Olympics vs. Asian Games: Difference and Comparison

Sports are essential for the emotional and physical well-being of all people. Sports may assist youngsters not only in building their bones and muscles but also in improving their academic performance, and they get to learn the importance of teamwork.

Sport can help us to stay physically fit, boost our immune system, and even promote socialism among people. As a result, many countries have begun to hold sporting events such as the Olympics, Common Wealth Games, Asian Games, Cricket and Football Championships, and so on, to recognize the importance of sports.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Olympics are a global event featuring multiple sports, while the Asian Games are a regional multi-sport event held exclusively for Asian countries.
  2. The Olympics occur every four years, alternating between Summer and Winter Games, whereas the Asian Games occur every four years and only feature summer sports.
  3. The Olympics have a higher profile and larger international audience than the Asian Games, making them more prestigious.

Olympics vs.. Asian Games

The Olympic Games are an international sporting event held in various host countries across the world every four years. Asian Games are a regional sporting event held every four years but exclusively for participating nations situated on the Asian continent.

Olympics vs Asian Games

The Olympics is a major international sporting event that includes summer and winter sports in which many participants from all over the world compete in various activities. Other than these two, there are two more categories of the Olympics for the specially-abled people; the first one is the  Special Olympics is for those with intellectual disabilities. The second is that the Paralympics is for people with any disability, including physical disabilities.

Every four years, the Olympics are held with the Winter and Summer Olympics alternating every two years in the four-year cycle for the Olympics.

Asiad, commonly called the Asian Games, is a four-year international sports event that brings competitors from all around Asia together. A.G.F. organized the Asian Games from their 1st games in New Delhi, India, until their last games in 1978.

As a result of the dissolution of the Asian Games Federation in 1982, the Asian Games are now arranged by the Olympic Council of Asia (O.C.A.). It is acknowledged by the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) as the second largest multisport event following the Olympics.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOlympicsAsian Games
First event1896 (Modern Olympics)1951
PurposeTo cultivate human beings, through sport, and contribute to world peace.Multi-sport event for nations in Asia
Motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger…Together.”Ever Onward
Winner of the first debut sport eventUnited States (1896)Japan (1951)
SymbolThe Olympic ringsWinner of the first debut sports event

What is the Olympics?

An international sporting event called the Olympics brings together athletes worldwide once every four years. It includes various Summer and Winter games, and all of the competitors compete in the hopes of bringing glory upon themselves and their country, as well as a gleaming gold medal.

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Champions did not always receive a medal; in ancient Olympics, players were awarded an olive leaf crown. In the summer of 776 B.C., the first recorded Olympic Games were staged at Olympia, where people used to venerate the Greek deity Zeus.

The Olympics are claimed to have been founded in honour of Zeus, who was regarded as the King of Gods by the ancient Greeks, despite their internal conflicts. As ancient Greece was divided into towns and states, they frequently engaged in combat.

It was typical for contending regions to declare peace so that their athletes could participate in the Olympics. Still, in ancient Olympic, only men were not permitted to participate in the games, and allegedly there was only one game called “the state,” which is a 192-meter long foot race in which a hero named “Hercules” was thought to be able to run in a single breath.

The Ancient Olympics evolved, and by the year 708 B.C.E., new sports, such as the 400-meter dash, long jump, wrestling, discus throw, etc., had been added to the sporting calendar. A sport called “Pankration,” a supreme combat sport, became one of the most in demand in the Ancient Olympics.

Neither a weight classification nor a time limit applied, and there were only two rules: the players could not bite nor could they can tear or press one another eye. Later, this sport was discontinued.

The ancient Olympics grew in popularity until the Romans, who conquered Greece in the second century B.C., abolished it in AD 393.

Later, this glorious event was revived in 1896 in Athens, Greece, and since then, we celebrate this tournament every four years. Various new sports have been added to its sports list, and most importan,tly the Modern version also gave women a platform to showcase their powers.

And today, we see thousands of athletes from 206 countries participate in around 33 sports. They compete for the medals and the glory of their nation.

The Olympics promotes peace and friendship among different countries.


What is the Asian Games?

In 1951, New Delhi, India, was the host of the first Asian Games. The first President of India, Following the address of Maharaja of Patiala Yadvindra Singh, the first president of the Asian Games Federation, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, inaugurated and formally opened the Asian Games.

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The Asian Games Federation was in charge of organizing the Asian Games from 1951 to 178, till the 8th event.

The Asian Games are presently organized by the Olympic Council of Asia (O.C.A.), which has its headquarters in Kuwait City. “Ever Onwards,” the Asian Games’ motto, was given by India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. The members of the Olympic Council of Asia include 45 National Olympic Committee. The Olympic Committee of Israel has been officially excluded from (O.C.A.) due to the Arab-Israel conflict and its re-incorporation in 1981.

At the time of the first Asian Games, 11 Asian countries took part in the game, and the main venue was the National Stadium, which is now referred to as Dhyanchand National Stadium. Among the 11 countries, Japan was at the top with a total of 60 medals, of which 24 were gold medals and India was 2nd on the list with a total of 51 medals of which 15 were gold. The first gold medal in the history of the Asian Games was won by Singapore’s Neo Chwee Kok. After winning four gold medals, Kok ended up becoming the most medaled athlete at the inaugural event of the Asian Games.

Main Differences Between Olympics and Asian Games    

1. There are 33 sports in the Olympic games, whereas in Asian Games there are 42 sports.

2. Olympic motto was given by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, whereas the Asian Games motto was Given by Jawaharlal Nehru.

3. King George I inaugurated the first modern Olympics in 1896, whereas Dr. Rajendra Prasad inaugurated the First Asian Games.

4. Athens, Greece hosted the First Olympics, on the other hand, New Delhi India hosted the first Asian Games.

5. Olympic Games are managed by the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.). Whereas the Asian Games are managed by the Olympic Council of Asia (O.C.A.).

  1. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0363811112000665
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1352231012007686

Last Updated : 31 August, 2023

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4 thoughts on “Olympics vs. Asian Games: Difference and Comparison”

  1. The article really emphasizes the importance of sports in our lives, and differentiates between the Olympics and the Asian Games very authoritatively. It’s nice to see a well-informed piece on such matters.

    • I agree, it’s great to see the distinctions so clearly outlined. Sports really are an integral part of global culture.

  2. I think the article provides a comprehensive view about sports and the different international events held. I really enjoyed the read!


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