New England vs Manhattan Clam Chowder: Difference and Comparison

The colour and appearance of the dishes, how the recipes are named, the places where they are extremely popular, the consistency of the broth, the texture, the number of vegetables in the gravy or soup, and the special ingredient that creates a new recipe out of them are the differences between New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder.

Key Takeaways

  1. New England clam chowder is a creamy soup made with potatoes, cream, and clams.
  2. Manhattan clam chowder is a tomato-based soup made with clams, vegetables, and sometimes bacon.
  3. The key difference between the two is the base of the soup – creamy for New England and tomato-based for Manhattan.

New England vs Manhattan Clam Chowder

New England clam chowder, also known as Boston clam chowder, is a white clam chowder that is made with cream or milk and has a thick gravy due to the addition of onions, potatoes, clams, and salt pork. Manhattan clam chowder is a red clam chowder made with tomatoes, carrots, celery, potatoes, and onion.

New England vs Manhattan Clam Chowder

New England or Boston Clam Chowder is a white clam chowder that is popular all over the world due to the addition of cream or milk. Because it is made composed of onions, clams, potatoes, and salt pork, the gravy or broth of New England clam chowder is quite thick.

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Manhattan Clam Chowder is easily recognised and well-liked due to its bright red colour. Because it is made up of tomato and its paste, carrots, potatoes, celery, and onion, and does not contain milk or cream, the broth and gravy of Manhattan Clam Chowder are considerably thinner.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNew England Clam ChowderManhattan Clam Chowder
Colour and AppearanceWhiteRed
Consistency of BrothThick (onions, clams, potatoes, cream and salt pork)Thin (tomato and its paste, carrots, potatoes, celery, onion)
Special recipeServed and sometimes oyster crackers are also used to thicken it.Garlic tint boosts its flavour.
NamingDone at the time of Colonial rule by the European settlers, highly popular in Boston.Done around the 1850s, refers to Portuguese immigrants of Rhode Island.
TextureCreamy, as it contains milk and cream.Doesn’t contain cream.
Quantity of VegetablesContains fewer vegetables.Contains more veggies.
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What is New England Clam Chowder?

New England or Boston Clam Chowder is a popular global dish that appears white due to the use of cream or milk. Because it is made composed of onions, clams, potatoes, and salt pork, the gravy or broth of New England clam chowder is exceptionally thick.

This New England clam chowder, known as Boston clam chowder, has become a popular soup in the Northeast. This soup is commonly served, and oyster crackers are occasionally used to thicken it.

New England clam chowder is creamy due to the use of milk and cream in its preparation. In comparison to other clam chowders, New England clam chowder has fewer veggies in its preparation.

new england clam chowder

What is Manhattan Clam Chowder?

The red colour of Manhattan Clam Chowder makes it very identifiable and popular. Because it is made up of tomato and its paste, carrots, potatoes, celery, and onion and does not include milk or cream, the broth and gravy of Manhattan Clam Chowder are considerably thinner.

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The flavour of Manhattan clam chowder is enhanced by the addition of garlic. This cuisine, on the other hand, bears no resemblance to New York City. The name “Manhattan Clam Chowder” was coined in the 1850s to honour Rhode Island’s Portuguese immigrants.

Because it contains no cream or milk by-products, the Manhattan Clam Chowder does not have a creamy mouthfeel. Manhattan chowder is known for being healthful and delicious because it contains more veggies than its counterpart.

manhattan clam chowder

Main Differences Between New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder

  1. The clam chowder of New England is creamy, as it involves milk and cream in its preparation. On the other hand, the Manhattan Clam Chowder is not at all creamy in texture, as it doesn’t involve any type of cream or milk by-products.
  2. The clam chowder of New England contains comparatively fewer vegetables in its preparation. On the other hand, Manhattan chowder is known to be healthy and delicious as it contains comparatively more vegetables in the dish than its counterpart.
Difference Between New England and Manhattan Clam Chowder

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About Author

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.