Charged vs Convicted: Difference and Comparison

Conviction is the formal pronouncement of the judgement against the defendant, whereas charging is the accusation of a crime. This distinction is clear to all. Knowing the small difference between these two concepts, on the other hand, can mean not getting contacted for an interview at all.

This is because firms have strong policies prohibiting people from being considered for employment if they have previously been convicted of a crime. Let us break down the differences between convicted and charged to assist readers in filling out application forms more effectively.

Key Takeaways

  1. Police charge a suspect with a crime based on evidence, while a court convicts the accused after proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  2. Charging occurs at the beginning of the legal process, while conviction follows a trial or a guilty plea.
  3. A conviction results in a criminal record, while a charge may be dropped or dismissed without a conviction.

Charged vs Convicted

The difference between charged and convicted is that a person gets charged with a crime when the court finds him or her guilty. However, on the contrary, it is called being convicted when a person has been charged with misconduct. If a person is charged, it is sufficient for legal proceedings to begin against them in court. However, a person cannot be dragged into court simply because they have been convicted.

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If a person is charged, legal proceedings against that individual can begin immediately. The charge has sufficient evidence and witnesses to prove that a crime was committed. Anyone who has been charged will face the consequences.

A formal accusation is called a charge. If a person has ever been charged with a crime, he will be barred from appearing in public or participating in certain job prospects in the future.

A person cannot be dragged into court because of a conviction. There isn’t enough evidence to convict someone because there isn’t enough evidence to convict. Only if he or she is accused will a guilty person be punished.

The formal seal of the hallowed court of law is a conviction. A person who has been convicted but has not been found guilty may be eligible for employment.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonChargedConvicted
DefinitionWhen a person is finally proved guilty by the court of a crime. When a person is accused of wrongdoing.
Proceedings of courtIf a person is charged, then it’s sufficient for the procedures to start in the court against the person.Being convicted can’t drag a person into court.
Evidence and WitnessEnough evidence and witnesses are there.No or not enough witnesses and evidence are there.
PunishmentPunished by the court for sure.Maybe punished, may not be punished, if not proved guilty.
TypeFormal accusation.Formal seal of the sacred court of law.
Employment opportunities restrictionsRestricted from certain job opportunities. No restriction if convicted is not proven guilty.

What is Charged?

Having been accused or convicted of a crime or misdemeanour is a question that appears on practically all job application forms these days.

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Any candidate looking for any kind of employment opportunity with the company must answer no or yes to the queries asked to demonstrate to the potential Head or boss that he is free of any kind of records and has never been charged with a crime.

Companies utilise this technique to screen new employees since they don’t want to hire anyone who has a criminal past. A person is charged with a crime when the court determines that he or she is guilty.

The charge has sufficient evidence and witnesses to convict someone of committing a crime. A person who has been charged will be punished. A charge is a formal accusation of some sort.

If a person has ever been charged with a crime, he will be barred from appearing in court or participating in certain employment possibilities in the future.

It’s crucial to note, however, that being accused or charged with a felony or crime simply indicates that the Cops or other law enforcement agency has reasonable reasons.

Imagine that an individual has committed a crime and the individual has been accused formally of the violation in an official document.

A charge against a person is enough to bring legal action against her or him. He or she isn’t guilty, however, unless it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that she or he ever committed any sort of crime.


What is Convicted?

It is called being convicted when a person is accused of misconduct. There isn’t enough evidence to convict anyone because there isn’t enough evidence to convict them.

Only if a person is charged with a crime will he or she be punished. Conviction is regarded as the sacred court of law’s formal seal.

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An individual who has been convicted but has not been found guilty may be given the option to work. An individual who was tried and legally prosecuted in the sacred law court is convicted.

When an individual is found guilty of all sorts of the allegations levelled against him, a group of judges or jury in the court might give their verdict or state a sentence, which can include sending the offender to prison or imposing a monetary punishment.

