fights with peers, though this trait is common for both.

boy cats

What are Girl Cats?

Girl cats or female cats are very loving but tend to be a little mischievous at times to the owner. But they do have a little aggressive nature, and they are potent fighters.

In the long run, as the owner raises the kitten from a really young age, it does become friendly.

Females are advised to spay or neuter since it is very prone to unlikely pregnancy. Though males are larger and females are compact-sized in cats. Females are, at times, more aggressive than male cats.

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Females are more scratching in nature. These kitties do scratch a lot. And it is sometimes really annoying to see kittens scratch the sheets, so there are more advice and tips to stop the cats from doing this behaviour in the household.

Female cat undergoes heat, and this particular bodily change is supposed to be taken care of the most. Females are more prone to conception as they are ready to mate all through the course of the year.

So, ideal care is required to take care of girl cats every day. This condition is removed, and many hormonal imbalances can be averted after spaying the cat. The heat is the time when girl cats are very territorial and has the urge to mate.

girl cats

Main Differences Between Boy and Girl Cats

  1. The temperament of the cat highly depends on the cat’s gender. Most males are said to possess a lot of friendly nature.
  2. The size of the cats also distinctly varies with gender. Usually, the females are smaller, and the males are larger in size.
  3. The childbearing capacity is specific for females, and males are not capable of bearing children
  4. Before the neuter period, Males urinate quite frequently on the floor, and females prowl for their male counterparts.
  5. The genitals are large in males and are located close to the anus, whereas the genitals are sized smaller in females.
Difference Between Boy and Girl Cats

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About Author

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.