Circular vs Memo: Difference and Comparison

The two terms circular and memo are forms of communication. These two differ from each other on the basis of the subject involved as well as the mode of transferring the message to the audience or concerned authority.

Let us discuss the major differences between the two in detail.

Key Takeaways

  1. Circulars are formal documents distributed to a wide audience to communicate important information or updates, while memos are informal documents intended for internal communication within an organization.
  2. Circulars have a longer shelf life than memos, as they contain information relevant for an extended period.
  3. Memos are more concise than circulars, focusing on a single topic or instruction.

Circular vs Memo

A memo is a briefing note, a reminder or written message that is used in a professional setting. It is not widely distributed. A circular is a statement, official letter or advertisement printed on a page or a leaflet that is distributed to a large number of people at the same time.

Circular vs Memo

A circular covers the general subject matter and contains several contents. A circular is widely distributed to a wider audience or group of people because it serves as general advertising.

A circular is mostly used for advertising purposes aimed at the public.

A memo contains content or content that is restricted in some way. Memos are primarily created to remind anyone about what guarantees action. It is not widely distributed instead distributed within a company or organization.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison  CircularMemo
 Purpose It contains general subjects and involves various topics It is a very exclusive and somehow limited
 Availability Available in different forms such as posters, pamphlets A memo is a type of letter that contains specific information that applies directly to anyone
 Target audience It targets large number of audienceA memo is specific for limited people and
 Reply A circular does not necessarily need a reply A memo requires a reply
 Other requirements These are used for advertising It is used for informational purposes
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What is a Circular ?

Circulars are used to make advertisements and public statements. These are available in different forms such as posters, pamphlets or pamphlets that raise public awareness on a particular topic.

Depending on how many people you want to contact, the audience for the circular can be as wide as you want it to be. The circular is used for copying and handing over a document and advertisements to a group.

They also cover common topics. The circular has a wide distribution to large readers because it serves as a general statement.

Circulars are used for advertising purposes so that an agency, company or organization can issue an official public statement. Today, most messages are transmitted electronically through the use of email and computers.

For mass distribution and general announcements the best thing to use is a circular. A circular contains large number of content in it regarding the concerned topic.

They display popular technical or non-technical information in a format designed to be distributed to the public.


What is a Memo ?

Memorandum is an acronym for Memorandum. The content or content of its content is limited. Memos are considered more specific in nature. They serve as a reminder tool for immediate action.

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You can also use the memorandum to approve a resolution or idea. A memorandum is a short-term memorandum. Memos contain content or content that is restricted in some way.

Memos are primarily created to remind anyone about what guarantees action. Although it is not widely distributed, a memorandum can be distributed within an organization or company.

A memo is a type of letter that contains specific information that applies directly to anyone. A specific area/region / branch or local headquarters can be contacted through a memorandum issued by the competent authority of the organization.

A memo or memo is a written reminder or information.

You can write a memo to yourself, another person or a group. Memos are less public and target a more specific, smaller audience.

They are used to remind anyone of the work to be done or to approve a sort of conclusion or idea. In today’s technological age they are typed, although they are also handwritten.


Main Difference Between Circular and Memo

  1. A circular contains various topics whereas the content of a memo is limited.
  2. It is not necessary to give reply for a circular but a memo requires a reply.
  3. The main purpose of circular is advertising and making public statements whereas a memo is less public and targets smaller audience.
  4. Circulars are not very internal and exclusive in nature but memos are very exclusive.
  5. A circular is used for advertising purposes as it addresses the public and a memo targets a specific person or a particular personality.
Difference Between Circular and Memo

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Emma Smith
Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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