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Orange and Clementine broadly fit into the category of fruits. They are citrus fruits. The challenge here is that they both look alike, yet there are differences.

Clementine closely belongs to the Mandarins. It is also a member of the orange family. Citrus fruits are rich in fibre and other minerals.

Key Takeaways

  1. Oranges have a thicker peel and bigger size, while clementines are smaller and have a thinner, easy-to-remove peel.
  2. Clementines are seedless or have very few seeds, making them more convenient to eat than oranges, which contain seeds.
  3. Oranges have a slightly more tart flavor, while clementines are sweeter and less acidic.

Orange vs Clementine

Orange is a round fruit with thick, bright orange-colored skin and juicy, segmented flesh inside. Oranges are larger than clementines and have a slightly tangy and sweet flavour. Clementine is a small, seedless citrus fruit with a thin, smooth, deep orange-colored skin that is easy to peel. Clementines have a more delicate flavour with a hint of tartness.

Orange vs Clementine

The orange fruit is grown from a tree. It is rich in Vitamin C and is widely grown in places that have a tropical climate and a subtropical climate.

Seventy per cent of the total citrus production is derived from that fruit. There are also a variety of oranges available and are grown across many parts of the world.

Clementine is a citrus fruit, and it’s from the family of oranges. It looks the same as orange, but it’s sweeter. They are found mostly to be seedless; hence it’s easier to eat. It’s very easy for the children to eat. This is a hybrid variety of fruit.

Comparison Table

Parameters of Comparison Orange Clementine
SeedsThe fruit orange has seeds in itThe fruit Clementine has no seeds in it
Fibre ContentIt has 9% of the fibre contentIt has 6%/ of the fibre content 
CaloriesIt has 62 calories per fruitIt has 47 calories per fruit
Grown most inIt is grown mostly in BrazilIt is grown mostly in China
Vitamin CIt has 88% of Vitamin C per fruitIt has 81% of Vitamin C per fruit

What is Orange?

Orange is a fruit that grows on short trees. It is a citrus fruit, and it is known for its Vitamin C content. It is a round fruit with skin that is a little hard to peel.

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This fruit is mostly grown in Brazil, with a turnover of 15.62 tonnes per year. Brazil produces about thirty per cent of oranges in the world. 

This fruit is widely grown in Sao Paulo, a state in Brazil. This fruit has other varieties available too. The varieties of oranges are up to 400 types.

There are five most common types of oranges Navel Orange, Tangerine, Blood Orange, Mandarin Orange and Clementines.

Oranges are consumed as raw fruit, cooked or as juice. The nutrition content is more when it is consumed as a fruit.

It is high in Vitamin C and prevents any damage that can affect your skin. It is good for people who have blood pressure as the fruit reduces it. 

This fruit is known to reduce cholesterol and keeps the blood sugar level in check. It has a higher water content present in it.

It is applied on the face to reduce pimples as the citrus content reduces the further growth of pimples. You can make a face mask by just grinding the peel and applying it.


What is Clementine? 

Clementine is a fruit that resembles an orange as it is from the family of oranges. It is smaller in size when compared to an orange. It has a good source of Vitamin C, and it is rich in antioxidants.

Clementines have a high water content in them, and they have about thirty-five calories per fruit.

It has a zero fat percentage and has a protein source of one gram per fruit. It has five per cent of Folate and Five per cent of Thiamine. There are lots of natural sugars present in this fruit.

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Aenima can be prevented by the consumption of this fruit. It improves your metabolism rates.

This fruit is smaller than an orange and has a softer peel. It is seedless and is very sweet to eat. They are bright orange. Mandarines can be the closest replacement to this fruit.

These are a hybrid variety of fruit. These fruits are rounder than other types of oranges.

Clementines are easier to peel and eat. Hence it is easier for the children to consume. The dietary fibre present in this fruit is lesser when compared to an orange.

Clementines are mostly grown in China. Around fifty-two per cent of clementine is produced there.


Main Differences Between Orange and Clementine

  1. Oranges are a citrus fruit. They have a harder peel and have seeds present in them. Clementine has a peel that is softer; hence it is easier to remove the skin. They do not have any seeds present in them.
  2. Oranges are predominantly grown in regions that have a summer season. The climate should be dry and not rainy. Clementines are predominantly grown in regions that have a tropical climate with winter, but they should be mild. It can be grown in a place that has less wind.
  3. Oranges are packed with a lot of vitamins and dietary fibre. Vitamin C is present in the fruit, which is about eighty-eight per cent per fruit. Clementines have fewer vitamins and dietary fibre when compared to Orange. Clementine has eighty-one per cent of vitamin C in it.
  4. Oranges are harder to peel and eat by the children. A Clementine is easier to peel and eat by the children.
  5. Oranges are grown more in Brazil, whereas Clementines are grown more in China.
Difference Between Orange and Clementine

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By Sandeep Bhandari

Sandeep Bhandari holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computers from Thapar University (2006). He has 20 years of experience in the technology field. He has a keen interest in various technical fields, including database systems, computer networks, and programming. You can read more about him on his bio page.