Komondor vs Puli Dog: Difference and Comparison

They are very serious, loyal companions that require a lot of regular exercise and attention from their owners. Komondor and Puli dogs are extraordinarily similar in behaviour and also share a common ancestry, yet they are exceptionally different.

Key Takeaways

  1. Komondors have a large, muscular build, while Pulis are smaller and more agile.
  2. The Komondor’s coat consists of long, thick cords, whereas the Puli has a unique, curly coat.
  3. Both breeds are Hungarian herding dogs but serve different roles: Komondors as livestock guardians and Pulis as sheep herders.

Komondor vs Puli Dog

The Komondor, or the Hungarian Komondor or the mop dog, is a large, muscular dog with a unique corded coat that naturally forms long, dreadlock-like cords. The Puli, also known as the Hungarian Puli or the Puli dog, is a smaller breed than the Komondor but also has a corded coat.

Komondor vs Puli Dog

The Komondor is a large natural breed of livestock guardian dog. They are most distinctive for their corded coats, which make them look like an old-fashioned sheepdog or wool bear.

Moreover, they are more difficult to see under their long coat. One of the main characteristics of the Puli breed is its paw which has an unusual set of hairs that form a cord-like pattern on the top of its paws.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonKomondor DogPuli Dog
DefinitionThe Komondor is a large natural breed of livestock guardian dog.The Puli is a Hungarian herding breed of livestock dog.
SizeThey are well-known for their gigantic appearance.They are well-known for their short appearance.
Protective Coat The Komondor has a rough double coat that is long and clean.The Puli has a long and curly coat that can be either tight or wavy.
NatureThey are well-known for being aggressive.They are well-known for being fun-loving and lively.
CostThe Komondor is low-priced.The Puli is high-priced.
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What is Komondor Dog?

The Komondor is a large, white, furry sheepdog. The breed has an interesting history and mystique in Hungary, where it originated.

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The Komondor’s rough double coat should be kept long and clean. Moreover, they are very territorial and should be well-socialized around other animals.

The fluffy white appearance of the dog made it look bigger and scarier, which scared away both humans and animals. However, the fluffy coat protects them from wolf bites, and the long cords help them scare away wild animals.

komondor dog

What is Puli Dog?

The Puli is a Hungarian herding breed with cords that are more difficult to see under its long coat. One of the main characteristics of the Puli breed is its paw which has an unusual set of hairs that form a cord-like pattern on the top of its paws.

They weigh between 24 and 32 pounds when fully grown. They have a long, straight back, a well-developed chest to match their long legs and a slightly sloping croup.

The bushy tail can be quite long, and their tails are not docked, but the fur around the tail is cut short to prevent dirt and debris from collecting in the wrinkles of their legs.

puli dog

Main Differences Between Komondor and Puli Dog

  1. The Komondor is well-known for being aggressive, whereas the Puli is well-known for being fun-loving and lively.
  2. The Komondor is low-priced, whereas the Puli is high-priced.
Difference Between Komondor and Puli Dog
  1. https://search.informit.org/doi/abs/10.3316/informit.719040081411307
  2. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1463-5224.2009.00665.x

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Piyush Yadav
Piyush Yadav

Piyush Yadav has spent the past 25 years working as a physicist in the local community. He is a physicist passionate about making science more accessible to our readers. He holds a BSc in Natural Sciences and Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The description provided for the Puli being fun-loving and lively, and the Komondor being aggressive feels like a harsh generalization and not fully accurate.

    • Agreed, those generalizations could be perceived negatively. A more balanced approach to the description would be ideal.

  2. This article is very informative and has been an interesting read. However, the information on the temperaments could be expanded to give a more complete understanding.

    • The article does focus a lot on their appearance, but more on the temperaments would definitely give a more comprehensive view of the breeds.

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