Enchilada vs Quesadilla: Difference and Comparison

Mexican food is known for its spiciness and distinctive flavours. Enchilada and Quesadilla are two of these foods. The richness of the cheese and different spices make them a fan favourite. They may have originated from Mexico but now have been eaten all over the world.

Enchiladas and Quesadillas are very popular and a staple in Mexican households. They use similar ingredients, which may be why people get confused between the two. The dishes are now served in various combinations than earlier.

Key Takeaways

  1. Enchilada is a Mexican dish with tortillas rolled around a filling and covered in chilli sauce. In contrast, Quesadilla is a Mexican dish with tortillas filled with cheese and other ingredients and grilled or fried.
  2. Enchilada is served with beans, rice, and guacamole, whereas Quesadilla is served with salsa, sour cream, and guacamole.
  3. Enchilada is made with corn tortillas, whereas quesadillas can be made with corn or flour tortillas.

Enchilada vs Quesadilla

Enchilada is a Mexican dish that is packed with traditional chilli sauce on corn or wheat flour tortillas and fillings of meat, cheese, potatoes, vegetables, and beans. Quesadilla is a food dish made with tortillas, with cheese being the main ingredient. There are different variations of the dish.

Enchilada vs Quesadilla

Enchilada is a Mexican dish packed with traditional chilli sauce flavours. The name means ” to the season with chilli,” and this chilli sauce is the main ingredient. The dish is also topped with cheese on top. It can be made with either corn or wheat flour.

Quesadilla is a very popular food dish made of tortilla, and the inside is filled with cheese. It is the main ingredient of the dish. Many variations can be done in the preparation of the dish, that is, whether meat is added or not, what kind of veggies, etc.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonEnchiladaQuesadilla
Word comes fromFrom the Mexican word “to season with chilli”.From the Mexican word “queso”, which means cheese.
DefinitionEnchilada is a food dish that is made by rolling put tortilla and topped with a tomato-based sauce.Quesadilla is a dish made out of corn tortillas that are stuffed with cheese, meats, and vegetables. It depends on the choice of the eater.
  Main ingredientRed chilli sauce that is topped on the rolled tortilla.Cheese stuffed between two pieces of tortillas is the main food ingredient.
 Side sauceThere is no need for side sauce for Enchilada, the red sauce on top of it is enough.Different types of sauces to dip Quesadilla can be prepared.
Food preparation methodEnchilada is baked after its preparation.Quesadilla is melted or grilled until the cheese inside melts.
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What is Enchilada?

Enchilada is a traditional Mexican dish that is drenched in sauce. Cheese is a main part of the food and acts as a dash. The dish is so special for the people of Mexico that they celebrate the 5th of May as “National Enchiladas Day.”

For the preparation of an Enchilada, one would need corn flour for the making of the bread of the dish. Next comes the filling, which can be made of mutton or chicken, depending on the user. Now, many vegetarian and vegan options have also been in use, whether in homes or restaurants.

Enchilada is spread with a load of sauce on it before rolling the stuffed tortilla. Cheese is also a popular choice for topping with the sauce. Depending on the size, the dish is then baked in an oven for a particular time. Cuttlery, like knives and spoons, are used for cutting and eating food.


What is Quesadilla?

Quesadilla is a cheese dish from Mexican roots. The main dish is made of corn or wheat tortilla with cheese and other toppings like vegetables. A side sauce is made to be eaten with the dish. It is made with a whole lot of different spices and other ingredients like mayonnaise, etc.

The toppings between the two tortillas can be of many variations. Most popular include types of beans like pinto or black and different types of vegetables like onions, corn, tomatoes, etc.

Cheese like mozzarella, American, or any other type is also added. The tortilla for the dish is now also made with wheat as well, but traditionally, it is made with corn tortilla. Queso means Cheese in Mexican, and thus the name clearly defines the intent of the dish.

The cheese also depends on the choice of the eater. Though, cheddar cheese is not used. And now, people who don’t like cheese can use other ingredients like avocados or any other option.


Main Differences Between Enchilada and Quesadilla

  1. The main ingredient in Enchilada is the sauce, traditionally a spicy chilli sauce. On the other hand, the main ingredient in Quesadilla is the cheese filling between the two tortillas.
  2. Enchilada needs a sort of rolling method or technique for its preparation. On the contrary, there is no need for any rolling or anything in the making of Quesadilla. For Quesadilla, only stuffing between the two tortillas is enough.
  3. Quesadilla is traditionally grilled or melted after it is fully prepared, while after the final step of drenching the sauce on the Enchilada, they are baked in an oven.
  4. Enchilada does not require any side sauce(s) as it is already covered with its traditional hot red spicy sauce. Quesadilla can be eaten without or with different options of sauces to dip.
  5. Enchilada, on average, has fewer calories in comparison to Quesadilla. Quesadilla is higher in calories. The reason can be the load amount of cheese used in the making of the dish.
Difference Between Enchilada and Quesadilla


  1. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27502154
  2. https://www.proquest.com/openview/ff78cf5201345f4cf441f6748a9dda67/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1819820

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Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.