Drupes vs Nuts: Difference and Comparison

No one can deny the fact that drupes and nuts are extremely advantageous for one’s physical and mental health. They are good for the growth of skin and hair.

A person should consume drupes and nuts daily. There is a high demand for both of them and they can be more expensive than other types of fruits.

Key Takeaways

  1. Drupes are fruits with a hard pit surrounding a seed, while nuts are a fruit with a hard shell enclosing the seed.
  2. Examples of drupes include peaches, plums, and cherries, while nuts include almonds, walnuts, and pecans.
  3. While drupes and nuts may look similar, they have distinct structures and nutritional properties.

Drupes vs Nuts

A drupe is a type of fruit that has a hard, stony pit or seed surrounded by a fleshy exterior. Examples of drupes include peaches, plums, and cherries. Nuts are fruits that have a hard outer shell that encases a single, edible seed. Examples of nuts include almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts.

Drupes vs Nuts

Drupes are certain types of fruits that have a single seed and very thin skin. These fruits appear to be very fleshy and have a sufficient amount of pulp.

In some places, drupes are also known as stone fruits. Drupes should be kept in a chilled place because they rot quite soon.

Nuts are considered to be food that is dry fruits. Nuts are dry fruits that contain a high amount of oil and are single-seeded and dried.

In botany, nuts are elaborated to be dry fruits that have a single seed and a hard exterior skin, known to be a hard shell. Nuts do not belong to a single season.

Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonDrupesNuts
MeaningThe term drupes refer to fruits that are fleshy and have one seed inside of them.Nuts are one of the types of fruits that are dried up and single seed placed beneath nutshell.
Outer layerThe outer layer of drupes which is also known as peel and skin is very thin and tender.The outer layer of nuts which is also known as shell and nutshell is very thick and hard.
UsesDrupes are edible and can be used to make juice and jam that is enjoyed by many people.Nuts are used to garnish food, and they are soaked in water to be consumed raw.
ExampleExamples of drupes are amlas, apricots, pecans, mangoes, olives, cherries, loquat, plums, peaches, etc.Examples of nuts are pistachios, almonds, pine nuts, cashew nuts, macadamias, hazelnuts, etc.
Duration of decompositionDrupes are certain types of fruits that can be decomposed within two to three days.Nuts are hard and completely dried up; they can be kept for months to be used constantly.
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What is Drupes?

Drupes are commonly known as stone fruits because they have only one seed. The seed is placed inside the fleshy part of the drupes.

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Drupes are grown in superior floral ovaries which are grown out of single flowers. Hence, the general structure of drupes are seed, then pulp or fleshy part, and lastly a thin layer of peel or sometimes called skin.

The maximum number of seeds in drupes can be 3 which are considered to be very rare. In some cases, many drupes are collided or more specifically saying, clumped together that forms a bunch, for example, blackberry and raspberries.

Most species of drupes belong to the summer season.

Drupes are very juicy and tender and when they are ripe, it is best to keep them in the fridge or some chilled place because they can survive for long at normal temperature. In botanical terms, drupes belong to the family of large roses and species of prunus.

Each type of drupe tastes heavenly and they are an important part of the fruit market. Drupes are cultivated almost in every continent and exported and imported in every country.

Drupes are rich in nutrients and vitamins that are necessary. Ripe drupes have a captivating aroma and they feel very soft.


What is Nuts?

Nuts are the fruit but dried and that’s why their other shell that is also known as nutshell becomes hard to break. Just like drupes, nuts have one seed inside of them.

The kernel protected by nutshell is edible and very rich in nutrients. Nuts are one of the most consumed food across the globe.

Every person can enjoy nuts whether he is vegan or not. Nuts come in various types and they can be very expensive. But some varieties of nuts do not cost that much. Nuts can be eaten both raw and cooked.

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Nuts are very convenient for a snack since they don’t need a long procedure to be cooked. Although, in many dishes and sweets nuts are used to add delicious taste and stunning flavor.

When a person goes to buy nuts, he can buy them with and without a nutshell. Some experts claim nuts to be a type of legume just like beans and peas.

One of the best specialties of nuts is that they are low in carbs while consisting sufficient amount of other nutrients like vitamins, minerals, calories, etc.

Nuts are considered to be the powerhouse of antioxidants that is very useful to manage oxidative damage. Also, Nuts should be eaten by those who are suffering from unbalanced cholesterol.

nuts 1

Main Differences Between Drupes and Nuts

  1. Drupes are found and consumed by people in the summer season. On the other hand, nuts are consumed throughout the year.
  2. Drupes are sold at a fair price which makes them quite affordable to be purchased. Nuts, on the other hand, are extremely expensive except for a few types of them.
  3. Drupes require a particular temperature and they suggest to be finished within some days while nuts are long-lasting that can be used for months in a row.
  4. Some types of drupes can be rare and can not be found in every place. Nuts, on the other hand, can be purchased in every corner of the world.
  5. Drupes are fruits that are consumed without cooking them. Nuts, on the other hand, can be consumed raw and after frying them.
Difference Between Drupes and Nuts
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691503000115
  2. https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article-abstract/59/4/103/1865472
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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.