Marble vs Granite: Difference and Comparison

Everyone wants their houses and especially the kitchen and the Washrooms, to look clean and beautiful. When it comes to choosing the countertops for the kitchen, what’s better than Granite or marble?

Key Takeaways

  1. Marble is a metamorphic rock derived from limestone, while granite is an igneous rock formed from cooled magma.
  2. Marble has a softer, porous surface than granite, making it more susceptible to staining and scratching.
  3. Granite is more durable and heat-resistant than marble, making it a popular choice for kitchen countertops and high-traffic areas.

Marble vs Granite

Marble is a natural stone used in building and construction known for its softer composition, delicate appearance, and unique veining patterns. It is commonly used for decorative purposes. Granite is a harder stone with a more textured appearance, making it a popular choice for high-traffic areas.

Marble vs Granite

Marble has a veins-like appearance and has good porosity. It is used mainly for the countertops of the kitchen and bathroom and is of grayish-white color.

Granite is very hard and durable. It has more of a shiny and glossy appearance. It has a fleck-like and granular appearance.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonMarbleGranite
AppearanceIt gives a classy and timeless look with has colorful variations that resemble swirling veins.It also comes with different color variations, but it has a more granular and fleck-like appearance.
OriginIt is a metamorphic stone and formed when the limestone is put through a high amount of heat and pressure, which happens near Earth’s crust.It is an igneous rock that is formed by the slow crystallization and solidification of molten magma deep within the Earth’s surface.
Strength and DurabilityMarble is more porous than Granite and thus more susceptible to scratches and spills. It is less durable than Granite.Since Granite is less porous than Marble, It is more durable and resistant to heat. It doesn’t get easily scratched and discolored.
MaintenanceSince Marble is more porous and not so durable, It requires a lot of maintenance. It requires sealing frequently.Since it is more durable, It requires less maintenance as compared to Marble. For granite, sealing can be done once a year.
ResistanceWhether it’s stain, moisture, or heat, Marble is porous, and that’s why it is not resistant to all of the above.It is durable and thus has good resistance to heat, stain, and moisture. It is tougher than Marble.

What is Marble?

Marble is a solid grayish-white-colored, metamorphic stone that is used as countertops in washrooms or kitchens. It has an appearance like swirling veins due to impurities and has consistent colors.

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Apart from that, It requires much more maintenance and care. Due to its less durable nature, it is mainly used for fewer traffic areas like bathrooms, where it can be used in flooring, shower walls, tub decks, etc.


What is Granite?

Granite is an igneous, durable, and hard rock that is formed from the crystallization of molten magma. Its durable and less porous nature gives it an edge and is preferred.

It doesn’t become easily dull and discolored when using it over time. Its hardness measures 6-7 on the Mohs scale. It requires less maintenance and needs sealants once a year.

It has also been used for thousands of years, and it is evident from the historical structure made of granite white is standing today.


Main Differences Between Marble and Granite

  1. Marble is more porous than Granite, and thus Marble is not very resistant to heat, moisture, stain, or scratch, whereas the less porosity of Granite makes it hard and resistant to moisture, heat, stain, etc.
  2. Both Granite and Marble need maintenance, but since marble is less durable and resistant, it requires more maintenance, either cleaning or sealing.  
Difference Between Marble and Granite

Last Updated : 20 July, 2023

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24 thoughts on “Marble vs Granite: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article is truly informative, providing a deep understanding of the differences between marble and granite. I learned a lot from this comparison.

  2. The detailed descriptions provide an excellent insight into the characteristics of marble and granite. Very informative analysis.

  3. The comprehensive overview of marble and granite really helps to understand the differences between the two. Very informative content.

  4. This article provided a comprehensive analysis of the two materials: marble and granite, which are very informative.

  5. The detailed analysis of both marble and granite is very informative and enlightening. I appreciate the clear distinction between the two.

  6. I think this is an excellent breakdown of the differences between marble and granite. Thank you for the informative content.

  7. The comparison table provided really clarifies the key differences between marble and granite. Very informative article!


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