A person accused of a crime isn’t always proven guilty and then sentenced. Any Individual is acquitted with a not proven judgement or not guilty when the court cannot find any reality or truth in the charges.


Main Differences Between Charged and Convicted

  1. When a person is finally proven guilty by the court, he or she is called charged with a crime. On the other hand, when a person is accused of wrongdoing, then it is called being convicted.
  2. If a person is charged, then it’s sufficient for the procedures to begin in court against the person. On the other hand, being convicted can not drag a person into court.
  3. The charge has enough evidence and witnesses against the commitment of a crime. On the other hand, conviction has not enough evidence to prove anyone guilty.
  4. A person who is charged will get their punishment. On the other hand, a convicted person will be punished only if he or she is charged.
  5. A charge is a type of formal accusation. On the other hand, conviction is considered the formal seal of the sacred court of law.
  6. If a person is ever charged with any crime, then in the future, he will be restricted from appearing or joining certain employment opportunities. On the other hand, a convicted person who wasn’t proven guilty can be given a chance for employment opportunity.
Difference Between Charged and Convicted

Last Updated : 30 July, 2023

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22 thoughts on “Charged vs Convicted: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The detailed comparison table effectively illustrates the differences between being charged and being convicted. This knowledge is indispensable for individuals with legal records seeking employment opportunities.

    • I completely agree, Parker Jennifer. Understanding these distinctions is pivotal for individuals pursuing careers while managing legal issues.

  2. The article has successfully conveyed the differences between being charged and convicted. Employers, as well as job seekers, will benefit from understanding these concepts.

  3. The distinction between being charged and being convicted is explained in a manner that is accessible and informative. This understanding is valuable for individuals managing their employment opportunities.

    • The article effectively communicates the legal and employment implications of being charged or convicted. Employers’ hiring decisions reflect individuals’ legal history, making this knowledge crucial for job seekers.

    • Agreed, James Tracy. This article clarifies the legal nuances between the two concepts, which can significantly impact career paths.

  4. The article provides an insightful comparison between being charged and being convicted. It is imperative to understand the distinction between the two in the context of the legal system.

    • I quite agree, Danielle13. We must have a deep understanding of the legal system to avoid any complications in the future.

    • The explanation of the differences is succinct and clear. Employers tend to have strong policies against hiring individuals with a criminal record, so knowing these concepts is essential.

  5. The detailed comparison table and subsequent explanations provide a comprehensive understanding of being charged versus being convicted. This knowledge is vital for anyone undergoing job applications and interviews.

    • I agree, Zreynolds. The clarity in the article’s content enables readers to make informed decisions regarding their job prospects.

  6. Employment restrictions due to being charged or convicted are thoroughly detailed in the article. This elucidation is vital for individuals entering or navigating the job market with a legal record.

    • Indeed, Twilkinson. Understanding the implications of these legal aspects is imperative, given their impact on employment opportunities.

  7. This article highlights the legal and employment implications of being charged versus being convicted. It’s an essential read for anyone navigating the job market with a legal history.

  8. The article aptly points out the repercussions and implications of being charged or convicted. It’s crucial information for individuals navigating the legal and employment landscape.

    • Employers make critical decisions based on an individual’s legal history. Understanding the differences between being charged and being convicted can make a difference in gaining employment.

  9. The clarity in distinguishing between being charged and being convicted is commendable. The article equips readers with valuable insights into the legal and employment ramifications of these concepts.

    • The thorough explanation provided in the article serves as a valuable guide for job applicants with legal records, allowing them to navigate employment opportunities effectively.

    • Absolutely, Hall Jamie. This knowledge is essential for individuals aiming to secure employment while managing their legal history.

  10. The article conveys crucial information regarding the implications of being charged and convicted, particularly in the context of employment opportunities. It provides a comprehensive understanding of these legal distinctions.

    • Well-stated, Owen Elliott. This article presents essential information for individuals in the job market with legal histories, enabling them to make informed decisions.


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