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Everyone in the world is born of their parents. Children inherit the physical characteristics of their parents. Each parent contributes one cell in the formation of an embryo.

The genetic traits of parents are transferred to their offspring. Parents nurture and take care of their children.

They make sure that their children get the education and basic needs. Parents teach morals to kids.

Key Takeaways

  1. Fathers play a significant role in providing financial stability and discipline, while mothers nurture, care, and create a loving environment.
  2. Fathers tend to engage in more physical play with children, whereas mothers focus on communication and emotional bonding.
  3. Mothers have a stronger bond with infants due to biological factors such as pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Father vs Mother

A father is the male parent in a biological, adoptive, or step-parent role, associated with providing protection and guidance. A mother, is the female parent, is commonly connected with birth and nurturing roles, although both parents may share responsibilities equally in modern families.

Father VS Mother

The male parent is called the Father. A biological father is a male parent who is related to the child by blood. The adoptive Father becomes the child’s father by adoption.

The legal process of adoption gives the father legal right over the child. Father plays a crucial role in the character building of a child. A stepfather may not have legal rights over the child.

The mother is the parent who carries the child in the womb. She gives birth to the child. Mothers contribute eggs to the development of the child.

She carries the baby throughout the process of development. She nurtures the child even after giving birth. Mothers feed the children and take care of them.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonFatherMother
Gamete contributedSpermEgg
ResponsibilityLead the familyCaring
TypesBiological father, Step-Father, Adoptive FatherBiological mother, Surrogate mother, Foster mother
SynonymsDad, Baba, Pappa, AppaMom, Muma, Amma

Who is a Father?

Various names call Father or the male parent. The word ‘father’ differs in different languages. Dad, Pappa, and Baba are some of the alternatives for Father.

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Fathers are the secondary caregivers. But, today, most fathers serve as primary caregivers. It happens in the case where the mother works or in single parenting.

Fatherhood comes with certain rights and responsibilities. Fathers have the right to take time off from work to raise their children.

Paid paternity leaves are offered in some countries. Sweden was the first country to introduce this paid paternity leave scheme.

Now, this is practised in most of the European Union nations. When the parents are divorced, the mother holds custody of the child. Here, the Father supports the child financially.

Besides depending on their wives to raise the children, many single fathers raise kids by themselves. A father or father figure is crucial in the life of a child.

Having supportive and active fathers reduces psychological problems in teenagers. Children who converse meaningfully with fathers have good potential as adults.

Sperm donors for In vitro fertilization are the biological father but may not have legal rights over the child. Youth fathers are teenage men who are fathers to a child.

Father-in-laws are father figures. A mother’s partner or other husband is considered as a father figure and stepdad.

Animals also exhibit fatherhood. Some animal fathers are very protective others are ignorant.


What is Mother?

Mother is one of the purest forms of relationship. A mother gives birth and nurtures the child. She is selfless and protects her children at all costs.

Mothers are the epitome of pure love. Motherhood can be seen in all types of animals. In most animals, mothers protect young ones from predators.

The mother starts to care for a child since the child develops as an embryo. Gestation or embryo development occurs entirely inside a mother’s uterus in a human.

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Mammalian mothers produce breast milk to feed the young ones. A non-biological mother is a woman who raises another child. They are referred to as stepmothers.

When a woman is related to a child through adoption, she is also considered a mother.

Surrogacy and surrogate mother have become quite common now. A surrogate carries another child and gives birth. A surrogate mother is not biologically related to the child.

A surrogate mother holds no rights over the child. Bisexual mothers raise kids together. The child may or may not be biologically related to one of them.

Transgender mothers either adopt a child or go for IVF techniques.

In the past, mothers were confined to dealing with household chores. Their role was to raise the children. But, as time passed, women started coming out.

The contribution of women in every field has proven that their main role now is not only to raise children. Mothers work and also run the family. They are widely helped by their partners.


Main Differences Between Father and Mother

  1. Father and Mother differ in gender. Father is male. Mother is a woman. She is a female parent.
  2. Fathers are the parent who takes responsibility for the family. Mothers, on the other hand, are perceived as tender and affectionate
  3. Father contributes one of the gametes responsible for the development of a child. The mother carries the child for months and gives birth
  4. Fathers are the head of a family. He deals with income and necessities. Mothers make sure everyone is feeling good and maintain the home
  5. Fathers hardly express their love. While there are exceptions, most fathers keep their emotions hidden. Mothers’ love can be felt whole. Mothers are good at expressing their feelings.
Father vs Mother – Difference Between Father and Mother

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By Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.