ExtJS vs jQuery: Difference and Comparison

Several computer languages available today may be used to create web pages. The most popular Javascript frameworks are ExtJS and jQuery, primarily utilized to create websites with interactive interfaces.

Key Takeaways

  1. ExtJS is a comprehensive JavaScript framework focused on creating feature-rich, enterprise-level web applications, while jQuery is a lightweight library that simplifies HTML document manipulation and event handling.
  2. ExtJS offers built-in UI components and a data package for handling complex data, while jQuery primarily relies on plugins for additional functionality.
  3. ExtJS is best suited for large-scale applications requiring robust features, while jQuery is more appropriate for smaller projects and simpler web development tasks.

ExtJS vs jQuery

The difference between jQuery and ExtJS is that ExtJS is licensed under the GPLv3 and a commercial license, while jQuery is licensed by the GPL and MIT licenses, which allows for unrestricted usage. ExtJS is free to use if your application is open source and licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. If your software is not open source, you will have to pay a fee of several hundred dollars to get a commercial license.

ExtJS vs jQuery

Ext JS is a pure Javascript framework with an extensive component library. Some refer to a framework such as Ext JS as an RIA framework (Rich Internet Applications). This eliminates the need to create extra HTML to build the front-end application.

jQuery is a JavaScript library that is free and open source. This technique makes JavaScript and DOM interactions between a CSS/HTML page more straightforward (Document Object Model).

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Comparison Table

Parameters Of ComparisonExtJSjQuery
DefinitionExt JS is a robust JavaScript application development framework. It aids in the development of JavaScript-based data-intensive HTML 5 applications.jQuery is a JavaScript library that is free and open source. This plugin makes DOM animations, cross-browser JavaScript programming, and HTML document manipulation and transit easier.
ComplexityExtJS is a more powerful tool than jquery, however, it cannot be used with HTML due to its simplicity.It’s a simple scripting language that focuses on HTML element interactions.
Page ReloadExtJS can reload a page after it has been loaded once.Refreshing a web page after it has been loaded is impossible.
Server OverloadingExtJS use may result in server overloading since the number of connections increases each time a JS call is made.There is no possibility of server overload while dealing with jquery.
FunctionalityIt is a synthesis of many different technologies like JS, DOM, CSS, and HTML that adds a plethora of additional capabilities.Jquery is incapable of creating new technologies via the combination of existing technologies.

What is ExtJS?

Ext JS is a robust JavaScript application development framework. We can utilize JavaScript and the Ext JS framework to create business applications without writing CSS or HTML 5 code.

ExtJS combines several different technologies, such as JS, DOM, CSS, and HTML, and offers a wide range of additional features. It’s a phrase that refers to a collection of technologies rather than a single one.

ExtJS has many benefits. It’s simple to get started with ExtJS since it makes use of already-existing tools and technologies. Ultimately, it wants to make the internet more fun and engaging environment for everyone.

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What is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to build cross-browser JavaScript applications and modify and transfer HTML pages effectively.

JavaScript library jQuery is open source and free. This approach makes JavaScript and DOM interactions across CSS/HTML pages easier to understand (Document Object Model). This tool simplifies Ajax, DOM (Document Object Model), JavaScript cross-browser development, and HTML document change and transfer.

Because of this, programmers must employ a different cache. It may do a variety of tasks, depending on the needs of the particular location. However, many capabilities remain unrealized. Jquery’s drawback is this.

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Main Differences Between ExtJS and jQuery

  1. s.ExtJS has offline storing capabilities, while jQuery does not.
  2. ExtJS can reload a page after it has been loaded once, whereas, It is not possible to refresh a web page after it has been loaded in jQuery.
Difference Between X and Y 2023 05 26T184735.037
  1. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2187980.2188103

Last Updated : 17 August, 2023

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8 thoughts on “ExtJS vs jQuery: Difference and Comparison”

  1. Ext JS and jQuery are designed for different types of web development projects, so it’s essential to carefully consider the specific project requirements.

  2. It’s interesting to note that ExtJS is licensed under the GPLv3 and a commercial license, while jQuery is licensed by the GPL and MIT licenses, allowing unrestricted usage.

  3. The benefits and drawbacks of ExtJS and jQuery are clearly defined. The comparison table provides a detailed overview of the differences between the two frameworks.

  4. The features and functionalities of Ext JS and jQuery have been well compared here. It is clear that Ext JS is more powerful and feature-rich, while jQuery is simpler and better for smaller projects.

  5. Understanding the differences between ExtJS and jQuery is crucial for developers to choose the right framework for their projects. This article provides a comprehensive comparison that facilitates the decision-making process.

  6. Both Ext JS and jQuery have their own advantages and use cases. Developers must choose the best framework based on the project’s requirement and complexity.

  7. The comparison between ExtJS and jQuery provides valuable insights into the features, licensing, complexity, and functionality of both frameworks. This will help developers make an informed choice based on their project requirements.

  8. ExtJS is a powerful tool for creating enterprise-level applications, while jQuery is more suitable for smaller projects and simple web development tasks. The comparison makes the differences clear.


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