Osmosis vs Active Transport: Difference and Comparison

The passive and active forms of transportation of molecules across a membrane play an important biological role for all living species.

Osmosis and active transport are the two types of processes in which charged particles move across a membrane. These processes are crucial for maintaining the water balance and homeostasis in the body.

Key Takeaways

  1. Osmosis is a passive process requiring no energy input, while active transport demands energy to move substances against a concentration gradient.
  2. Osmosis specifically involves the movement of water molecules, whereas active transport encompasses various substances such as ions and molecules.
  3. Osmosis equalizes solute concentration on both sides of a membrane, while active transport maintains different concentrations.

Osmosis vs Active Transport

Osmosis is the scientific term that describes movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration, and it doesn’t require energy. Active transportation is the movement of solutes from a lower to higher region of concentration, and energy is required.

Osmosis vs Active Transport

In osmosis, water particles move from a higher to a level of lower concentration. This process ensures that it equalizes the concentration of solute on both ends. Osmosis makes sure there is equilibrium.

There is a net amount of pressure needed for molecules to move across the semi-permeable membrane. This net amount of pressure is known as Osmotic pressure.

In Active transport, particles move from lower to the extent of the higher congregation. Active transport gets used by cells to collect much-required particles of amino acids and glucose molecules.

When ATP gets synthesized, the process is called primary active transport. Active transport uses energy that gets released during respiration.

Comparison Table

Parameters of ComparisonOsmosisActive Transport
ConcentrationMolecules move from higher to Lower ConcentrationParticles move from lower to higher concentrations.
MovementIn osmosis, water molecules move through a semi-permeable membrane.In Active transport, solutes move across a membrane.
EnergyOsmosis does not require energyActive transport requires energy through respiration.
Concentration GradientIn osmosis, molecules move down the gradient.In Active transport, solute moves against the gradient.
EquilibriumOsmosis maintains the equilibrium.Active transport does not maintain equilibrium.

What is Osmosis?

The terminology osmosis (now osmosis) was introduced by a British chemist, Thomas Graham, in 1854. In biology, the motion of water particles across a relatively porous layer is osmosis. 

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In osmosis, the motion is always from a solution with an elevated concentration of water particles to a lower area of water particles.

The partially permeable membrane or selectively permeable membrane allows selective molecules to pass through it. The water molecules pass in both areas. 

What is a higher and lower concentration of water?

The higher water saturation in osmosis implies a dilute sucrose solution, and the lower concentration suggests a concentrated sucrose solution.

Enclosing the plant cell with a solution that contains a higher concentration of water molecular, the water enters the cell and causes the cell to be turgid (firm). 

Turgid helps the stem to stay upright. Enclosing the plant cell with a solution that contains a lower concentration of water molecules, the water leaves the cell and becomes flaccid(soft).

When the stem cells become slack, it decreases the turgor pressure of the stem and causes wilting. If the concentration is similar, there is a net flow of water around the cell through the partially permeable membrane.

Osmosis in animal cells:

Osmosis is the primary means of transporting water into the cells. Osmosis is of primary importance in living organisms. It influences the distribution of nutrients and releases metabolic waste, such as urea.

Osmosis is essential for water and mineral absorption in plants, animals, and other living organisms. If you dip your fingers for a long in the water, the finger gets pruned. It is an osmosis reaction as the akin absorbs water and gets expanded.


What is Active transport?

In Active transport, the solutes go against a congregation gradient. For Active transport to occur smoothly, energy is essential.

Solutes go across an extent of minor concentration to the extent of inflated concentration. It is a process utilized by cells to gather necessary molecules.

German physiologist Emil du Bois-Reymond proposed the feasibility of the fluctuations of molecules’ movement over a membrane in 1848.

In 1948 Rosenberg explained the process of active transport. He said it depends on energy. Robert Krane, an American biochemist, played a pivotal role in the research of Active transport.

When the entire process gets pushed by adenosine triphosphate (ATP), it can be labelled Primary active transport. When an electrochemical gradient gets optimized for energy, the process is termed secondary active transport. 

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What is Primary Active Transport?

Primary active transport is even termed as the action of direct active transport. The activity of direct active transport makes use of cellular power to progress the particles beyond a layer.

Some solutes that transfer across the membrane comprise charged particles like metal ions. These charged particles are necessary to get spread across the body.

Ion pumps come to pass to move the particles across the membrane. There is a direct coupling of ATP in primary active transport.

What is Secondary Active Transport?

Cotransport or coupled transport are termed secondary active transport. Energy is consumed as a source of force to move molecules across the membrane.

ATP coupling is not present in Secondary active transport. The Galvanic potential difference gradient is responsible for the pumping of ions. The energy produced by pumping ions gets used as the source of energy. 

Main Differences Between Osmosis and Active Transport

  1. The factors responsible for osmosis are osmotic pressure and osmotic gradient. The factors responsible for active transport are ATP and electrochemical gradient. 
  2. Osmosis is of two types, reverse and forward osmosis. Primary and Secondary active transport is under active transport.
  3. Osmosis does not require metabolic energy. Active transport requires metabolic energy.
  4. Osmosis maintains equilibrium. No equilibrium gets maintained in active transport.
  5. Osmosis occurs through a semi-permeable membrane. Active transport does not need a semi-permeable membrane.
Difference Between Osmosis and Active Transport
  1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/on-the-movement-of-water-and-solute-in-extracellular-channels-with-filtration-osmosis-and-active-transport/C53CE19338968ED0446B8F272E854596
  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065280608600727

Last Updated : 11 June, 2023

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12 thoughts on “Osmosis vs Active Transport: Difference and Comparison”

  1. I was particularly fascinated by the description of primary active transport and the crucial role of ion pumps in transporting particles across the membrane.

  2. The details about the German physiologist Emil du Bois-Reymond’s contributions to the study of active transport were intriguing.

  3. The differentiation between osmosis and active transport, along with the historical context and scientific background, made this article very informative.

  4. The implications of osmosis in animals and the examples provided, such as the reaction in humans’ skin to prolonged water exposure, were thought-provoking.

  5. The differentiation between primary and secondary active transport was well explained and enhanced the understanding of the topic.

  6. The comprehensive explanations about osmosis and active transport provide a clear understanding of their biological roles.

  7. The information provided about the concepts of higher and lower concentration of water and their implications in plant cells was extremely interesting.

  8. The explanation about what primary and secondary active transport are, directly from the scientists who discovered them, is very clarifying.


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