NY Strip vs KC Strip: Difference and Comparison

There are different ways of naming food types. Among those, the place of origin and prevalence is the most common. In addition to cultural aspects, many other factors like taste and recipes lead to the formation of a name. On the same lines, steak is known to be used in two types: NY strip and KC strip. Their worldwide popularity has led to crystal clear demarcation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Both NY Strip and KC Strip are cuts of beef from the short loin, known for their tenderness and flavor.
  2. NY Strip is boneless, while KC Strip may have a small bone attached.
  3. The main difference lies in regional preference and naming conventions.

NY Strip vs KC Strip

Slicing of beef can be done in different ways. The two slicing styles are NY strip and KC strip. The NY strip is the New York strip. No bones are attached to it. NY strip is a good option for people on diet. It is also thicker than the KC strip. The KC strip is Kansas City. The KC strip is flat as compared to the NY strip. KC strips can be used in dish presentations.

NY Strip vs KC Strip

NY Strip has its roots connected with the city of New York. It is less preferred for presentable dishes owing to its thick edges and less marbling. This strip is high in juiciness and tenderness.

KC Strip originated from Kansas City. It is cut out near the flank area of the cow, and a bone protruding out in the shape of the English alphabet ‘T’ is also attached to the steak.

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Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonNY StripKC Strip
Full-FormIt is known as the New York strip.KC strip can be expanded as the Kansas City strip.
Style of Attached BoneNo bone attached.Bone attached perpendicularly to the corner and left hanging out loosely.
ShapeThis might be curvy at the center and thick at the edges but not flat at all.It is flat in comparison to other types.
ThicknessThicker than KC strip but thinner than tenderloin cut.It is sleek enough to be used in presentable dishes.
LengthA long stretch of steak, enough to use as a base for presentation.These are short strips combined at times, by joining consecutively at the flat edges on two sides or all four sides (using cooking flour paste or butter).
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What is NY Strip?

NY Strip is mostly used in cooking comfort foods without laying much emphasis on other presentable specifications like marbling and texture. It is a best-selling food item in most of the non-vegetarian eateries across the city of New York. Diet-conscious people much prefer NY Strip as it is low in fat content.

The flavours are intensified beyond the recipe’s expectations as there is no risk of the marinate’s taste dripping out. Since there is no bone, numerous dishes can be prepared in gravy style, too, without worrying about the removal of bones. Combining this strip with Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, and flavoured butter is sure to enhance the taste.

NY Strip is known for its inherent tenderness. This nature can be attributed to the origin of this strip, that is, the muscle named longissimus. Due to the absence of bones, the cooking time is reduced, and it makes a good lunchbox recipe for kids as well.

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The length helps chefs create platters above the steam strip to consume the whole part. This variant cannot be used for crispy recipes as the surface is not smooth and might lead to extra oil retention.

ny strip

What is KC Strip?

KC Strip is highly popular among people who feel that the essence of consuming steak is much enhanced when it is cooked along with the bone. One of the best ways to cook this strip is to fry it. Broiling and grilling might also be implemented at later stages. As per the most revered menus, the KC strip blends well with lots of garlic butter and rosemary.

KC Strip is so thin that frying it might give it the appearance and crispiness of regular chips. Though this is one of the local uses, the best way to check whether the strip is perfectly cooked is to poke it with a fork. It will cut through thanks to the flat surface and high tenderness. The smooth surface helps the tastes seep in easily.

KC Strip can be easily twisted and turned using bone inclusion. At times, chefs have even hung it over the barbeque using the same attachment. This possibility of creating new sizzling dishes using it increases.

On the other hand, the short length does not allow the cook or chef to roll a filling inside this steak. Thus, it is mostly used for creating independent dishes instead of creating wholesome preparations.

kc strip

Main Differences Between NY Strip And KC Strip

  1. NY Strip stands for New York Strip, while KC stands for Kansas City Strip.
  2. The bone attachment is absent in the NY strip, but the KC strip is a bone-in variant of steak.
  3. As far as the shape is concerned, the NY strip has an undulating surface with protruding edges. On the contrary, the KC strip is flat and has a smooth surface.
  4. The thickness of the NY strip lies between the KC strip and the tenderloin. On the other hand, the KC strip is as thin as a slice of chips.
  5. The NY strip is longer than the KC strip. This leads to a variation in usage and presentation, but this is subjective.
Difference Between NY Strip and KC Strip
  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950329396000389
  2. https://www.jstor.org/stable/40988077
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Sandeep Bhandari
Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.


  1. The article serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the distinguishing features and culinary usage of both NY Strip and KC Strip. It provides valuable information for culinary enthusiasts and experts alike.

  2. The emphasis on the characteristics and origins of NY Strip and KC Strip is insightful. It offers a unique perspective on culinary traditions.

  3. The article effectively highlights the differences between NY Strip and KC Strip, providing insight into regional culinary traditions. The thorough comparison table is greatly informative.

    • The details regarding the cooking and preparation methods for both NY Strip and KC Strip enhance the depth of the article’s content.

  4. The description of the differences between NY Strip and KC Strip is quite detailed and informative. The regional ties to these cuts strike a balance between tradition and modern culinary practices.

  5. The detailed comparison between NY Strip and KC Strip offers a comprehensive understanding of the culinary factors influencing each cut. It provides a rich context for regional culinary traditions.

    • The comprehensive analysis of the characteristics and culinary applications of NY Strip and KC Strip is exceptionally informative.

  6. The differences in the cuts of beef, particularly with NY Strip and KC Strip, are fascinating. It is interesting to see how regional preferences influence naming and preference.

  7. The in-depth exploration of the differences between NY Strip and KC Strip adds a valuable dimension to culinary knowledge. The content is engaging and intellectual.

    • The article effectively communicates the cultural impact on the naming and preparation of food types, especially in the context of NY Strip and KC Strip.

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